Chapter 104: Strangers

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They made the difficult climb along the tree roots in the well, all the way up to the crevice, and finally climbed out of the wellhead after about thirty meters.

There were a large number of insects crawling around, and the phosphorescent light here was brighter than below, causing everything to appear dream-like to Li Cu.

He saw a huge tree.

How big was this tree? The trunk alone could fill up one's entire field of vision. It couldn't even be described using such words as "several people could wrap their warms around it". Not even dozens or hundreds of people wrapping their arms around it would be enough to fully describe it.

The trunk was so thick that it was basically a wall, stretching from one end to the other.

Judging from the various ravines and crevices on the bark and trunk, it was a banyan tree whose trunk must have been formed by countless aerial roots.

They were in a huge, man-made stone hall, where the pillars and stones stretched up to a height of more than sixty meters. Beside one of the huge stones was a large statue surrounded by countless vines.

This chaotic space was indescribable. It was like a small valley with the densest and most luxuriant vegetation found in a tropical rain forest. There was no space because of the numerous vines and moss everywhere, along with the countless tree trunks and aerial roots wrapped all over the place. In the middle were vines like dense nets.

Due to the insufficient height, the huge tree began to grow horizontally after reaching the top. Its three large branches were like huge rotten arms inserted into the wall, as if the remnant of a huge monster was bent over and carrying the weight.

The weirdest thing was that Li Cu saw a lot of leaves. Even in this dark place, many parts of the tree still had dense leaves, but they were all opened downward. Did the phosphorescent light here also enable the plants to conduct photosynthesis?

Li Cu saw even more people in this huge space.

There were at least more than thirty, all scattered in twos and threes on the branches of this tree, and all had unusual fingers.

These people were very young, dressed in skintight black jackets, and carrying a lot of equipment.

Whether it was height or body proportions, all their figures were almost the same, and even their hair styles were basically uniform. No one spoke, which made Li Cu think that these people seemed to be mute.

Li Cu was placed down on a vine, and someone began to examine his body. They began to talk quietly, but Li Cu couldn't understand the language.

He felt somewhat happy when his whole body started to go numb since he couldn't even feel a thing at all before. He could hear the frightening sound of bones rubbing together as a young man carefully groped and kneaded the side of his neck.

Then, the limp and numb feeling began to course through his whole body.

It took him three hours before he could gradually feel pain again. He was in and out of consciousness for a long time, and when he gradually recovered, he found that his knee had been placed in a splint.

"Thank you." Li Cu said. It shouldn't be a hallucination, but how could there be so many people in this place?

No one acknowledged him, but they continued to stare at him quietly while they wiped his corroded skin with a liquid.

His nerves weren't very sensitive, nor did they feel very painful, but there was a kind of taut pleasure on his skin.

"Are you Boss Wu's enemies?" Li Cu asked, while wondering if these were the people Boss Wu wanted to kill.

These people were great. They were the embodiment of tacit understanding and competence.

"If you are, I've decided to defect. Take me back to Beijing and I'll tell you everything." Li Cu said. "I'll stage a mutiny and resolutely overthrow Boss Wu."

One of the black-clad men who had been standing nearby brought a jar to Li Cu's side and pulled a red snake out of it.

"You know what we want." He said. "Tell us what you feel."

He pressed the snake to Li Cu's neck, which went numb as the snake venom burned through the wound, and immediately spread to his whole body.

"I feel pain." Li Cu said, telling himself that the bad guys were definitely still bad.

Boss Wu, I was wrong.

After that, he felt dizzy as everything around him blurred.

I'm going to sleep for a while. Li Cu said to himself. Sleep, sleep, it's best not to wake up. Don't make me read anymore hormones, just let me go directly to see God.

Li Cu had previously felt that he had a kind of ability to cooperate with himself. No matter how anxious he was, he could throw everything aside and go into a deep sleep. As long as he could sleep, he would definitely be able to, but now he realized that this wasn't the case. He was merely sleepy, but throughout his entire life, he had never been as sleepy as he was right now.

The sensation of a whirling sky hit, and the pain from his neck wound spread throughout his whole body. Li Cu closed his eyes, did some abdominal breathing, and gradually emptied his mind. All the things unrelated to sleep were pushed out, and nothing appeared in front of him.

A few minutes later, he really fell into deep sleep. The black-clad men on both sides put him down, and one looked at his watch.

"If he's not dead after four hours, save him." One of them said.

"What about the others?"

"It's not good to make any rash moves until Wu Xie's real purpose is clear."

Li Cu began to dream, and opened his eyes. Damn it, he could see the sun and hear the sound of running water.

He sat up and saw himself beside a stream in a forest where many people were resting.

He saw a middle-aged man sitting quietly on the other side of the stream, shirtless. It looked like he had just gotten done doing some intense exercise, and although he wasn't panting, he was covered in dirt.

The middle-aged man didn't see him, and merely looked at the stream. From behind him, Li Cu could see other people resting far away from the stream.

They were all strangers whom Li Cu had never seen before.

The middle-aged man jumped into the stream and began to scrub his whole body. It suddenly got dark, but he didn't seem to care. Then a heavy downpour came, getting heavier and heavier as time went on. The middle-aged man stood quietly in the rain, and after five or six minutes, it finally stopped.

The middle-aged man shook his hair, headed for Li Cu, and then picked up a cage from the ground.

The cage was empty, but there was bait in it.

He threw it back into the grass and looked at the other one.

When the images overlapped, Li Cu felt his vigilance increase. He seemed unable to see himself when he looked at the other side, but his heart was still on guard.

The other cage was lifted up, revealing a red snake inside. It was coiled in on itself as it attacked the cage wall.

The middle-aged man put the cage on a stone beside the stream, which was where Li Cu was standing.

Li Cu suddenly sat down and looked at the middle-aged man face to face.

The man stepped back, sat down on another stone, wiped his face, and said to the snake in Li Cu's arms, "This is the last message for Wu Xie. I can only get this information out like this."

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