Chapter 39: Rescued

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Sun! The degree of sun exposure was like being in a volcanic hell. Li Cu was panting as he walked under the sun's rays, his every step so slow that he hardly made any progress.

A line of footprints were left on the sand dunes behind him— sometimes sparse, sometimes dense— and many strange small sand pits could be seen, apparently left after someone had fallen down and gotten back up.

The white desert, strange haizi, and abandoned trucks were no longer visible behind him. The desert had turned back to its proper yellow, but Li Cu didn't remember when this change had taken place. He was driven by instinct and continued to move forward according to the GPS's direction.

How long had he been gone, ten hours? He didn't know, only remembering that it had been dark at least once. When that had happened, he still had the energy to eat some food and sleep in the shade of a seemingly safe sand dune.

He had no idea how long he had been gone. The thirty kilometers Black Glasses' spoke of seemed to be three thousand kilometers, but the little bit of reason he retained told him that he was walking too slowly.

It was extremely difficult to walk in the sand, and the dehydration mixed with the high temperature made it even more difficult for him. It was good that he hadn't died yet, and he thought it was a miracle that he was still moving forward.

"Don't die!"

He thought of this sentence so much, that in his imagination, if he hadn't set out yet and that guy was still in front of him, he would have thrown it in his face: fuck, you try it!

Just when he was in a daze, he suddenly saw a long, strange color appear in the desert.

Holy shit, it's a hallucination! A real hallucination! Shit, why isn't it water or a beautiful woman? This one looks drier than the desert.

Li Cu darkly scolded as he walked over to it. After approaching, he suddenly realized that this was an old highway.

He was so stunned that his legs almost gave out and he nearly fainted. It looked like Black Glasses hadn't lied to him, even though he had felt like he had been tricked several times during his journey. Although Black Glasses was abnormal, he was still quite reliable.

He almost crawled to the road. Oh no! It wasn't the end point at all, and he still had a long way to go.

He did some calculations and decided to drink the remaining half of the water in his canteen to speed up his ending. He swallowed a few mouthfuls of the boiling water, but in fact, there was only half a cup left.

He walked on. With the solid surface of the road, the journey became much easier and he suddenly realized something: why did Black Glasses know the situation here? He didn't want to think about it anymore, though, since he had to devote all his energy to walking.

Four hours later, a modern jeep found Li Cu halfway across the Badan Jiling desert. At that time, he was lying in the middle of the road, hidden by the dazzling reflection of the sun. As a result, the jeep almost crushed him into a hairtail fish.

Fortunately, the people had rescue experience and immediately gave him a saline solution and took him to the hospital.

Li Cu was severely dehydrated and fell into a coma. When he woke up, eleven days had passed since he had fainted on the road, and his memory gradually recovered by the fifteenth day. When he saw the hospital's ceiling, along with his father's and Liang Wan's familiar faces, he immediately relaxed and said, "I'm finally back. It's over."


When you can only stake it all on one throw, you have no other choice but to do so. If you hesitate, it means that you actually have a way, but you're not willing to use it.

–Xie Yuchen

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