"I'm broken inside" Pt.7 last part

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Things are complicated. You never told Jadon what happened with you and Jj. You and Jadon are still together somehow. Jj doesn't know about that.

On the beach...
You wanted to take a walk and clear your head. It's already midnight and you're walking alone along the dark beach. Jj calls you:

"Hey baby..." the fact that he calls you baby makes you crazy because you don't know what to do.

"... where are you? Would love to see you..." says Jj.

"I... I went for a walk on the beach." You say

"Alone? Are you stupid? It's pitch black and dangerous. I'll be right there" says Jj worriedly.

Only a few minutes later you hear footsteps from behind. At first you are scared but then you see it is Jj running towards you.

He takes you in his arms and kisses you...

"Missed you" he says and takes your hand.

"I missed you too" you say softly.

"Are you alright?" Jj asks

He notices that you are different than usual.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. It's just Jadon..." you say.

"Oh he probably didn't take it well when you broke up with him right?" Jj asks

"Um... yeah... yeah exactly" you say lying

"Guess he'll just have to deal with it" says Jj laughing

You walk around a bit and then Jj takes you home.

---next day

Jadon wanted to meet you and the two of you are sitting in the wreck.

"So what's up?" You say to him as he sits down kind of pissed.

"Nothing...just wanted to see you...... So Topper told me he saw you and Maybank on the beach yesterday." Says Jadon

"So... we're friends" you say.

"Friends? Since when? Thought you'd be mad as hell at him after everything. Didn't even want to see him." Says Jadon reproachfully

He was right. But you don't know what to say.

"It was nothing..." you say lyingly.

"So walking down the beach holding hands under the stars means nothing to you? Funny... isn't it?" He says

"Oh my God Jadon I don't have to justify everything to you. Jj had problems with his father. And the only person who could always help him with that was me...so?" You say even though it's a lie

"Sorry...I didn't know...but seems like you're ignoring me...are we keeping our distance lately or what?" He says pissed

"I don't have to do that to myself" you say and get up and leave.

You walk out of the restaurant crying. What are you doing?
You know you love Jj not Jadon... but it's so complicated.

JohnB invited you and the others to come over. He wanted to chill... maybe have a few beers.
Jj heard about it and you two go together. Except you didn't know that JB invited Jadon. He thought you guys were still together. I mean, that's what everyone thinks, right?

When you get there, you see Jadon and the others sitting by the hammocks in front of the chateau...

Jj's mood immediately goes from 100 to zero.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU IDIOT?" Jj says directly to Jadon when he sees him.

Jadon gets right up and looks at me confused as hell.
The others look at least as confused as Jj and I arrive holding hands. I think Jj was looking forward to finally telling the others that we were back together.

"Where do you get the courage to show up here?" Jadon says and comes closer to Jj. 

You are so confused and scared. What is Jadon doing here? This can't be good....

"Oh wow wow... Me? What are YOU thinking showing up here man? You know she's taken, right?" Says Jj

Oh no...

"I mean yeah of course I know that... taken to me!" He says out loud

"What the... did you? ... you're kidding me right?" Says Jj and looks at you

"I'm not going to take that shit anymore" says Jj and walks angrily into the chateau....

"No wait... Jj I can explain." You say and run after him.

In the chateau

"You want to tell me that you still met with him after we talked? I thought things were settled" Jj yells.

"They are... I... Jj I didn't know what to do. You destroyed me so much and Jadon helped me out of it a little. I couldn't just dump him like you did me." You say.

"Oh come on Y/N. That's no reason to lie to me now. Tell me do you love him... or me? Who do you choose?" He asks

"No reason to lie to you? That's what you did to me for 5 weeks!" you scream

"Okay... yeah I know... sorry okay... worst thing I've ever done...I'm just so fucking broken inside...but tell me please. Who do you choose?" Says Jj again

"I know you're broken... and I'll always be there for you...and Jj.. of course...it's  you... I always would choose you. I love you. Not Jadon. I was just so confused. I'm sorry okay?" Do you say

"Yeah okay... I guess... I love you. But please don't ever lie to me again and I promise you the same. Okay?" He asks

"I promise." You say and look into Jj's eyes.

"So you're mine again now?" He asks with a smile

"I guess..." you say smiling.

"Yeah" he says and cheers

"Did you hear that? Ooooooh she's mine okay?" He shouts laughing

"You dumbass" you say laughing

He comes up to you and kisses you.

"Hopefully we can make your dreams come true for the future" he says.

Jadon has long gone. That's what the others told you. You feel a bit bad but at that moment everyone is just happy that everything is back to normal.

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now