Chapter 23 [Lance]

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The day started so good and now? First Kayla had kissed me (yeah okay I know she's now my girlfriend but I still don't get used to it). After that we had PE! Come on, this day was sooo brilliant until Keith ruined it. I asked him why he didn't came to school yesterday but he lied and said he was sick. Why I thought he was lying? He didn't looked me in the eyes as he said it. He isn't the best lier. So basically until this point the day was good. The problem? In English we had to write a text about something I forgot. I asked Keith, a bit too loud and he just started a fight. And you can guess, who got detention? Me, why not Keith? Most teachers are thinking he is the best student ever: quiet, working, never asking for help. That's why I sat now here, waiting for this hour to end. 90% of all students were at home now, I imagined how it would be to lay down somewhere and watch YouTube or anything except stitting here.
After a very long hour I finally got out. I was on the way to leave this hell as I heard a familiar voice. "The principal isn't sure if they want to keep Keith," Shiro said to Adam. Wait? What did Keith do now? "They asked me why I didn't send him to a therapy." he went on. Therapy? This all didn't made any sense for me. I stayed there, behind the corner and waited to hear more. "He won't try to kill himself again." Adam said carefully to Shiro. Are they talking about Keith? This was ridiculous, he wasn't someone like that. Okay MCR was emo music but just because he had black hair and listened to that shit it didn't meant that he was depressed!
" I really don't know, "Shiro sighed." Let's go home, Keith is probably burning the kitchen right now. " he added." What? "Adam asked, not really knowing if that was a joke or not." I told him to cook today. "Shiro laughed. It was now clear, they were talking about Keith.
I did they same thing and went home too. I didn't know what to do with that information. Why did Keith wanted to end his life? Why?

Group chat~

Lance: Guys, I really need your help!

Pidge : If it's about the homework NO, I won't give you mine to copy it.

Hunk: We had homework?

Pidge : Yes, I dont know what you to are doing in school but little tip, there is a person in a room called teacher. He or she tells you information you should remember after the lesson.

Lance : Very funny but this is serious!!

Pidge : I'm also serious

Hunk : What's so serious?

Lance: After detention I heard Shiro and Adam talking about Keith.

Pidge : and...?

Lance : Shiro said something about :
"Keith won't try to end his life again" and "didn't send him to a therapy."

Hunk: What?

Pidge : Oh shit...

Lance: I don't know, I'll ask him tomorrow!

Hunk: I hope he's okay and Shiro was just joking!

Pidge : I'll ask Matt, maybe he does know something about that. But one thing for sure : Don't tell anyone, if I would be Keith I wouldn't want that the hole school knows about that...

Hunk went offline

Pidge went offline

Lance went offline

[Thank you so much for reading! Hope you all enjoy!!!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now