Chapter 58: Bodies of Friends?

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Such a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, who should have lived past her youth, was now dismembered, her body broken into pieces in the box in front of him.

After Su Wan came and took a look, he immediately sat down on the ground and said to Li Cu, "This... this is Shen Qiong."

Li Cu wasn't as well connected as Su Wan. He only thought this woman was very familiar, but he didn't know where he had met her.

Su Wan said: "Didn't Shen Qiong go to another city with her father? Why is she like this?"

Li Cu only now remembered that this girl went to the same school as them. He had met her once or twice on the playground during morning exercises when she first entered the school, but he heard that she later emigrated with her father. Now it appeared that the place where they had moved wasn't what they imagined.

Why did he have such a vague impression of Shen Qiong? Of course, it was because the girl was beautiful. But on the other hand, her parents worked in the same unit as his parents, so they must have been in contact when they were young. Despite the fact that such small contacts would always lead to estrangement, they would never be broken. As a result, he always looked at the girl more kindly than others.

"Is it really Shen Qiong?"

"I chased her and was obsessed with her for so long. Would I be wrong?"

Li Cu wrinkled his brow. Seeing her body in front of him, he felt very shocked and was at a loss on what to do. Slowly, his mood changed from shock, fear, and calmness to anger.

Li Cu always thought that he was much fiercer than Wu Xie, who would never be blinded by his anger. He kicked the coffin hard, his anger growing more and more intense as he felt that these people were very perverted. What kind of person would dismember such a beautiful girl he had lived with since childhood and send it to him?

"Fuck you, bastards!" Li Cu shouted at the door of the warehouse, as if the person behind all this was over there.

He took a deep breath, and began to put the heads on the warehouse floor one by one, before turning to the other coffins and removing the body parts from inside. He suddenly didn't have any more reservations, and was no longer afraid of getting that thin, watery blood on his clothes, or of the cold temperature emanating from the coffins. He was only concerned with putting them all together.

A lot of things would feel scary at first, but it didn't matter when you became numb to it.

Su Wan and Yang Hao still hadn't come to help, obviously not feeling the same as Li Cu, who continued struggling alone.

Soon, Li Cu had laid out thirteen bodies on the ground. When he put Shen Qiong's body together, he took off his jacket and draped it over her body, and then knelt in front of her and started to cry. It wasn't really out of sadness, but a result of crumbling under the pressure of everything that had happened.

He suddenly felt a little dazed as he discovered that his previous feeling of being different from ordinary people, and the fatalistic feeling of being ahead, made him proud. He felt like he finally had a reason to get rid of his current life. In his mind, he could even despise others and become the true chosen one.

He found that watching too much TV and reading too many novels had really caused him to form such a strange mindset.

When you were truly facing your destiny, you couldn't let all your emotions pass through. And the so-called "fate", "accelerated growth", and "schemes" he had experienced so far were so confusing and painful that they were really beyond his ability to bear at his age.

After he had finished crying, Li Cu found Shen Qiong's parents among the thirteen bodies and put them together. He then turned to Su Wan and said, "This time we're really in big trouble."

If the situation was different and the bodies didn't have names or surnames, then he would be able to handle them his own way. But now these bodies had identities, so should he call the police and inform Shen Qiong's relatives?

What else am I supposed to do? I can't hide the bodies forever. I'm under too much pressure as is.

He calmly thought about it, and remembered all the things that Xie Yuchen guy had said before. He mentioned that the other party had sent these things to him for a reason, and that reason must be hidden among the items so he'd have to look carefully.

He really couldn't do it before, but now he felt like he had no other choice.

Li Cu examined the bodies and pressed the abdomens and other parts to find out if there was anything hidden in them. He kept praying that nothing would be in the stomachs since he really didn't have the courage to cut them open.

He was only a high school student and was unwilling to undertake such a gruesome task. He wanted to ask which celestial being gave him such a shitty fate, since it seemed like he was destined to receive corpses and cut them open to find stuff.

He didn't find anything in the stomachs after his examination, but he did find a mysterious spot on all of the bodies. Each of the thirteen bodies had a palm-sized scar, which had been cut with a very small, sharp knife.

The scars had scabbed over and each one seemed to be different. Since his back had been carved like an erotic picture, Li Cu vaguely felt that these scars had something to do with the scars on his back.

He took his cell-phone out and snapped a picture of each one. He would have to go back and find a computer to see if splicing them into one big picture would reveal any clues.

Li Cu also noticed several young boys about the same age as Shen Qiong among the bodies, who had all died in the prime of their youth. He straightened the bodies and found that Su Wan and Yang Hao had retreated to the door when he hadn't been looking and were almost ready to bolt.

Li Cu sighed to himself, forget it. Covered in ice water, he walked up to them and said, "If you don't want to stay here, then we need some ice makers. Do you know where to buy some?"

After a pause, Yang Hao said, "I know there's a square with refrigeration equipment."

Li Cu said, "Then go buy me three or four sets right now. It will get dark soon, and you won't be able to buy them later. You have to hurry. But you better come back."

Yang Hao said, "Can I think about it?"

Li Cu replied: "Big Bro, I don't want this either. I was almost killed earlier. The most important thing needed when out and about is loyalty. Don't be so unfaithful, alright?"

Yang Hao gave a bitter smile and said, "Money."

As soon as Li Cu gave him the money, he ran away like a rabbit. Su Wan looked enviously at Yang Hao's retreating back and said to Li Cu, "What else do you need me to do?"

Li Cu said: "I've already taken care of the bodies and unpacked them. You'll open the rest of the boxes for me, won't you? I'm so tired I want to take a break."

Su Wan looked at the boxes and sighed deeply, then shook his head and said, "Well, how about I massage your back? You go wash yourself first and change your clothes. I'll massage your back properly, then you can continue to work."

Li Cu was too tired to walk far, and saw that in the corner of the warehouse was a recliner used by the warehouse keeper. He lay on it, closed his eyes, asked Su Wan to buy some dinner, and then began to rest.

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