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Jj hardly slept all night

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Jj hardly slept all night. If he slept at all. He racked his brain about what he should do. What he did last night is killing him right now. He can hardly believe it himself.
How could all this happen because of or after a fight between you?
"Oh, and you're going to talk your way out of this, are you?" you say, upset, to your boyfriend standing in front of you.

"Where should I talk my way out of it, I didn't do anything wrong" answers Jj.

"So you want to pretend that you didn't let all those girls flirt with you huh?" you say but Jj doesn't move.

"OK! Yeah Y/N I didn't do anything about it but I didn't say anything back either. If you weren't always so bitchy about partying it wouldn't come to this" says Jj while looking you in the eye.

"Bitchy? Sorry Jj that I'm not a party girl like the other girls you like to hang out with" you say and you get a twinge in your chest at the thought of not being what Jj wants you to be.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" yells Jj finally, kicking away a box on the ground.

"YOU HAVE NO MORE TIME FOR ME" you scream impulsively.
"Always going to parties and leaving me alone Jj".

"WOW. Y/N that's a great idea of yours to accuse me of not having time for YOU anymore?" retorts Jj.


"You know what? FUCK THIS!" says jj, packing up his stuff and leaving.


Last night, Jj was at another party on the beach. You weren't there.
The pain in Jj's chest kills him when he thinks about that night. The last night. Thinking about the advice of his friends doesn't get him anywhere. Johnb advised him not to tell you. He said Jj has too much to deal with to lose you. Sarah agrees with him. But Kiara and Pope advised the opposite.

Jj has no idea what to do. Should he tell you? But then there is a big chance that he will lose you. He couldn't take that. But if he doesn't tell you, he would always have a pain in his heart that he is hiding a huge lie from you. He couldn't do that. And then there's the possibility that you'll find out yourself. And that would definitely make things worse than if he told you directly.

All these thoughts are going through Jj's head all night long. The whole night he's awake and can't sleep a wink.


After the fight between the two of you, Jj is so pissed off that he doesn't consider the goal of getting drunk. Completely drunk. He wants to get high. Doesn't want to feel anything anymore and forget everything. This is what goes through the head of a boy after a fight with his girlfriend.
He's already completely drunk and partying on the beach.

He doesn't feel anything anymore. Doesn't think about anything anymore.

Without really realizing it, some girl takes JJ's hand late at night. She leads him away from the party to a hut on the beach. Jj is only slightly aware of what is happening. The whole world revolves around him as the girl takes off her top and sits on Jj. Without doing much, the girl takes off Jj's shirt as well.

Jj can't see anything clearly. The bass of the music still echoes in his ears and he is almost black in front of his eyes.

While all this is going on in Jj's head, the girl already leaned over him and kisses his upper body. She comes higher and kisses his mouth intensely this time.


Jj has been lying in bed with his eyes open for 5 hours. It is now 7 o'clock in the morning and he decides that there is no point in trying to sleep anymore.

The thought of what happened yesterday literally tears him apart. He has constant tantrums and anxiety attacks.
Jj stands up and punches his wall with his fists clenched in anger. He pulls back his fist and leans his head against the wall, crying. He utters a loud "FUCK".

When the others are also awake due to Jj's noise, Johnb comes into his room. He walks up to Jj and looks at him.

"Jj looks at me. It wasn't completely your fault. Okay? You couldn't help your condition" Johnb says calmly to Jj.

a little earlier in the evening:
Due to Jj's party mood, Rafe and Topper decide to have some fun with Jj. Without him seeing it, they pour drugs into his cup. And hard drugs.
Without knowing it, Jj drinks his drink in one go.

Jj throws every object he can find in his room at least once. His anger and aggression are coupled with his fear and pain.
Jj thinks only of you and nothing else. When he didn't have you his life was a wreck. He hated his life and himself. He thought he was a piece of shit, just like his father always told him. But when you came into his life everything changed. He became happy. Found peace, at least most of the time. He has a safe place. And without you, he would lose everything. He doesn't know if he could stand it without you. The whole life here. What would it all be for Jj without you?


Jj rubs his eyes as he looks straight ahead and sees the girl sitting on top of him. He can't believe his eyes and pushes her down as fast as he can.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" yells Jj, upset.

"You didn't mind" says the girl smiling.


Right now everything just revolves around Jj even more. He can't realize that he just cheated on you. But also he can't even think straight because of all the drugs and alcohol. Does he even know what he just did?


You and Jj haven't seen each other for more than 2 days now. It was only a matter of time you would show up to clear everything up. That's how you are. After a certain amount of time you can't let things like your fight sit on you and you have to go sort it out. Besides, two days without Jj is real withdrawal.

That's exactly why Jj's heart starts beating even faster. His whole body trembles at the thought that you are probably about to walk through the door. It just has to be that way. After all, you've already written him 5 messages or so today asking if you can work things out and that you want to come over today.

Jj has such a strong pain in his chest that he can't even get a word out.

He can't believe that he did something like that. He cheated on you. Even if he didn't realize it himself, he cheated on you. And he didn't do anything about it. How could this happen? He is racking his brains about how this could happen and what he has done. Do drugs have such a bad influence on him?

Jj sits on his bed in his trashed room in the chateau with fists bleeding from his aggression. Suddenly he hears footsteps. The only thing he thinks is please don't let it be you. Anyone but you. But you don't always get what you wish for.

Guys I'm so sorry for not posting Part 2 of the last posts but this here was stored bc I didn't have the time to write anything the last days... so please have sympathy.. I'll try to post them soon.

Anyways, thank you for reading. I know this was not that good but it's okay ig... have a great day xx

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