In coma Pt.5

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"Come here" Kiara says and takes Jj in her arms. She also has tears running down her face.

"I can't do this," cries Jj.

"FUUUUCK" cries Jj as he collapses on the floor.

The others can hardly stand to see him like this.

After about an hour, the others want to leave.

"Come on Jj, let's go" says JohnB.

"No, I'm staying here" says Jj without looking at him.

The others leave and it is already dark. Jj does not want to go. He doesn't want to believe it. He can't believe it. He wants to believe in you so much.
By now your heart has almost stopped beating. Suddenly Jj hears a beeping sound.

He runs to your room.

"Hey hey... better not go in there. No more access" says the doctor as he stops him.

"No please... please i heard something... there was a beeping... this thing... that fucking thing that records your heartbeat, it was beeping" says Jj crying.

"Mr. Maybank, I'm sure it was your imagination... your girlfriend's heart stopped beating... I'm sorry" says the doctor

"NO... NO I... I CANNOT... no" cries Jj and slides down the wall to the floor.

"No I am sure doctor. PLEASE!!.. please i can't lose her."

"There was a beep... PLEASE" Jj cries and bursts into tears again.

"Mr Maybank..." says the doctor.


"I'm sorry. We're going to go in there now and you should go home. It's getting late. The beeping was probably your imagination but we'll check it out" says the doctor and puts his hand on Jj's shoulder.

"NO" Jj says.

"You have to go now or we'll have to get you out!" says the doctor

"I SAID NO" replies Jj.

"Okay. Guys bring him out please. I know it's hard but you have to let go" says the doctor.

The other doctors are just taking him out. Jj tries to get away but cannot.

"NO, NO, LET ME GO, PLEASE. PLEASE YOU CAN'T DRAG ME AWAY FROM HER. I CAN'T...I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HER" Jj cries crying and trying to get away from the doctors' hands.

"DOCTOR. Please... Can I see her one more time? One more time?" asks Jj

"....Yes..yes of course. Let him go" says the doctor

The doctor nods and Jj goes to you. He can't take it anymore. But then he hears it again. The beeping. And he looks at the device and it lights up.

"DOCTOR" shouts Jj

"There's something beeping and it's glowing...I.... I told you" says Jj as the doctor comes in.

"But that's.... that's not possible...." says the doctor

"Mr. Maybank, please step outside. COLLEAGUES COME HERE QUICKLY." The doctor calls out and Jj waits outside.

He has just hope that you will live again. Or that you are alive at all. That you'll wake up. After 10 minutes the doctor comes out again.

"Mr. Maybank. A miracle has happened. Your girlfriend's heart is beating again! She's alive. And it looks like she is waking up" says the doctor.

Jj has only heard the first sentence and immediately runs into your room. He sits down next to you.

"Y/N" he says crying and smiling at the same time.

You open your eyes. Slowly.

"Y/N! Omg you're alive" Jj says smiling.

"I can't believe it, I thought I lost you" cries Jj.

You move your hand slightly. Jj takes your hand and squeezes it. You squeeze back slightly, as of course you have no strength. And you can hardly speak either.

"J....J..." you say softly.

"Yes..yes it's me baby...oh my god I love you so much" Jj cries and smiles at you.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" The doctor asks as he comes in.

Jj comes to the door and hugs the doctor.

"Sorry... but I am so happy. THANK YOU" says Jj

"I have nothing to do with that.... but we are glad that you are happy. So... we need to keep your girlfriend here for a few days. She has come out of the coma and is quite weak. And on top of that, there are the side effects of the overdose. We're gonna treat her as a top priority and as best we can. Okay?" Says the doctor.

"Yes... yes sure" says Jj

"We're going to take her off the ventilator now. Then she will be able to speak normally. Then you can talk to her" says the doctor and goes into the room.

After a few minutes Jj goes back in to talk to you.

"Hey babe" he says as he sits down.

"Hey... Jj..." you say

"I... I... damn I'm so happy you're awake" says Jj

"Me too" you say smiling
"Even though I don't remember anything" you say laughing

"Baby I... shit I thought I lost you forever. Please don't ever leave me again. Don't ever do this to me again" Jj says and tears roll down his cheek.

"I promise" you say and wipe his tears away.

"I knew you'd make it. You're so strong. I love you so fucking much," JJ says crying and takes your hand.

"I love you" you say smiling-

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now