Chapter 9 [Keith]

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Bright blue eyes like the ocean, Keith cloud lose himself in these eyes.
He didn't knew how much he missed him. Missed the breathless, tall, freckled boy wich came right in this moment into class and was trying to apologize to the teacher. Why did it had to be like this? Why can't he just "be normal" like everyone said. Be normal, don't freak out, don't harm yourself, just live a normal boring life, marry a nice woman and die. That's what a lot of people dreamed of, except Keith. Maybe the last act wasn't that bad(he would die anyways) but the other shit? Never.
Well, he said to himself, then don't ask you why you've such a shitty life.
Well to look at Lance wasn't that bad.
Now Lance saw him, it was kinda cute how shoked he was, a bit like he'd seen a ghost.  The teacher
exhorted him again, and he walked slowly to Keith and sat down. After that Keith tried to focus on the exercises, that sounded easy, right? Not when Lance was starring the whole time at him. What was his dam problem? Keith could feel the looks on him. After he asked him about that Lance tried to argue with him, this hot, kinda cute shit was definitely Lance. Keith was about to say something not soo harsh as the teacher walked by (okay yeah, he had eventually forgotten that they were in class), and gave both detention. One hour with Lance in a room, enough time to argue, fight,..., Keith wasn't sure if this made him afraid or happy. Lance was definitely afraid. He seriously tried to argue with Mrs. Smith (he asked her if he could have detention in a different room than me?!). After that, he finally shut up. The time ran by, after that we had different lessons, the whole day went by.

[I know it too short but, (yeah again) I wanted to switch perspectives again!
Hope it's not too cheesy for you!
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