Chapter 25 [Keith]

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It was a pretty normal morning, I was about to go to my locker as Lance came. He grabbed my arm and dragged me in the middle of the corridor. I had totally no idea why he was doing that. I don't really like to get dragged around, you know. "Do you really think I wouldn't notice what's going on?!" he yelled at me. Now, we got all the attention from the students around us. What was he talking about, and more important : why the hell was he screaming? I was too confused to answer, I just stood there like the others and don't knowing what's going on. Kayla was the one who "saved" me out of this weird situation (well she accidentally made it even worse). "Lance, are you crazy?" she yelled know too. It could be funny to watch the hole sence but I can tell you something : It wasn't funny to be part of it. "It's his fault!" Lance hissed, still loud enough to get all the attention. My fault? Could someone please tell me what the hell was going on?! "Keith's the damn reason why you broke up with me!" Lance continued. Oh shit. Kayla said she would wait for our plan. Yeah plan, you heard right. She had a crush on Lance, but also she had enough brain cells to understand that Lance didn't felt the same about her. So, she had asked me, to ask him out because she was pretty sure he had a crush on me,(I know its totally confusing). "Was it fun making out with my girlfriend?!" Lance yelled towards me. Students started to film with their mobile phones. Now he had really went to far. I never touched Kayla, he knew that, he knew me, right? "Lance listened.." I tried to sound calm. "Oh no, I won't shut up." He responded furious. "You are getting this hole situation totally wrong!" I screamed. "Like all the times you lied to me, for example the reason why you got kicked out of your old school?" he grinned. The tea was spilled. He didn't knew. He was just joking. Right? He knew nothing, I told him nothing, he... "Should I tell them?" I could have just pushed him, started a fight or something but nope, I just stood there like an idiot. He knew nothing. It's all okay, nothing will... "Jumping of the roof? Not the most effective suicide attempt?" This was simply too much. All the questions in my head were not important, just one word : Why? I don't wanna scribe the looks they gave me, pity? Contempt? I couldn't see them. I just could see Lance, right in front of me, but was that really Lance? I've never seen him like that. "It would be better if it had worked." he ended.

[Thank you soo much for reading!!
Yeah the tea is spilled (Oh my God I love this chapter!). I know this isn't really the best way to start a romantic relationship but hey, there are soo many nice stories on Wattpad soo well I'm not soo nice. I know it's a bit a cliffhanger but I was too lazy to write another one today! Sorry!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now