no matter what.

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"Yo, man, you hear about Y/N?" asks JJ as he walks onto the porch

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"Yo, man, you hear about Y/N?" asks JJ as he walks onto the porch. It's dark and already a little later in the evening.

"No, why? Is everything good?" asks John b worried

"I don't know that's why I asked you. She was going to text me because she was with Sarah and wanted to let me know when she left. But that was 20 minutes ago when she texted me." JJ paces back and forth nervously.

"Dude, chill. She probably met someone on the way or something."

"Yeah, maybe. But what if she didn't? Man I-"

"Okay, okay. Do you want us to go find her? I'll come with you if you want." John b stands up and reassures his friend.

"Yeah. Thanks, bro."

The two boys start to leave, when just then, JJ's cell phone rings.

"dude, that's her." says JJ as he immediately answers.
"Y/N is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I mean no..." you stutter on the phone.

"Why what's wrong? Where are you?"

"Please get here as fast as you can. JJ, my ex is here. At the Cameron's, on the beach." your voice shakes.

"Fuck, okay I'll be right there." JJ hangs up and immediately starts running. John b runs after her, confused.

"Dude, what's going on?"

"Rafe." is the only thing JJ says and John b understands immediately.

When the two arrive after about 5 minutes of running, they see Rafe grabbing you, and holding you. He throws you on the ground and kicks your stomach.

"Man, let her go!" yells JJ aggressively as he runs to Rafe.

"Stop it, please, stop it!" you cry.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" JJ punches Rafe in the face, causing him to briefly fall to the ground, and then walks over to you. While John b takes care of Rafe.

"Y/N, fuck, are you okay?" JJ squats down and helps you sit up.

"No, no he- he kicked my stomach and- JJ I-" you stutter but you can't really get the words out.

"It's all good. I'm here." JJ takes you in his arms and tries to calm you down. Then he takes your hand and helps you stand up.

"No, JJ, you don't understand. My stomach-"

"Get the fuck out of here now!" you hear John b yell as Rafe leaves and the three of you start to leave.
"I'll go ahead. If you need me, call."

"Alright." JJ mumbles as John b leaves.

"What's wrong with your stomach, baby? What did he do?" JJ can hardly stand the sight of you standing before him, helpless and in tears.

"JJ he didn't know but- I, I'm-"

"Hey, sweetie, take it easy. It's me. Take a deep breath and say it." JJ strokes your cheek.

"I- I'm pregnant JJ." you stutter, and immediately you feel pressure in your chest again.

You saw it this morning. You took a test because you didn't get your period, and it was positive. You didn't know what to do or how to tell JJ, so you went to Sarah. But just then Rafe came and had to ruin everything. "No Pogues on their side of the island".

JJ looks in shock, his eyes widen, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Fuck, are you- are you sure?" you nod in response, tears streaming down your face.
But the first thing JJ does is give you a hug. He hugs you tightly, and strokes your back.

"I'm sorry." you cry into his shoulder.

JJ leans back and holds you by your shoulders as he looks into your eyes.

"Don't you dare be sorry." JJ takes your hand.
"since when do you know?"

"This morning. I-I wanted to tell you today, but I didn't know how. And-and I thought you were gonna get mad at me because-"

"Get mad at you? For something like that? Y/N you're the most important person in my life. I- I honestly don't know how to handle it right now either. This has all been so unexpected, and-" JJ takes a deep breath.
"But I know I love you more than anything in the world. And we're going to get through this together." JJ smiles at you.

"Thank you, JJ. I just- I didn't expect this and, I- I'm just not ready for this."

"Babe, whatever you decide, I'm going to be there with you, okay? No matter what." JJ gives you a kiss on the forehead and you feel safe again.

"I- I just think we should go to the hospital, because- Rafe has, has been kicking my stomach this whole time and-"

"Fuck, yeah, yeah you're right. Come on I'll take you. I swear I'll kill him for this." says JJ, tensing his jaw for a moment.
"I'm dead serious."

No matter what JJ says about Rafe right now, you feel safe. Finally. You're more than relieved at what JJ said. Because you know he doesn't have it easy either. He never expected this, and he never wanted to get into this situation in the near future. It's the shittiest thing that could happen to him. But still, still he stays with you. No matter what.

Okay guys, I'm sorry, I know that sucked. But I wanted to at least post something so I'm not completely inactive.

You have to understand me, because I'm working all the time on the new book I'm planning to write. I am so hyped for it. I really hope you guys like it.
So, see you then. Love you x.

„You and me, I promise"--JJ Maybank (IMAGINES)Where stories live. Discover now