Chapter 3 [Keith]

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He woke up by Shiros voice, just a whisper but it made him awake.
"Keith?" Shiro asked. "What?" he muttered, didn't had any power to sound angry anymore. "We're home."
That sounded nice, too nice, too friendly.
It wasn't Keith's dam home! It would never be that.
It was just a flat, one mattress on the floor, some beverage crates as a desk and an outlet.
It was okay for him, much better than he was used to.
Shiro left him alone while packing out, the things he needed. Keith was starring at a thing, the necklace, something he never wore. To much memories. It was one of the things he'd cared about. He remembered exactly how he got this necklace with the red lion. It was 2 years ago, in winter, all the kids in class were forced to surprise there neighbors with a little gift. He'd remember Lance's smile as he gave it to Keith. The only thing he'd from him. Kinda romantic cringe shit, just with the fact that Lance didn't thought it would be important to him. And now? Shiro told him in the car that he'd called the school and that he could go there tomorrow (no not could, have to.). Keith hated this, not knowing what will happen. But this was all just unimportant shit against the fact that Shiro maybe told them that he'd tried to end his damn life. How would you feel?
In his old school, after he tried, the kids were more than horrible. He was used to deal with bullying, fights and other stuff, but that? Worse than ever.
Shiro didn't told anyone, he tried to calm himself down. Nobody is gonna know.

"Hey," Shiro said,leaning against the door. "Can we talk now?" Keith sighed. He wasn't really in the mood to be nice (okay he like never was). "Don't you have anything to do? Fucking your boyfriend or I don't know maybe leaving me the hell alone?" Okay maybe it sounded to harsh. Instead of being angry with him, Shiro laughed. He shook his head. "You didn't changed," he grinned. "Still a homophobic shit?" he joked. "What the hell? There was fucking nothing wrong with this sentence?!" Keith responded angry. "But it's annoying me," Shiro added. "And if you annoy a homosexual, your homophobic."

Okay sometimes Shiro was cool, in his way. Keith grinned. "Your so dam annoying," he muttered, but it didn't sound soo pissed of.

[Okay, not the best chapter, But it has a happy ending! I thought some happiness for Keith wouldn't be that bad! Please leave a comment and tell me if you like the beginning!]

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