In coma Pt.3

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"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry princess it's all my fault. Shit it's all my fault" cries Jj.

"And if you never wake up again then...then.... I can't live with that"

"Mr. Maybank you have to leave the room now. I'm sorry but the doctors have to see her. And afterwards her mother and some of your friends want to see her." Says the doctor as he comes into the room.

Jj just nods and walks out.
The others go to him and ask what's wrong and how you are and how he is. All the things you ask. But Jj doesn't answer. He just leaves. He walks out, out of the hospital.

It's been four weeks now. A whole month. A whole month without you. A whole month where Jj still doesn't know what's wrong with you or if you'll wake up.

In the beginning Jj didn't come out. He was all the time with JohnB in the chateau, in his room. He didn't show his face, didn't go out. But after a little over a week, he seemed normal again. He didn't seem like anything was bothering him or like there was a problem in his life. He seems normal. And that's what bothers the others.

He gets drunk most of the time and is just stoned. Like he normally is. So nothing special.

But what the others don't know is that every day he comes to you, to the hospital, and brings you flowers. Or other things. He always brings you something and always checks how you are. He talks to you and cries next to your bed. He hopes every damn day that you will wake up. But nobody knows that.

"Hey baby"

"I know you can't hear me... but these conversations have kind of become normal now, haven't they?" Says Jj with a desperate smile.

"It's been exactly a month now. And I'm going crazy. I can't live without you Y/N. You are the only one who brings light into my life. Please wake up. I need you." Says jj and holds your hand.

He puts the flowers next to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead.

It's a shitty situation right now. I mean what is this? Who would have thought this would happen?

--at the chateau again --

"hey,jay," johnb says as jj walks in the door.

"You want to come? We're about to go to a party on the beach." Asks JohnB

"Yeah sure...why not" says Jj as if nothing is wrong.

So they all go to the party and have... well... fun.
It's not like it doesn't affect the others that you're not there... and may never come back. They're sad too. Especially Ki. But not as sad as Jj.

"Hey guys a round of beer pong?" Pobe asks and stands by the table.

"Never say no to beer pong" says jj laughing and stands by him.

So you play a few rounds and Jj and Pobe win. Then Kiara and JohnB again. Then also sometimes Sarah and JohnB.... however.

"Wooooah Pobe you are a true master" says Jj clapping as Pobe scores for the fourth time in a row.

After a while Jadon comes up to Jj.

"Hey Jj what's up" says Jadon as he stands next to Jj.

"Nothing" says Jj. He doesn't want to talk to him. He can't do it without freaking out.

"So I hear your girlfriend is in a coma" Jadon says smiling.

"Don't provoke me man" says Jj and looks away.

"Well, she's lying there... not knowing if she'll wake up again and you? You go to a party. You're having fun yeah?" Says Jadon provocatively.

"None of your fucking business Jadon" replies Jj. Anger rises in him.

"You're making a nice life for yourself while she suffers!" Says Jadon.

But Jj does not respond. He doesn't want to fight. Not again. He already can't hold back his anger at Jadon, but then he provokes him too. He wants to hold back his anger... for you.

Jadon comes closer to jj and puts his arm around him.

"You're really acting like a fucking asshole. Don't you miss her man?" Jadon asks, looking at Jj.

Jj can't hold back his anger any longer and punches Jadon in the face.

"DO I MISS HER?! YOU ASK IF I MISS HER?! FUCK YOU JADON. I've done nothing but fucking miss her for a month. She was all I had. She was my life. And I don't even know if she's gonna wake up. FUCK." Cries Jj

"Dude chill... if you felt like that then you wouldn't be so happy living your life" replies Jadon.

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