„Where were you?!"

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You and Jj have been together for almost a year now. Everything is going great and you are happier than ever. And you've been living in the Outer Banks for almost two years... wow. That seems like a long time. But it's been the best time of your life so far. Anyway....

You're with JohnB at the chateau. You're sleeping with Jj there tonight, as you often do, and Jj wanted to come in the evening. But by now it's quite late. It's already dark and you start to worry. Half an hour ago you were talking on the phone and he said he was leaving soon...

"JohnB" you call as you sit down on the sofa.

"yeah... what's up" he answers and sits down next to you.

"Have you heard from Jj? He's not answering and he was supposed to be here already" you say.

"Hey Y/N. Chill. You know Jj, he's always late. And besides, it's only been half an hour. Don't worry about it" says Johnb

"Yeah...no yeah maybe you're right" you say and go to your room.

You lie down on the bed and take out your laptop. You know, your parents are actually 'kooks' and have 'money'. Anyway. But you watch a few episodes of your favourite show on the laptop. For the next hour you hardly think about Jj.

But now it's been two hours. You check your phone every minute to see if he has texted or called. Maybe his battery is empty? Or maybe he forgot? You think to yourself.
But it won't let you go. Because by now it's midnight and already more than 3 hours ago.

"JOHNB" you call out

"Yes. Yes, what is it? Is Jj not here yet?" JohnB asks in surprise.

"No... Are you sure he hasn't written to you? Shit JB I'm fucking worried" you say upset.

"No, sorry, I haven't heard from him... but... maybe his battery is dead and he fell asleep... or... I don't know. But I mean it's Jj" says JohnB.

"Yeah... yes his battery... maybe" you say and go back into the room.

You rack your brain. You have called Jj 17 times. 17 TIMES. What if he's in trouble?... Shit...

You spend the next hour staring at your phone... then the next...

It's already 2 o'clock in the night. It's been 5 hours since jj said he was coming. Shit.

"JohnB, I'm gone," you call.

"Wait what? Where are you going?" he asks.

"I'm going to find Jj. I'm going to him. Shit Johnb. It's been five hours. That doesn't fit Jj. I'm so worried" you say anxiously...

"But Y/N... don't go to him. His dad. You know" Johnb replies

"Yes I do. I know JB but what else can I do?" you say

"Okay but take care of yourself" he says and goes to his room.

Just as you are about to leave, the door opens. jj comes in.

"Jj what the..." you say but then you look closer. He's fucking drunk and stoned. You smell the alcohol and weed all the way into the room. He staggers into the chateau with a smile.

"Hey baby, I'm here now" Jj mumbles drunkenly and wants to give you a kiss.

"Are you serious? FUCK JJ! Do you know how worried I was?! WHERE WERE YOU?" you shout angrily.

"Woah... get down. Okay? I was just there for a second... I was... I was at the beach and there were some people I was just partying a bit" says Jj.

"Partying?! COME DOWN? Jj you didn't tell me where you were for 5 hours so DON'T LIAR TO ME" you reply

"I told you where I was" says Jj.

"Shit, you have no idea. You think that's funny huh?" you say annoyed.

"Oh my god chill. Be glad I didn't run away like your father did" says Jj and immediately regrets it.

"Fuck you" you say, going into the room and slamming the door. Tears come to your eyes.

"Shit Y/N no I didn't mean it" says Jj and comes into the room.

"Jj just lie down and be quiet. I want to sleep," you say, pissed off.

Drunk as Jj is, he does this.

In the morning you wake up and make tea. You come into the room and see Jj sitting there. You give him the tea.

"Baby I... I am so sorry about yesterday.... I know you were worried and I said such bad things. I am sorry" he says

"It's okay.... but Jay, tell me where you were. I know you babe... you weren't 'partying'" you say and sit down next to him.

"I'm sorry... No I wasn't partying. I was at home packing my stuff. Then I was leaving to go see you just as I texted you. But my father stopped me and beat me up. He called me names and told me what a shit I was. Then I just wanted to get drunk. And I didn't know where to go. I ran out but I didn't want you to have to put up with me like that. You always take care of me and I don't want to be a burden to you," he says and looks down.

"Baby I will always help you. Always! Okay? I'm always here for you. So please just come to me next time, yeah? You know I'm not judging you. Ever. Okay?" you say and take his hand.

"Okay" he says and kisses you.

"Thank you. For always being there. How do I deserve this?" he says and hugs you.

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now