Enemies Pt.2

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Jj remains a dick. As always. You don't really know why you hate each other. Although... somehow you do. He's so full of himself and such a player. Superficial.

You're outside the chateau. It's already dark and you're having a drink. Just talking, drinking, having fun.

"Anyone want a beer?" you ask as you grab one.

"Yeah, just give one to everyone" says Pope

You take five beers and give them to everyone. Except Jjs, which you throw at his feet.

"So tomorrow we leave on HMS Pogue?" asks Sarah.

"No, Sarah, we're swimming there, you know?" says Jj wryly.

"Funny" says Sarah

"Yeah, so we're leaving around noon tomorrow" says JohnB.

"Yeah, I don't know if I'm coming yet" you say.

"Why is that?" asks Ki

"I don't know, I'm not that into boating" you say.

"But we need you. Think about it" says Pope.

After about an hour, you've all had a few beers. Music is playing, you dance from time to time, it's actually fun.

"Anyone up for a round of Truth or Dare?" asks Jj.

"Of course my boy" says JohnB and everyone else just nods.

"So truth or dare Kiara?" asks Jj.

"Dare" she says

"Dance for us" says Jj.

"Typical" you say and roll your eyes

"I better drink" says Kiara laughing

"My turn. I ask you Jay, truth or dare?" asks JohnB

"I'll say truth" he says

"What's your problem with Y/N?" asks JohnB

"Dude the game is supposed to be fun" says Jj annoyed

"Answer" says JohnB

"I'm not going to discuss all this right now. Besides, you know" he says

"Oh, actually I don't know" you say and look at Jj.

"Haven't I told you often enough" he says and looks at you too

"How about you tell us all. JohnB seems to be interested" you say

"so you just come into our lives. Live with JohnB. Annoy us all. You're just there all of a sudden and now you think you can be so bitchy to me?" he says.

"I don't care what people think, I'll do anything," you say.

"Oh and what about the fact that you don't like me because I have money huh?" you say.

"Question answered" says Jj and turns away again.

"Unbelievable" you say

"Okay, Sarah, truth or dare?" asks Pope.

"Dare" she says

"say one thing that bothers you about Ki" says Pope

"Oh that's easy. I think you'll all agree she's a bit of a bitch sometimes" says Sarah with a laugh.

"hey" says Ki laughing

"Truth or dare Y/N" says Jj

"Dare" you say annoyed

"I dare you to kiss me" he says looking you in the eye

"in your dreams" you say

"Oh what's wrong miss "I don't care and I'll do anything"?" asks Jj provocatively

"k then" you say and stand up

"Woah" says JohnB from behind

Jj also stands up and comes closer to you.
You get closer and closer to his face and feel his warm breath on your skin.

"You really thought" you say and walk into the chateau.

"Bitch" says Jj and sits down again.


The next day you go out on the boat to try out the camera.

"Hey guys" says JohnB

"You coming? We want to go" says Pope while JB, Pope, Sarah and Ki get into the boat.

You stand still.

"Y/N why don't you come?" says Jj.

"None of your business" you say

"Okay sorry" he says and continues walking. But then he stops and turns back to you.

"Come on" he says

"I don't want to" you say a bit scared and Jj notices your voice breaking

"Why?" he asks

"Just because okay?!" you say and sit down. Tears come up your eyes.

"What the fuck Y/N are you okay?" he asks as he walks over to you.

"What do you care?" you say

"I'm not a monster okay?" he says.

"Guys where are you" shouts JohnB

"We'll be there in 10 minutes. Just wait" calls Jj. You sit down in front of the chateau.

"Why are you staying with me?" you ask, crying.

"I'm not staying with you, I want to know what's going on and then get you on the fucking boat" says Jj. Typical.

"I can't tell you. I've never told anyone before" you say.

"Okay so we're not best friends but I really want to go now so tell me. What could be so bad about a boat huh" he says a little mean.

"When I was little we went on a boat trip. My dad, my mum and me. My brother and sister weren't born yet. My dad was driving the boat and it got stormy. The weather got worse and worse and we were all very scared but I was sure my dad would save us. But he didn't. My dad and my mum had been fighting for weeks before that boat trip. My dad left. He saved himself from the boat and drove away on his jet ski. While we were there alone without knowing how to drive a boat at all. I fell into the water. I almost drowned. My mum tried everything to get me out. I just screamed for my dad all the time but he drove away. My mom made it out. But it was close. A lifeboat came to pick us up. I haven't been on a boat since. I'm scared." you say

Jj sits there shocked. His eyes are wide open and he looks at you. There is silence for a moment.

"Wow... Y/N I'm so sorry. I didn't know that... well, how could I? But that's really terrible. Sorry you have to deal with something like that" he says.

"Well it doesn't matter" you say and quickly wipe away your tears. As you stand up Jj pulls you back down by your arm.

"Wait. It does matter. You know, while we're at it... I'll tell you something about me. I have problems with my dad too. Well....more than just problems. (Jj begins to stutter)
My dad doesn't think much of me. Well... he beats me up every day. Every day anew he beats the shit out of me and insults me. He tells me what a piece of shit I am and that I'm worthless, that he would rather never have had a child and stuff like that." Jj says and his eyes glaze over as well.

"But it's okay...I mean I'm lucky to have a dad right?" He says in a broken voice.

"I'm sorry Jj, I didn't know. All this time I've been so mean to you while you have to deal with something like this." You say

"No, I'm sorry. I was an asshole to you. We don't have to be best friends... but we don't have to hate each other in our circumstances, do we?" He says and smiles slightly.

"Yeah right" you say and nod.

"Now come on. We're going on the boat. You can do this. I'll help you." He says and holds out his hand.

That was the first time you looked Jj in the face and liked him. The first time he was nice to you. You were even a bit shocked at how nice you found him. You kind of saw him through different eyes now that you know what's behind all this. Maybe there is a bloody loving heart behind it?

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