No player Pt. 1

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You and Jj keep doing your 'thing'. The others don't know about it but they've always noticed something with you. Nothing sexual but you are always together somehow.
You always sit together, always laugh together and there are almost no days when you don't see each other. You are always teasing each other.
Besides, it's kind of your thing to fight. Just for fun. Kind of wrestling. That's your thing.
But now you can't keep your hands off each other, especially in private. You don't know what it is with you two. Or what it's going to be. How it's gonna work out. You've never talked about it. 

You're at the chateau right now. You're hanging out, having a few beers.

JohnB and Sarah are fighting. For now. They haven't seen each other in a very, very long time. It's pretty out of character for them. But oddly, JohnB didn't really seem like he cared. He seemed more... like he didn't have a girlfriend. Like he forgot about it for a second. That's not like him.
But you don't know anything about it because you just got here.
But you can see that Johnb is weird.

"Hey JB, what's up? Are you alright?" You ask JohnB as you join him on the couch. The others are in the kitchen.

"Yeah... yeah... I mean I'm fine... I'm fine" he says.

"Okay, no. That was one too many. I know there's something wrong with you" you say and take his hand.

"You know... Sarah and I had a fight. Or rather, we're still fighting. All the time I'm thinking: It's okay and I'm fine. So I try to at least act like I am, but I'm not." He says and looks down

"I'm so sorry about that... what's the argument about? What's the problem?" You ask worriedly

"It's stupid. It really is. It was about Topper and him still coming to her and still being attached and all that shit."

"Oh man. That sucks." You say and hug him.

Jj has been watching you from the kitchen the whole time. He looks very annoyed. But he tries to hold it in.

"Nah let's forget about it now. Do you want to go out with me for a bit?" He asks and stands up.

"Yeah sure" you say

You go outside and talk a bit. You practise a bit how JohnB could apologise to Sarah.

"Sarah... I'm sorry. I was stupid and didn't think.... is that good?" JohnB asks. You just laugh.

"That wasn't even close to enough. What do you think when you see her? Tell me. But tell it to me like I'm Sarah. So you can tell her too. Okay?" You say and smile

"Okay then.... Sarah... you are the most beautiful girl in the world

Meanwhile, Jj stands by the door. He is listening to you. But at the wrong time, of course.

.....You're so pretty, so sweet, you turn my head. And god you're so sexy. Um... I love..." says JohnB as Jj runs towards you.

"Hey what the fuck are you doing?!" Says JJ aggressively and pushes JohnB away from you.

"Jj chill it wasn't like..." you say but are interrupted.

"Oh really? That's what you're going with? What the... JohnB what is this?" Jj asks him. Just as JohnB was about to tell the truth to calm Jj down, Jj interrupts him.

"So your little girlfriend dumps you for a while and you go straight for Y/N?" Says Jj and JohnB snaps. That was too much Maybank.
Johnb punches his best friend in the face.

"THINK BEFORE you throw something like that at someone BRO" he says and walks away.

"So you like JohnB... wow okay... that's cool" jj says to you pissed off

"What? Jj. No! Oh my god we were just practicing. Well. How can I put this. JohnB wants to apologise to Sarah and I wanted to help him. He should practice it on me." You say and roll your eyes

"Oh..." says Jj

"Yeah... oh... and even if. Like what the. Jj what does it have to do with you if I like someone. There's nothing emotional about us Jj. We're not together or anything. Just physically... right?" You say upset

That hurt Jj. Deep in his heart. He knew it but he always hoped you two were a 'thing'. Something that would last. But apparently not. He's quiet. And his eyes are a little glassy.

"Right. Only physically," he says, pissed off, and leaves.

"Jj wait. Why is this hitting you so hard?" You ask, turning him towards you by his arm.

"Because... I mean why? Why is it only physical? What's stopping you from getting more serious?" Jj asks in a broken voice

"Jj I... I didn't know you thought that but... I can't. Okay? I can't" you say

"Why? Tell me."

"Because I don't want to get hurt again, okay? Jj you are one of the biggest fuckboys I know. And you know it. You usually fuck a girl and then leave. Not because you're a shitty person, but because that's who you are. You don't need anything serious. And you've made that very clear many times.
I mean, the others are already surprised that you can put up with me for so long. You are simply THE player jj. And I can't do that. I'm too scared." You say and somehow a stone falls from your heart. But somehow it doesn't.
Jj stands there. Totally shocked by what you just said.

"That's what you think of me?" Jj says and tears come to his eyes.

"This is what everyone thinks about you Jj" you say.

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now