Chapter 13 [Lance]

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„Sooo," Rachel closed the door to our room. Yes I said our room. It pretty embarrassing that I've to share my own room with my twin sister. I bagged my parents thousands of times to, well let my sleep somewhere else , but nope . No chance . „Did you asked him out?" she asked serious. „What the hell are you talking about!"I tried to defend myself."First of all: Im NOT into him or any other guys, are you crazy? And second, Im into Allura! I told yeah that!" I began but she interrupted me. „And third of all: Your lying."
My face toured red again and I stummbeld, „No,I Im ..."She let herself fall onto the bed, giggling . „But seriously: You sounded like a Homophobic shit." she said, not so kindly as before. „I am totally Homophobic !"I layed next to her. „This isnt funny."
„Im not gay," I started again. She sighed . „Okay little game,"she interrupted me again, but this time I was really glad about the topic change. „Imagine you were gay," Fantastic, that shit again. „I cant!" I mutterd. I am straight . Im totally normal. There's  nothing wrong with me. „If you play know I wont ask you about that anymore ." She grinned like she had a brilliant idea. This wasn't good, but still, I agreed. „If you would be so, wich you aren't ," she rolled her eyes, „who would you find hot." Easy question." Keith." I said without thinking. „I I mean.."I stutterd,"There are lots of people who think so,"This hole talk felt slightly awkward. „Oh god,"she laughed again,"Your taking this too serious." „You know, Im bisexual." Rachel smiled. What?! „Youre what?!" I asked shoked. I knew what Bisexual meant, your parents told us. Every LGBTQ stuff was totally wrong, like my dad  said : It isnt normal, these people should get to prison for the things they do. I remember as Keith told me when we were 14 that he was gay. I never told anyone, I never spoke about it again.I was afraid that my dad would find out. Now it sounds funny, but at this time I really thought that these people were crazy. And now? „And,"she continued," I think you're Bisexual too."
I stood up in silents and went to bed. No, there was nothing to worry about, I tried to cheer myself up. Your not like that.You dont like Keith. Keith's  just  dumb friend, nothing more. You will congrat this school, find a job, marry a pretty woman (maybe Allura) and be happy. Be normal. That was Dads biggest wish.
Keith. The picture of Keith sitting on the cliff, smiling, ruined all my attempts to normalize myself again. His fluffy black mullet, his dark eyes, even his sacastic smile. Maybe I am gay, a voice inside me said. Is there a problem? In this moment not,and I dont thought about the futur, the futur can wait. All that shit will come. But at the moment, I can be as gay as the fuck I want.

(Thanks for voting and reading! Ill keep writing and posting 2 Chapters pro day (Ill try)
Thank you sooo much for reading it! Love you guys!)

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now