"I have a girlfriend miss"

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Things with Jadon are back to normal. What does normal mean? You're kind of avoiding each other.

"Jj can you please go to Jadon? Can you talk to him... maybe apologise?" you ask as you get ready.

"Dream on" Jj says as he gets ready too.

"Jj please just so things can get back to normal and we don't have to ignore each other".

"I don't mind if you don't have anything to do with him" he says as he takes off his shirt.

"Babe..." you say

"No baby, really. I freak out when I get near him. I don't talk to him. I'm sorry but no. He can fuck off if you ask me" says Jj.

"Okay" you say.

That was nothing. But it's no big deal, so it's no drama.

"Now come on sweetie hurry up we have to go" he says.

You two go to a party. You get ready and go.
You are infinitely happy to finally be with Jj again. Knowing that you are his. And that no one will come between you. This feeling is indescribable.

When you arrive, you have a drink. You dance a little and just have some fun.
After a while Kiara asks you to go home with her. She is not feeling well and of course you are there for her.

You go to Jj to let him know.
"Babe, I'm going home. I'm taking Ki home, she's not feeling well. But you stay here. Just have fun, yeah?" You say

"Oh okay...that sucks...hopefully she'll be better soon. Write me when you get home." Says Jj and hugs you

"I will. I'll go to the chateau afterwards. I think we'll sleep at JohnB's again tonight, right?"

"Yes. I love you princess take care of yourself" says Jj and gives you a kiss.

"I love you. Bye" you say and leave with Kiara.

You take her home and go to the chateau. You go to the guest room and read another book or something. You're not tired yet, so you want to keep yourself busy somehow.
But you are always afraid to be alone. In the dark without Jj. That's why you always wait until he comes back.
This time you lie there, with your eyes open, for hours and hours. It's half past three by now, but then you hear the door handle. It's Jj and JohnB.

Jj comes into the room and you smell the alcohol and weed all the way to you. Oh man, alcohol and weed is never a good combination. Especially with Jj. He's fucking drunk.
At first he doesn't even notice you. He takes off his shirt and goes to bed.

You like the sight very much and come closer to him. You know... you want to have some fun.
You run your hand over his muscles but then... he slaps your hand away.

"Don't touch me. I have a girlfriend miss" Jj says and turns away.

"Oh yeah... can I meet her?" you ask laughing

He turns to you but with his eyes closed. He mumbles a soft "no".
You come even closer to him and kiss him.

"Jj" you say but are interrupted.

"Get away from me, I said I have a girlfriend" says Jj and pushes you away.

You just laugh and give him a good night kiss.

"Okay madame I appreciate that but that's rude... I... I have a girlfriend and I love her more than anything so go" Jj says in a drunken voice as he sits up to avoid being touched by you.

You just lie down and you sleep. Let's see what else he knows about it tomorrow, you think to yourself with a smile.
He is so sweet. And so loyal. You're really lucky with him.

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