„I'm broken inside" Pt.1

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So this is a slightly longer series. There is a lot of violence in this series, a lot of jealousy, a lot of sadness, but also a lot of love.

(Short summary of the whole series: Jj breaks up with you out of nowhere. He gives no reason. You are angry and try to make him jealous with another boy. But things with the boy start to get serious. Jj goes crazy and damn jealous. He fights the guy more often and things get harder and harder. Jj gives you reasons for the break up but that only makes things more complicated. Has he lost you forever?)

It is a normal day in Outer Banks. It is warm and sunny. You go down to the water where the others pick you up.

"Hey come here" says Ki and Jj stretches out his hand to help you onto the boat.

"Hey baby" says Jj and gives you a loving kiss.

You hug the others and you go for a little ride around.
You put on some music and have a beer.

"Anyone else want a beer?" you ask and hold out to the others.

"I never say no to beer" replies Jj.

That's how you know him.
You start dancing to the music. You all have so much fun and laugh together. Jj looks so cute as he dances with his grey sweatshirt and his red cap.
It gets warm and you start to undress. As you take off your top you notice how Jj's eyes are moving towards you.

"Hmm I like that" says Jj with a smile

All you do is laugh and now you are only in your bikini. You jump into the water and cool down. Jj's eyes do not move away from you.

"Well um, sorry JohnB, I just have to go in afterwards" he says while actually talking to JohnB.
"Can't miss this" he says laughing

Jj takes off his sweatshirt and you watch him. You love the sight of him, topless. And his black necklace, which he always wears, you find especially hot. He jumps into the water.

"Watch out baby, butt bomb" Jj calls and jumps into the water with his beer.

He gives you a kiss and splashes you with water. The others jump in.

"You stupid man" you say and splashes back.

When you get back into the boat JohnB drives to Jj's house. You have to let him out at home because he has to go away with his father and won't be back for a fortnight. His father is forcing him to go. But nobody knows why they have to leave. You say goodbye to him.

"I will miss you" says Jj and gives you a loving kiss.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself," you say.

"I promise" he says.

JohnB drops him off there and takes us home as well.
You are already afraid for Jj.

Two weeks later...

Jj came back this morning. You wanted to meet Jj at the beach. It was raining and you actually wanted to go surfing.
Jj comes towards you. His eyes are red and glassy. He was crying. And has all new bruises again.

"Hey baby what's wrong? Why are you crying" you say
But Jj doesn't really let you finish the sentence.
He quickly wipes the tears from his face as if you hadn't seen them.

"It's... it's nothing" he says.

"Hey... baby come here..." you say and want to kiss him.

"No.. no..I" he says and walks a little away from you

"What... what's wrong... hey, just let me kiss you J" you say and go to kiss him again

"No... I... I can't" he says and his eyes fill with tears

"what do you mean you can't?" you say horrified

"this thing with us...we.... I-I can't do this anymore okay? I can't" he says and looks down.

"What? Jj what the hell?!" you say.

"It's better this way okay" he says and still doesn't look at you.

You are both completely wet from the rain

"What the... what do you mean it's better this way. For who? Are you thinking about me too?" you say.

"Yeah, I mean yeah. Especially for you. It just doesn't work anymore. I better go" he replies

"Okay you know what? No"
"I will go. I'm not going to let you just walk away from me. If you want to just throw all that away.... okay.... Thanks Jj. I mean... happy welcome. Missed you too" you say crying and run away.

"Shit" cries Jj and throws his cap aggressively onto the sand.

"What are you doing man" he says to himself and goes home crying.

It was out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. Nothing has happened between you, there hasn't been a fight for a long time. And he just breaks up with you. You were broken up. You were devastated. You can't handle it. With the pain.

The day after next Ki comes to you. She was worried because you didn't answer the phone.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong? Why don't you answer anything anymore?" she says worried and sits down next to you on your bed.

"Hey Ki..." you say with your hoodie on and your hood over your head.
"I... I.... Jj has....He and I we--" you say but you can't finish the sentence without breaking into tears.

"Hey, all right, come here," says Ki, and puts her arm around you. She hugs you tight.
"Take another deep breath and tell me again" she says reassuringly

"Jj broke up with me" you say with a sob

"What?! Why is that?" says Ki, startled

"I do not know. He could not tell me. It was out of nowhere."

You guys talk for about another hour and then Ki leaves.
Ki, Pobe, JohnB, and Jj meet at JohnB.
They sit outside.

"Jj what's wrong with you?" says Ki when she arrives.
The three boys seem to have been in a serious conversation before.

"What Ki?!" says Jj annoyed.

"No really Jj. Why did you do it? What happened?" says JohnB

Jj looks down and goes through his hair.

"It just is. Okay?! Why can't anyone accept that" yells Jj

"Maybe because you just let her stand there without-" says Ki but is interrupted

"Ki stop. Ok stop. I can't do this anymore" says Jj and his eyes fill with tears. He gets up, kicks his chair away and leaves.

"No Jj we won't let you go just like that!" JohnB shouts angrily.

"You left her standing there without telling her why you did it. Imagine that. She's been sitting there in her room for two days and hasn't even been outside. She doesn't stop crying, racking her brain over what she's done," says Ki screaming

"Yes, she's right, man. Jj what happened?!... what were you thinking you were doing?" says JohnB

"Okay just stop guys. Okay?! You think I'm okay? I'm cracking up inside. I'm cracking up. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking I've lost her. Okay?! It's not that easy! Damn it." cries Jj

"BUT WHY did you do it then?!" says Pobe desperately

"I-I'm gonna go now. See you" says Jj

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now