Chapter 19 [Lance]

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"I'm soo dead." I sighed as I closed the door to "my" room. Rachel was laying on the bed, chatting with someone but as I came in, she put her phone away and looked at me, trying to figure out what was wrong. The words came out of my mouth without that I wanted it, "I'm going on a date with a girl I don't even know! My best friend is probably jealous and won't talk to me anymore and Pidge is making funn of me," I probably could have went on with this list for hours, but Rachel interrupted me, "Who? You're joking?" And that was the problem, I wasn't joking, I wish I would but no, this is reality, shitty as always. "How I said," I sighed. "A girl I don't even know," She looked at me, like I lost now completely my mind. "She asked me out to the ball and, well I said yes." I ended. "First of all, I knew you were stupid and all but hey? You said yes? Seriously?" I nodded . It really sounded dumb but I couldn't change it now. "I need help! She wants to meet me tomorrow at the park and I need advice!"
Rachel sat there, in silence. "Do you really like her?" she asked after an awful long minute of thinking. This question was dumb. Of course I liked her? She's a pretty girl, she's probably very nice too. No. I don't like her, a voice inside me said. You maybe think she's pretty and all but you like someone else. "I do," I muttered. Why was I lying? Because the truth was simply ridiculous. Rachel looked at my, disappointed. She knew I was lying but didn't said anything against it. "I think I can't help you," with these words she stood up and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

privat chat,

Lance: Keith, why did you disappeared earlier?


Lance: Are you jealous?

Lance: What did I do wrong?

Keith : nothing

Lance: And why did you disappeared and didn't answered my messages?

Keith: Idk, I was busy

Lance: Sometimes it's really annoying to be your friend.

Keith: Nobody forces you to be that

Lance: That's rude

Lance: Keith?

keith went offline

lance went offline

[Sorry for this short chapter!!! I'm soo sorry I didn't posted yesterday something! I'll try my best!
Thank you!!!]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now