Chapter 24 [Lance]

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In the next days, Kayla and I hung out more often. It didn't took long until she got part of our group. Well, the bad news were that Keith did exactly the opposite. He just stopped hanging out with any of us, except Kayla. I sometimes saw both talking befor the lesson started. I really thought Keith hated her, but it looked like he just hated me. I told Pidge about all that but she just said that I was childish and that Keith could speak with whoever the fuck he want. Even Kayla changed for me, I somehow started to be happier around her that I would be when I was with the others. Maybe I just loved her and all the problems I thought of simply doesn't exist. The class tests were written and It really got a bit chilled until this morning. I met her like every day at my locker. She hugged me and smiled but her eyes looked worried. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Uhm I don't really know how to say that," she began quite, not really normal. Mostly she was loud and happy and made my smile with her jokes. "I uhm think it would be better if we break up." I really don't know how to describe this feeling, maybe shok? Sadness? It was a bit like a part of my world fragmented in thousands of parts. At the beginning of this relationship I didn't felt something for her, but now? And why? Maybe I'm not the best human but still, I thought she was happy. "It's... uhm not your fault!" she tried. Not my fault? What was she talking about? "I think you should speak with Keith." she said. And for all my questions I'd now an answer. Keith was talking to her, befor school. Keith was the one who gave her that idea. Keith was jealous because he liked her. It all made sense. I'm not often angry, no not angry, furious. Keith had destroyed my first real relationship. Oh yeah, I was gonna "talk" to him.

[Thank you soooo much for reading! Sorry it's a bit short but I wanted to get shit finished! Hope you all enjoy!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now