„I never celebtated christmas before"

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"I'm so looking forward to tomorrow Ki" you say as you grab some cereal. You spent the night at her place last night.

"I know Y/N...you love Christmas don't you?" Ki laughs.

That's right. You love Christmas. And tomorrow is Christmas Eve. You're so excited. As a child, you always celebrated together as a family. But when your dad left, everything was different. Your stepfather came and everything became miserable. But that doesn't stop you from loving Christmas and making the best of the situation. Normally your stepfather goes to his family for Christmas but this time unfortunately he didn't...

It is now evening and you are waiting for Jj to come to you. You hear a knock on the window. You are frightened and scream for a moment.

"Boo" shouts Jj and jumps in front of the window.

"Not funny" you take a deep breath with your hand on your heart.

"Oh come on, you were so scared you almost woke up the neighbors" Jj laughs as he comes in through the window.

"Not true" you say laughing

"Come here I missed you" he comes closer and gives you a kiss.

You lie down on the bed and talk a bit about your day and how you are doing and stuff.

"So tomorrow night... do you want to go surfing with me?" Jj looks at you with a questioning look.

"Tomorrow night?" you look puzzled.

"Yeah what's wrong with that?" asks Jj confused.

"Jj you silly, tomorrow is Christmas Eve" you say laughing.

"Oh... yeah right sorry. I forgot" he says

"How can you forget" you laugh. But Jj looks down.

"Well...you know I never celebrated Christmas before..." says Jj laughing. But with that laugh that actually means pain. Jj is good at that, that laugh. That laugh that is supposed to hide everything...but doesn't.

"babe I didn't know that..." you say.

"How could you. But it's okay. I'm fine. I usually go surfing on christmas. My strength" Jj laughs and looks at you. But you are hurt by the way he looks at you. You know he's not okay.

"Baby I know it's not okay. Celebrate with me. I love Christmas and you're really missing out. And I would love to have you here" Jj looks at you surprised.

"Are you sure? You guys are a family. I don't fit in there. I would surely only disturb you and ruin your evening. I know how much Christmas Eve means to you baby." he says.

"Hey look at me. Baby that's why I want you to be there. I don't want my wonderful boyfriend to be alone on Christmas Eve. This is no time to be alone. And my mother loves you. So does my sister and my brother. So I'm sure they would all just be happy. Jj you are always welcome here. And it would be your first Christmas, and even with me" you beam and look into Jj's eyes. You see the joy in his eyes at your words.

"Thank you princess. I love you so damn much." he hugs you.

"I love you too Jj" you say smiling.


It's Christmas Eve and the doorbell rings. You open it and see Jj.

"Hey baby... Wow you look pretty" you say. Jj has really dressed up. He has a suit on, very unusual. But you're also wearing a very pretty dress.

"And you either way babe. That dress looks bomb on you gorgeous."
He says with a smile.
Jj has a bouquet of flowers in his hand and something behind his back.

"I didn't know how to thank you or if I should bring something. And if so what...that's why I bought flowers for your parents.... and for you I got something too......Here my sweet" he says and hands you some roses

"You are so sweet Jj. But you didn't have to".

He comes in and is amazed at all the decorations and how nice and cozy it looks. He hands the flowers to your parents and your mother can't get over how happy she is.

"Jj come here. We'll open the presents" says your mom as everyone sits around the tree. Except your stepfather. He is upstairs waiting for dinner. Typical. But better that way.

"Come on open your present" says your mom.

"Um... me?" says Jj, confused.

"Of course you silly" your mom hands him the gift.

"This...is for me?" asks Jj hesitantly.

"Yes babe. Open it" you say

He opens it carefully and sees a note. It says he should turn around. Behind him is a surfboard. Completely new. He can't believe it.

"No way... I can't accept that. This is so perfect. How did you know?" Jj looks at my mom

"First of all, you're going to take it Jj. It's yours now and I'm sure it rides awesome. And second, I have my sources there" your mom winks over at you.

"Ooooh babe you little genius." he says laughing and looking over at you.
"Thank you SO SO much. I can't believe it" Jj hugs your mom.

"Now, YOU are so getting tested tomorrow." says Jj laughing as he looks to the surf board.

Just then your stepdad comes down the stairs.

"When is dinner......wait a minute. Who are you? The little boyfriend of her....uh oh man..... Man to man, don't you deserve better?" says Dan, your stepdad.

"What did you say?" says Jj as he stands up.

"Well, look at her. Same as always, completely wasted" he says.

You say nothing. He always puts you down, but that's nothing new. And your mom can't say anything because she'll probably get hit. That's why you're not mad at her or anything. Rather the opposite.

Jj is getting closer to your stepdad.

"Well sir if that's how you feel then I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for you that you don't see the beauty in this wonderful person. She is the greatest person on earth and you shouldn't be around her if you don't see that." says Jj.
"I... I think I'd better go now."

"No Jj. He's the one who should go." says your mother, looking at Dan.

"Oh my god, yes I'll go. Dinner isn't ready anyway" says annoyed and walks up the stairs.

"I'm sorry Miss Miller. I didn't mean to make a fuss, but I couldn't just sit there and say nothing while he said something like that about Y/N. But I guess I don't fit in here. I'm just interrupting. I don't want to ruin your evening" says Jj sadly.

"Jj look at me." says your mom.
"You're not ruining anyone's night. In fact, you're making it better. Jj you are such a great funny boy. I'm so glad my daughter has someone like you. And I'm so glad I can have you here with us. That you are part of our family Jj. Okay?" she says.

Jj stands there totally overwhelmed. Tears come to his eyes.

"Could you excuse me for a moment?" he says and quickly goes into the bathroom.

"Did I say something wrong?" asks your mom.

"No... Absolutely not mom, he's just a little overwhelmed by everything. I'm going to go check on him." you join him in the bathroom.

"Hey baby. You left in a hurry" you say as you walk in.

"I'm sorry babe. I'm just not used to all this. I've never had anything like this before. And your mom's words....something nice I've never heard from my parents before... I never will. But all of this... The gift, the words. I've never felt so loved Y/N" he says, sobbing.

"I know Jj. I'm happy to hear that you feel loved right now." you hug him.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to have a family" he says looking into your eyes. He kisses you intensely.

"Now, are you ready for dinner?" you ask and stand up. You hold your hand out to Jj who is sitting on the floor.

"I never say no to food," he says and stands up.

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