Chapter 164: Fishing

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Li Cu felt like a fool. He didn't act recklessly this time, and only did these extraordinary things after careful consideration. He hoped to gain the initiative, but he found that all he got was these people no longer directly denying his opinions. Instead, they started using elaborate delay tactics and empty promises to deceive him.

He remembered the fights between his parents before, and the cheating. But it was also because his mother's character was too stubborn. In order to win, she wouldn't speak the truth, which resulted in a breakdown of communication. His father ran out of energy and began avoiding any direct conflict with his mother, using deceptions and lies to deal with her. His father's deception was immature, however, and they ended up fighting even more. In the end, his father avoided questioning by drinking and staying away from home all night.

It appeared that he had inherited some of his mother's traits. "Is it princess sickness?" Yang Hao used to ask him jokingly.

He was half awake last night, so why did he dream about this?

His mother was very beautiful, and ever since she was young, she felt that as long as she wanted something in the world, it would be given to her. And it was true.

How sad was it that he didn't grow up with the same conditions as his mother, but he still had the same princess sickness?

But once he let out his anger, he realized that there were many ways to fight in this world, he was just too young to know all of them.

He must seem like a madman in others' eyes right now. His normal surefire tactic of appearing out-of-control, hurting himself, and telling others that he could do anything, had failed. In fact, he didn't consider it a victory before, because the teachers didn't think it was worth it to continuously confront him. The teacher had directly given up when he saw that Li Cu was like this.

This time, he was too important for the other party to give up on.

He quieted down and continued class, but the camera made him very uncomfortable. That night, he began carefully calculating the code with a pen and paper.

There were still thirteen words left, and Li Cu was able to decode them one by one.

"Waterproof black light pen, your body, left lower back."

Li Cu was surprised and immediately touched his lower back, but there was nothing there.

Even so, he immediately understood what was going on. He knew what a black light pen was after reading many such novels. This was a special pen whose marks could only be seen under ultraviolet rays. It was usually used to make handwriting invisible, and many western countries even used special ink to mark some of their prisoners on probation.

What did Wu Xie write on his lower back with a waterproof black light pen? Wouldn't it have been washed off after such a long time?

He needed a black light lamp, or cash detector, or any kind of bulb that emitted ultraviolet rays. Even the kind of lamp that exterminated bugs would do.

But where was he going to get one?

In this situation, putting forward any kind of request would be strange, and it wasn't like black light lamps were readily available. Although he knew that fluorescent lamps gave off ultraviolet rays, it wasn't enough to make a mark from a black light pen glow.

What was he supposed to do? He became impatient and immediately thought of what Leader had said that morning.

He tried hard to suppress his eagerness and slowly climbed into the wheelchair. When he was situated, he swallowed the paper used to analyze the code, and made his way out of the room with a lot of difficulty.

He wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, so it was better to blow off some steam in the cool night air and think about how to get his hands on an ultraviolet light.

He had several ideas in mind already, one of which consisted of him claiming to have forged banknotes. But this behavior was too strange, and he didn't actually have any forged banknotes. The second idea was to claim that he had tuberculosis. But even if the doctors really believed him, it would be too easy for them to see what was written on his back when he was forced to get sterilized.

As far as he knew, there were a few everyday uses for a black light lamp with ultraviolet rays. How about saying there were too many mosquitoes and bugs, so he would need some black light lamps to kill them?

That wouldn't work, which left him with only two kinds: one was an ultraviolet lamp used to raise tropical fish; the other was a floating lamp used when fishing.

Since his father was an enthusiast, Li Cu had raised tropical fish before. But he didn't know if he could justify the sudden proposal to raise fish in the ward.

Fortunately, he had already formed a crazy persona, so if he suddenly thought of such an unexpected thing, all he had to fear was people thinking that he was having an attack.

His preferred option was to get a floating light for fishing, so he figured he could save the other option as his backup.

Violet light wasn't equivalent to ultraviolet light, but these violet light lamps had a large amount of ultraviolet light in their spectrum.

He had a rough idea in his mind, when he heard a noise. He turned and saw Leader coming out of a nearby room. The camera had obviously seen Li Cu leaving, so he came to check on the situation.

"What are you trying to do now?" Leader asked him.

"Do you like fishing? I can't sleep." Li Cu answered. "I thought about what you said, and you're right. I won't threaten to hurt myself in the future, so if I cooperate, will you treat me as well as before?"

When Leader nodded, Li Cu said: "I can't sleep. I want to fish. Can you lend me some fishing equipment?"

Leader looked at him. "You don't want to jump into the lake and kill yourself, do you?"

"I have a defective skull, a broken leg, three broken fingers, and hundreds of festering wounds on my body, and I still didn't die. I think I'm too proud to die at this point. I just want to be alone."

When Leader looked him in the eye, Li Cu blinked and gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Fishing pole or something else? What bait? Do you want to make a trap?" The leader gave a resigned sigh and asked.

Li Cu said, "A pole is fine. I'm just fishing casually. Just give me a night fishing lamp and a fishing basket."

Fifteen minutes later, the two men had arrived at the lake. It was obvious that Leader wasn't at ease, even though Li Cu was sitting in his wheelchair with the brakes locked. Leader stood with his fishing pole, and cast his line into the lake.

With Li Cu only able to use his uninjured hand, it was a little difficult for him to use the fishing pole. As he looked at the purple night fishing lamp to find the location of his bobber, his heart felt like it was going to burst. He couldn't wait to take off his clothes and pants.

But he refrained, and soon became absorbed in fishing, quickly catching two yellowhead catfish. He had to bide his time and wait for everything to seem logical before he could achieve his real purpose.

It was only logical not to start things himself.

From that day forward, he would go fishing for three to four hours every night, and would very humbly ask to borrow Leader's fishing gear every time.

As if he were in class, he attentively and carefully listened to what was said, and would always borrow the fishing gear after dinner.

Leader would bring the gear to him from his own residence every time. This went on for a week, but on the eighth day, Li Cu saw a brand-new set of fishing gear in his room.

He smiled and looked at his broken fingers, feeling that he was a quick learner. When people tasted the rewards of patience for the first time, they realized that there was less pain in waiting.

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