Chapter 26 [Lance]

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I fucked up. This is the only way to say it. You are probably hating me right now, well I hate myself too but I can explain! But let me tell you first what happend after that. My sister once told me, words can hurt people more than weapons, at this time I didn't really understood it to be honest. Now I think I understand it, part of. To my defense : In this moment I was furious, I didn't thought about all the others listening, I just wanted to expose Keith in the worst possible way. I didn't thought about the meaning of these words, yeah I know that's stupid. I regretted it seconds after I said it, but in this moment it was out and I cloud do nothing against it. "Lance what the fuck?!" Pidge yelled at him while pushing me against one of the lockers. Her grip was stronger than I'd expected it to be. Lance didn't need to worry much that people would laugh about that  because all eyes were on Keith, waiting for a response. People asking him, laughing and waiting for the show to go on. "Keith, I'm .." I tried, not really powerful. "Disappointed that I'm not the best entertainment?" he ended my sentence, loud enough for everyone to understand. "That's exactly what you all want. Something to post, to laugh about to enjoy. Would be so interesting to see a person dying live, wouldn't it? But sorry I'm not really in the mood to be your entertainer. Kill yourself if you want to but without me." Keith ended and turned to the front door. The silence was awkward. He'd shoked the students with his reaction even if they weren't part of his problems. And me? I was the main reason of that. But I'm a human soo my brain still searched for a reason why all this was right. Kayla broke up with me, I totally forgot about that and Keith was the reason, right? The bell rang and the others walked towards their classes as if nothing happened. Just Pidge, Hunk and Kayla waited for me. Well not really waited for me to join them, no, waiting for me to probably kill me. "If I had a knife I would stab you until you would stop breathing." Pidge hissed. Hunk looked at me, disappointed. It hurted even more than Pidges anger. "Why do you thought Keith would like me?" Kaylas voice asked. "Uhm well," I began. "Because you're talking a lot and I don't know It's just logic." I responded still with a bit anger in my voice. "Uhm Keith told you that he is gay when we were 14? "Hunk asked me, slightly confused. This was the moment I knew that I really FUCKED UP. How the hell could I forget hat?! I just ruined Keith life for absolutely nothing. No reason." You don't forgot that right? This would be even too stupid for you! "Pidge looked at me."Shit." I muttered. "I have to find Keith."

[Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for the late update but online school has started where I live and I can't write to chapters at one day! But still I'll try every day one new chapter! Sorry for copying chawawa28 comment! This was just like the hole story in 4 words!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now