Chapter 198: Black Dog

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The question I faced at that time was whether to roll down the slope with the dog, or to fight the two foxes here. The advantage of rolling was that I would be with the dog. I had never been so dependent on a dog before, but there might also be two or three more foxes below. If I rolled, the two foxes would certainly chase after me, and the pressure on the dog would be even greater.

This Longzhi's teamwork was too strong, and its combat effectiveness would increase exponentially as the number of members increased.

Before I could even hesitate to come up with a solution, the two foxes forced me to make a decision. One rushed towards my upper body, and the other one rushed towards my lower body. I had to do a backbend before I could escape, and then I fell and rolled down the slope.

There was a right-angled step at the foot of the slope, and I fell heavily on it as the two foxes followed me down like shadows.

I suddenly had a better understanding of Fatty's attitude of taking a gun with him if there was one, and how he had developed the mentality that twenty detonators was better than nineteen. With a loud roar, I slashed at the shadows with my knife. The knife fell on the stone, causing sparks to fly everywhere, and my shoulders were instantly injured as I was forced to the edge of the slope.

If I fell again, I would end up back at the bottom of the valley. The slope on this section wasn't high, but I would still immediately die if I fell down again. These two foxes had calculated well. I knew I couldn't retreat anymore, so I looked at the dark figures and reached out to let one of them bite me. One of them bit my arm in an instant, and then immediately let go, unwilling to continue the fight. Its teeth pierced my skin, leaving two deep cuts. I clenched my teeth and rushed back to the turning point as the other one chased after me. By the time I climbed back to the place where the woman's corpse had been sitting, my back had been bitten six or seven times.

I pulled the jacket from the woman's corpse, wrapped it around my neck three times, then wrapped my head, and started running for the exit.

The foxes were in hot pursuit. Their killing tactic was to go for people's throats and eyes and bite them, but I had protected those vulnerable spots. I ignored them and ran up, letting out a roar through my clenched teeth.

Once the two foxes saw that it was useless to attack me, and that I wasn't bothering to defend or attack, they became anxious. They rushed to my shoulders, biting at the jacket I had wrapped there. I slapped them with the knife I held in a reverse grip, but they wouldn't stay still.

I was practically a bloody person at this point as I rushed to where the exit was. It was an iron door set up above, and when I unscrewed the rusted wrench and pushed it up hard, I found it wouldn't move. I gripped the railings on both sides, turned over, and kicked the door hard with my feet. Finally, I managed to kick it open a crack. I inserted the home-made cannon into the crack, slapped the foxes away, pushed the door hard, and then watched the stones come crashing down.

I started to crawl out, and almost cried when a cool breeze blew across my upper body. The area outside was the place where I had burned the female Longzhi. It was full of rubble, so it was unsurprising that brute force hadn't worked.

The two foxes bit my ass, and kept trying to drag me down, but luckily, I had been specially training for a long time. If it had been the me from before, I would have died.

I clenched my teeth and rolled myself up and out of the door, causing all the wounds on my body to start bleeding profusely. These things' teeth were shaped like bayonets, and the bleeding wouldn't stop unless I dealt with them. I tried to twist and turn, hoping to keep the two foxes down below, but they were too flexible. They also came out when I did, and jumped on my face, trying to get past the jacket. I struggled hard. Maybe I had lost too much blood, for once I shook them off and got up, I found that the jacket had been torn from my head, and my legs were weak. I immediately fell to the ground.

This was the moment of life and death, and the foxes had been waiting a long time for it. The both of them immediately rushed towards my eyes, moving towards my face so quickly that I didn't even have the time to close my eyes.

"Woof!" At that moment, a black shadow swept past me in a gust of wind that was really quite strong. A huge monster rushed over and bit the first fox right in front of my eyes. At the same time, it shook its head and flung the second one into the air.

A huge black dog landed on my left, and used its sharp teeth to snap the fox in two. Then, it barked twice at the one that had been sent flying.

I felt a murderous aura burst out from the dog, and the vegetation started shaking. It wasn't like a dog, but more like a panther.

The fox immediately understood that I was no longer its main opponent, and instantly fled to the grass outside the stone heap. I had burned the whole area around here, so the grass was far away.

I could only see this big black dog, and none of the other dogs Che Zhong had mentioned before. The big black dog stepped on the dead fox that had been torn in two, bent down, crushed its skull, and then looked at me and made a threatening sound.

I had some experience with my grandfather's dogs when I was child, so I knew the big dog was testing to see if I was an enemy or one of its own. I immediately took out Che Zhong's whistle and blew a few times.

The big black dog looked stupid when he raised his eyebrows and didn't show his teeth, but I knew that no matter how stupid he looked, it would only take a minute for him to kill a person.

He looked at the grass where the Longzhi had disappeared, paced slowly, and then suddenly sped up. Even though he was four or five meters away from the grass, he practically flew over there. Then, I saw two waves in the grass chasing each other at an extremely fast speed. The speed was so fast, in fact, that the huge wave that was behind surpassed and cut off the smaller wave with an amazing show of predictive power. Fifteen seconds later, the two waves collided, and I saw the fox get thrown into the air. As it flew to the side, the big black dog jumped out of the grass like a whale rushing out of the water, grabbed the fox's head mid-air, and dropped back into the grass. Then, all that could be heard was the frightening sound of bones cracking.

The big dog ran out with the fox corpse in his mouth, went to the place where I had just come out, looked at the gap, and began digging with his paws. I clenched my teeth, crawled over, pushed the stones away, and pulled the iron door open. The big dog squeezed itself through the gap and went in, and I pulled out the cannon to hold the iron door open. I then fell to the ground. My vision went black, and I felt like I was going to faint.

I grabbed a few handfuls of the ash around me, smeared it on all the painful parts of my body in order to stop the bleeding, and then fell into a semi-coma. After losing consciousness for more than ten minutes, I was awakened by a blood-covered Che Zhong crawling out of the door.

The big dog climbed up unscathed. Che Zhong's son seemed to be injured very badly, and was held in the big dog's mouth. He was placed on the ground and licked, but couldn't seem to move.

Che Zhong closed the iron door, covered it with stones, and then leaned against the stones like I did. He then asked me, "Where are the other dogs?"

When I told him I hadn't seen them, he blew his whistle several times, and then looked at the grass.

There were no dogs barking, no grass shaking, and only silence all around.

"Something's wrong." Che Zhong's face changed slightly. He had copied me and stopped the bleeding with the nearby ashes, but now he asked, "Are you sure you killed that little one when you burned the female here?"

I shook my head and said, "It should be dead. Unless it can still live under the pressure of all these stones?"

"You're really going to be the death of me. If that one didn't die, then we were wrong. I didn't see the king just now." Che Zhong looked around the grass and valley, but it was too difficult to see things at a distance in the dark, "That terrible thing is probably lying in wait."


P.s: The story hasn't end yet. Apparently, Wattpad only allowed maximum 200 chapters to be published for a novel. There's like 12 more chapters before Sea of Sands ended. Total 210 chapters. It has the longest number of chapters in the Lost Tomb Series. You guys can checked out another one which I'll put in Sea Of Sands 2 if you want to read the ending for this novel. Sorry for the trouble and confusion. Thanks for reading this novel. 

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