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(Short summary: You are long overdue and buy a pregnancy test. You don't want Jj to find out but he does and he starts to care and worry about you).

Today you all want to make a cuddly movie night together. The weather is bad and you just felt like it.

It is in the evening
Ki and you go to buy some snacks while the boys wait at home and prepare everything else.

"We have everything or Y/N" says Ki and looks over to you.
You are standing in front of the shelf with the pregnancy tests. You think that you are long overdue. More precisely for one and a half months.

"what are you doing? So we have everything?" Ki says again

"Uhm yeah yeah we have everything" you say when you take a pregnancy test hoping that Ki won't notice it among all the other things. She would worry too much if she knew.
You take another beer for Jj. His favorite beer.

You go out of the store.

"So you won't tell me why you bought a pregnancy test?!" Ki says upset

"You saw it?" I say.

"Of course I did. I know you, you couldn't have done it more obviously," says Ki

"I haven't had my period for a while. But don't worry. I just want to be sure" you say reassuringly

"Okay, I'll take your word for it" Ki says skeptically
When you arrive back home Pobe opens the door.
Jj comes towards you

"Let me take that for you baby" he says and takes the bag from your hand. You forgot the pregnancy test at that moment. You didn't want to tell Jj at first. He would also worry too much. But in that moment you didn't think about it.

Jj unpacks the things with JohnB.

"I'm going to the toilet" you say because you wanted to take the pregnancy test but didn't know that you forgot to put it in your pocket.

You notice it in the bathroom.

While Jj sees the test while unpacking the groceries.

"What the..." he says

"What's wrong?" says JohnB

"Oh uh nothing, all good" says Jj confused

You go out of the bathroom as soon as possible to get the test.

"Um, I forgot something, wait with putting the things away" you say and go quickly to the shopping bags.

Jj takes your hand and pulls you aside

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he says softly

You nod confusedly and you go into the hallway.

"baby I saw it" Jj says to you

"What did you see? What are you talking about?" you answer and pretend you don't know what he is talking about

"The pregnancy test" says Jj
"baby are you pregnant?" he says worried and takes your hand

"No... well, maybe... I don't know. I wanted to take the test" you say

"But we have always taken precautions and everything and we have always made sure that we are safe" says Jj

"I know but I haven't had my period for more than a month" you say and look at the floor

"But why didn't you tell me?" he says

"I don't know. I didn't want you to worry too much. Or to get mad," you say insecurely

"What? Babe, why would I be mad at you? I would never be mad at you for something like that. And of course I worry. About you. But I'll always be by your side," he says and raises your head with his hand

You realize that he is worried about you. And that he is very nervous.
Jj is afraid. But you are too.

"Okay baby then, go and take the test" he says and takes it out of his pocket. He puts it in your hand
"Do you want me to come with you?" he says.

"No, that's okay but can you wait outside the door?" you ask

"Princess of course" he says and gives you a loving kiss on the forehead

You go to the bathroom, take the test and wait. You have to wait 3 minutes. Time passes so slowly

"Y/N is everything okay in there?" Jj asks and knocks on the door

"Yeah, all right, I'm just waiting for the results" you say.

"Can I come in?" Jj asks

You open the door and let him in.

"I'm scared baby" you say and he takes you in his arms

"Everything will be fine, I promise. We'll get through everything together, okay?" he says reassuringly

You nod and embrace him more firmly
After 3 minutes you will see the result

"So?" says Jj nervously

"It's negative," you say with relief.

"thank god!" says Jj with a smile

He hugs you from behind and gives you a kiss on the neck.
"But one day, I can't wait to have children with you" says Jj smiling

You smile.

"you are everything to me" you say

"I love you more than my life" he replies

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now