„Who did this to you?"

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Jj lies asleep in his bed

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Jj lies asleep in his bed. It is the middle of the night, about 2 a.m.
His cell phone is next to him on the nightstand and vibrates incessantly. Every minute a new notification. But Jj just turns away from it all the time and tries to go back to sleep.
Then he is woken up by John B rushing into his room.

"JJ WAKE UP" he shouts and shakes him around.

Half asleep, JJ opens his eyes and looks at John B with a confused and annoyed look.

"are you out of your mind, it's 2am dude. I need my beauty sleep" Jj says annoyed and turns over again.

John B turns on the light and kicks Jj out of bed.

"DUDE, what the hell" says Jj with a questioning look.

"Jj it's serious we sent you thousands of messages" says John b worried.

"What's so important that you have to pull me out of my dreams?" asks Jj and sits down. He rubs his eyes.

"It's about Y/N," says John B. With those words, Jj doesn't even have to listen. He puts on his white tank top and cap and joins John B at the door. This is the fastest Jj has ever gotten ready. But when it comes to you, he's not kidding. No matter what it is.

"please tell me all is well with Y/N or on the other hand whose face my fists have to worry about" says Jj as the two run out of the chateau.

"just come and see for yourself".

John b stops after a few minutes of the two running as fast as they could. They are standing on the beach. There jj sees you sitting by the water. Your face is bleeding. Your body is covered in bruises.
Kiara is sitting next to you and Pope is also standing there.

"Fuck, man I'm gonna...-" Jj says to John b and clenches his fists. Then he takes a deep breath.

Jj knows that he can only help you in such situations if he is calm with you.

Jj goes to you as fast as he can and the other two go to John B to give you time.
He kneels down on the sand with you.

"Hey princess." Jj tilts your head up by your chin.
"who did this to you? Was it him again?" he asks calmly but still seriously as he pulls out a cloth John b gave him. He carefully dabs at your wounds.

You move your head to the side and look over at the Cameron house.
Jj looks over as well and then back at you. He looks to the side and you see him clench his jaw. You notice how he takes a deep breath to stay calm and not let out the aggression he feels at that moment. Then he looks you in the eye again.

"did he do all this to you?" JJ takes your hand and still dabs your wounds.
You nod.

"He'll never do that again, babe, I swear."
"okay come on i'll take you home" he says and lifts you up.

He carries you with both arms, once by your legs and once by your torso, to the chateau. The others follow you.
Once there, he carefully lays you down on his bed. You lie there and almost fall asleep. JJ sits down next to you on the bed and strokes your head gently. He doesn't stop looking at you until you finally fall asleep. He takes his blanket and puts it over you. Then he gives you a kiss on the forehead and gets up.

The way Jj gets up, so quickly and impetuously, the others know what's going on.

"Where do you think you're going?" asks Pope, who is standing by the door with Kiara and John.

"I'm going to go teach someone a lesson" says Jj seriously but John b stops him by his shoulder.

"Man don't do that. This is going nowhere and it's not going to end well" he says raising his eyebrows.

"dude that's the whole point of doing it." says Jj.

"okay man look at the way she looks! Look at what he did to her, I'm not going to let that snoot just keep powdering his cheeks while hers are bleeding!" yells JJ in a whisper.

"JJ, you don't really want that," Ki says worriedly.

"Maybe not Kiara, but I know my fists clearly want it" JJ smiles in an ironic and aggressive way and shakes his head. Then he is about to leave the chateau when he hears your voice.

"JJ" you say softly, half asleep. When he hears you he quickly goes back to your room and sits next to you on the bed.

"Hey gorgeous... Everything okay?" JJ asks and strokes your cheek with his thumb.

"Please don't go" you say softly.

Jj stays silent for a moment, but then comes closer to you.

"I won't go babe" he says and looks you in the eyes.

Jj would do anything for you. And if you want him to stay with you, he will. No matter how angry he is, no matter how much he wants to punch Rafe in the face, he will stay with you if you ask him to.

"I don't want to be alone" you can barely speak properly because of your bleeding lips.

"You're not, I'm with you. I'm not going away baby, promised. I'm here" he says and smiles at you.

It's hard for him to hide his anger and leave it behind for now. He knows he'll make things clear to Rafe and definitely give him what he deserves for abusing his girl like that, not later than tomorrow. You looked really bad, literally your face is completely bleeding and your body hurts so much that you can't walk. And Jj isn't sure yet if he won't kill Rafe out of anger tomorrow. But it is not difficult for him to take care of you and to be with you, to be there for you. He'd rather do that than anything else. But seeing you like this makes him so angry, the feeling is indescribable.

"Everything hurts Jj" you cry.

"I know baby I'll take care of you" he says and gives you pain pills. He also takes care of the bleeding and the bruises. After all, he probably knows best how to take care of something like that.

Jj still doesn't know why you were at the beach in the first place. Why you met Rafe or why you were out in the middle of the night alone. But he'll take care of that tomorrow. He doesn't want to overwhelm you right now. He just wants you to be okay.

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now