Chapter 29 [Lance]

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Keith fell asleep. Yeah, you heard right. In the middle of the night, leaning against me! This day was now officially crazy. Should I wake him up? Should I leave him there? Okay, no this wasn't the best way to act after I kissed him. He cloud sleep at my place, right? But how would he get there? I mean I could try it like in these romantic cringe films, I cloud hold him in my arms.

This was soo dumb. He is sixteen and even if he's small he's still a bit heavy. I saw literally nothing, It was a wonder that I didn't bumped into a tree or something. Keith was still sleeping like I was the perfect bed. My house wasn't far away but still it took me one hour to reach it.
To my luck, nobody was awake. With my last energy I opened the door to my room and layed him down on my bed. "I really don't wanna interrupt you too but.." Rachel asked, sitting on the other bed and watching me. "Oh shit!" I muttered, "I thought you were sleeping!" she yawned, "Nah not really, soo tell me: Are you too now official together?" I blushed like an idiot. "Uhm no, I don't think he likes me." I mumbled. "Are you seriously? You too look like a fucking couple and you are telling me that he doesn't like you? Did you two kissed?" "Uhm yeah?" I responded, still unsure. "It's a long story," I sighed. "Tell me!" Rachel said annoyed. "Are you sure?"
And I started, telling her about the hole day. After I finished I looked at her. "What do you think?" I asked.
"I think you have damn luck, not everyone would react like this, now come on and ask him out!" "What?" I responded shoked. "It's not like I like him or..." "Shut up,"she interrupted me." You know you like him soo, ask him out. I'm sleeping tonight on the couch."and with these words she left the room. I wasn't sure what to do so I just layed next to Keith. Damn he was really cute when he was sleeping, a bit like a kitten but I think he would kill me if I would say that to him.
How did we even get here? Well at the moment it really doesn't matter, Keith was sleeping on my chest, I could feel his heart beating. I really didn't deserve him. How could he kiss. me after ruining his life?

[Thanks for reading! Sorry for the late update! I wrote this during my lesson (online classes), it us actually pretty fun to do that, I hope tomorrow I can write more!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now