Chapter 115: Wang Meng's Dismissal

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"Stop." After Xie Yuchen said that, Wu Xie stopped him: "It's getting more and more exaggerated. I can put up with the beginning plot, but the back part is too fucking ridiculous. You don't have to make up such an exaggerated story to coax me to rest."

Xie Yuchen laughed: "How do you know what I said isn't true? Maybe that's what happened."

"It doesn't sound real, and you suddenly quickened the pace of the story, indicating that you were afraid there would be too many details to keep up with." Wu Xie said. "I'm a professional when it comes to being deceived."

Xie Yuchen was silent for a moment, and then sighed. Wu Xie's words made him feel suffocated.

Indeed, he had made up the latter half of the story. He didn't know what had happened eleven years ago to finally make Black Glasses unable to take his sunglasses off.

"After the well was drained, the building was sealed, and no one in the compound mentioned it again. When I saw Black Glasses again, the problem with his eyes had become very serious." Xie Yuchen said: "I only know one thing— he's the only one who went down into that well."

Everyone in this business had some old stories, and even if they used the most indifferent tone while retelling them, strangers would still sigh. Unfortunately, Wu Xie was all too familiar with these things.

This was an industry that wasn't lacking in legends, but what was most surprising was the desire many had to have a stable and peaceful family, or an ordinary and peaceful death. "He died of old age?" It was probably the most enviable and surprising outcome for people like them.

Was he interested in Black Glasses' eyes? Truthfully, he wasn't interested at all now.

If curiosity had a share, then his had been exhausted long ago. He was afraid he wouldn't be interested in anything for the rest of his life, and if he was— and someone asked him about it— do you know what would happen next? His first reaction would probably be disgust and fear.

He continued to listen, hoping to learn as much as possible about this person whose eyes had deteriorated eleven years ago. Although it was impossible to exaggerate, as Xie Yuchen had said before, judging from the thirteen bodies in the first half of the story, the problem with Black Glasses' eyes must be related to this time.

He only came to do a favor, but it had turned out like this in the end. And with Chen Pi Ah Si's character, Wu Xie knew very well that Black Glasses could only bear the consequences himself. Judging from his attitude so far, he at least was a very tough or optimistic person.

Such a person should be trustworthy on a basic level. Moreover, this person liked to meddle, which wasn't very consistent with Wu Xie's impression of a group of people working together.

Unfortunately, this was basically the only information Xie Yuchen knew about Black Glasses. When some important information in a person's life is discovered and released, that person's divinity basically disappears. After Wu Xie heard this, he suddenly felt like Black Glasses had become an ordinary person.

Xie Yuchen continued to talk about inadequate details and various speculations surrounding the matter. It was a very wonderful analysis, and if recorded, it could have been the main plot of a very good mystery novel, but Wu Xie really started to feel sleepy. His consciousness blurred and he slowly fell asleep.

Xie Yuchen's voice became softer and softer, and it wasn't until Wu Xie's breathing became heavy that he finally stopped talking.

Wu Xie was covered with a quilt, the curtains were drawn, and he slept in the cafe seat until closing time. When he woke up, Xie Yuchen had already left. Wu Xie's throat was very dry and uncomfortable, but the long awaited sleep had saved him.

He didn't get any decisive information from Xie Yuchen, but he also knew that no one in this business could claim to know another person completely.

In the end, he still put Black Glasses on the team he could trust. It was a gamble, but it was also the most basic gamble. His trust was founded on the message Black Glasses had sent to him, but of course, this trust still required protective measures.

This level of trust was as far as Wu Xie could go.

When he left the cafe, it was already midnight, and his ears were filled with the sound of unfamiliar music. The cigarette smoke remained constant, and his thoughts never stopped, as he walked all the way to Siyuan Bridge and dialed Black Glasses's phone.

It was an ordinary night when Wu Xie locked on to his last key ally. He didn't have many chips in his hand, and each one was stretched thin, but the situation didn't allow him to complain anymore.

Since then, he had been waiting in Beijing for news of someone's death. The day soon approached, the dark fire began to burn, and he knew he couldn't stop it.

Until now, Wu Xie had dreamed of that last meeting with Xie Yuchen every night. He had told Xiao Hua his surface thoughts long before, but that day was the beginning of everything. It was also the last day of what he called superficial peace.

Yes, he had only revealed his superficial ideas. It wasn't that he distrusted this partner who had helped him countless times, he just had to force himself not to trust anyone. After that, waiting for the news every day turned into a terrible ordeal for him.

Wu Xie woke up from his sleep again. Still a little dazed, he felt that he was still in that cafe on Nanluogu Lane and had just woken up on that warm afternoon.

Instead, he had just woken up in the passenger seat because the car had stopped.

He felt his breast pocket for his pack of cigarettes, but found that they were gone.

This was it, the plan he had given himself to end his smoking habit. He had finished his last cigarette at the rest station, and didn't need to smoke now. In fact, he couldn't smoke anymore.

The car stopped at the mountain pass, where a young lama leading two groups of ponies was waiting by the door of a nearby store.

The road couldn't be driven past that point, so ponies were the only way.

"Boss, I'll miss you." Wang Meng said. Driving such a long distance had made him sluggish, his face was haggard, and there was a fear in his eyes that revealed he didn't want to face this kind of scene.

Wu Xie handed him an envelope: "This is your remaining salary and bonus for the past few years. You're fired. When you get back, close the shop and find a more reliable job. "

Wang Meng took the envelope. The thickness alone told him that it wasn't a small sum, which left him feeling a little shaken.

"The car's for you. You're not so young anymore, don't play games all the time, ok? Go straight back. If you're here, I'm afraid I'll hesitate."

"Got it."

Wu Xie pushed the door open, got out of the car, and patted the lama robe on his body. He didn't bring anything except that outfit and those glasses. He walked up to the young lama and greeted him.

As the young lama led the little pony to him, the sound of Wang Meng reversing the car came from behind him. The car gradually drove away, taking everything in his past along with it, and instantly making everything before that moment irrelevant.

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