"Who did this to you?" Pt.2

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As requested, here comes the second part. I hope you like it and if you have any requests for new stories, just write them here as a comment.
Here we go xx

It is the day after the incident

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It is the day after the incident. Jj is in the kitchen while you are still asleep in bed. He is preparing breakfast for you. Some pancakes with chocolate and an orange juice. He brings it to your room and sits next to you. You slowly open your eyes and see your boyfriend in front of you with a smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," he says, and gives you a kiss on the forehead. Because of your injuries, this is probably the only place where he can kiss you without it hurting.

"good morning Jay" you say sleepily and snuggle with your head on his lap. He plays with your hair and at the sight of you snuggled on his lap, he has to smile.

But he's also thinking about nothing but Rafe the whole time. Because every time he looks at you, Jj sees what this guy did to you. And he can't stop wondering how it ever came to this.

"Oh, I smell something delicious. Is that for me?" you ask with a smile.
"Ouch" while smiling your lips probably still hurt a little too much.

"Don't strain yourself babe. Yes, this is for you. Hopefully you can eat it at all with your injuries" Jj looks at you worriedly.

"Thank you baby" you lean in and hug him.

Jj decides to stay with you for the day. Actually he wanted to kick Rafe's ass but he doesn't want to leave you alone. At least while you are still so bad and your bruises hurt so much.
Jj takes care of you all day and tries to do everything to make you feel better.

———-It's been three days since the incident and Jj has been with you the whole time as you have unfortunately been very slow to get better. Now you are a little better, not yet good, the wounds still hurt a lot, but better. You can walk, talk and laugh normally. But when someone looks at you, it is impossible not to see that something has been done to you.

Today you decided to go out again. Jj thinks a little fresh air will do you good after all. He does everything for you and is by your side all the time. That's what you love about him and right now you appreciate it very much.
You meet at the Wreck with the crew and want to hang out a bit, eat something, drink something.

You're sitting at the table talking when he walks in. Yeah, Rafe Cameron. Everyone looks over when they notice.
Jj wants to get up but you pull him back.

"Jj, take it easy" you say to your boyfriend, who doesn't take his eyes off Rafe.

"I do...I'm totally calm" he replies with his jaw clenched. He clenches his hands into fists.
Rafe walks in and heads to the bar. He takes a drink and then goes out to the terrace after winking at you with a smirk.
That's it.
"Jj stay here man" says Pope.

"He's not worth it dude" says John b but that doesn't help.

That's it for Jj. He gets up immediately and goes out to the terrace to Rafe.

"Ooooh hello blond boy. I see you took care of those few scratches on your cute girlfriend" he says laughing and drinking from his straw.
But Jj immediately punches him in the face as hard as he can.

"Woah Maybank. That was one too many." says Rafe laughing as he wipes the blood off his nose, and he punches JJ back.

Meanwhile you all have long since run out and are standing by while trying to talk Jj down.

"you don't think you can win this do you" rafe laughs and looks to the side. Jj looks down with a grim smile and then back up.

"Bet" says JJ and slaps Rafe so they both crash into a table. They fall to the floor and a serious fight develops. But Rafe starts to weaken and eventually just lies there while Jj beats the crap out of him. Rafe's face is covered in blood and you can't really tell if he's even still alive.

Then two officers come and forcibly separate the two.

"Wohooo cops are here" Jj shouts laughing.

"Maybank come here" says one officer as he handcuffs Jj.

"JJ" you yell but the others hold you back.

"Oh...oh officer...now that they are arresting me anyway...may I please kill him before you take me away?" asks Jj in a kind of serious tone and the officer just shakes his head. While the other one takes care of Rafe, who is still lying on the ground, Jj is taken away.


"I can't believe you did that" you say as you dab Jj's wounds in the police station. You are there to pick Jj up a few hours later.

"Y/N it would have happened anyway" says Jj and looks at you.

"What do you mean?" you ask with a confused look.

Jj looks to the side for a moment, and then back at you.

"I should have killed him," Jj says, still angry.

"Jj..." you say but are interrupted.

"Y/N, the night all this happened, I was ready to kill that bastard for what he did to you. But you called me and then of course I stayed with you" Jj goes through his hair.

"I didn't know that."

"Of course you didn't. But I'm not just going to let him get away with what he did to you. He deserves more than what I did to him today" Jj says and takes your hand.

There is silence for a while.

"Babe? Why were you even with him? Or how did you end up alone in the middle of the night? I've been wanting to ask you that all along," Jj says with a worried look.

"I...I was going to Sarah's. I just wanted to talk to her a little bit. Kiara wasn't available and I needed someone." You say carefully.

"Why didn't you call me? I could have been there for you. You know how dangerous it is to walk around alone at night looking as good as you do. I've told you many times not to do that" says Jj.

"I know Jj...I...I don't know why I didn't call you. After what happened with your dad I was afraid to come to you and needed someone to talk to. And I figured talking to you about it might not be the best thing to do since you already have to deal with it every day." You say and look down.
"And then Rafe came to the door. He said things and I walked away. But he followed me and finally ran after me...and..." you say but Jj takes you in his arms.

"Princess, you don't have to go on, everything is fine. But promise me not to go out alone again no matter what, okay?" Says Jj and looks you in the eyes.

"I promise" you say

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now