Chapter 59: Coming Home

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He wasn't afraid at all, and if these bodies were alive, he could ask them what had happened. He even hoped that they would come back to life, especially Shen Qiong. He closed his eyes, his head filled with the images of Shen Qiong's fragmented body. She had such a good figure... a high school girl who was pure, soft, sunny, and full of a youthful warmth. Now she was lying on the ground in such a fragmented way.

He closed his eyes, and in a daze, it seemed like the memory of Shen Qiong slowly became clear in his mind.

True, he didn't pay attention to her, and she didn't pay attention to him either. It may be because her appearance itself was the problem, since it was natural to take a few looks when he saw it, but that was it. That kind of thing never stayed in Li Cu's mind for long.

Now, he felt very sick as everything he had seen and heard flashed through his mind, as if he were about to fall in love with the girl. He didn't know what kind of emotion this was. Was it regret? If he could impact the girl's life, why didn't he do it back then instead of letting them pass by one another? What if they had fallen in love? What if they had become good friends? Maybe he could have changed her fate.

But now it was too late to say anything. Li Cu didn't want to see such a life die so easily, nor did he want to see the fragility and impermanence of life, which anyone would find understandable. He couldn't vent his emotions and confusion, so they turned into very strange feelings.

When Li Cu woke up in the recliner, Su Wan had already left and Yang Hao hadn't returned. He looked at the time, which showed that they should have returned by now. Even if they had gone to the bathroom and changed clothes, they would have had plenty of time to come back.

He called Su Wan and found that the phone had been turned off.

Even though Li Cu knew Su Wan's character and knew what was going on, he still scolded the bastard. He called Yang Hao and found that the phone was simply not in the service area.

He threw the phone aside in frustration. The one he actually didn't know was himself. If an ordinary person had encountered such a situation, they would have lost their mind a long time ago. So why was he still so calm?

Did he really have some kind of talent like Wu Xie said? He didn't believe it. The past few days told him that he was an ordinary boy.

He stood up and shook his aching arms. The corpses would soon start to rot and stink, so he had to think of some way. But it was very late and he had no place to find any ice making equipment. In the end, he had to go out and find various grocery stores with freezers, and then buy the freezers and their contents at a price three times higher than the market price.

He managed to collect six or seven old freezers by about four or five in the morning and carefully put the bodies in. Li Cu's heart finally calmed down once these things had been completed.

After that, he began to unpack the remaining boxes. There were nearly seventeen, all containing mummified bodies like the one from before.

Li Cu had experience this time. He hit the switch behind the mummies, made them sit up by themselves, and then looked at the hidden compartments underneath to see if there was anything in them.

Without exception, all the bodies had the same kind of broken hands hidden underneath them.

Li Cu carefully analyzed the matter and thought that these items could be divided into three categories: the first was various weapons, food, and equipment for exploration; the second was the mummified bodies; and the third was the fresh bodies.

In his mind, all of these things could be combined into a story. All the people and things here were all elements of an exploration accident. The mummies must have been found at the exploration site during the expedition. Judging from the degree of dryness, they were old and must have been found at the expedition's final destination.

The equipment was sent back after the expedition was complete, and must be the remaining materials that the expedition team didn't use.

And these fresh bodies must be the expedition team itself. In other words, all the equipment and things discovered during the expedition were sent to him. Someone had organized an expedition, and then chopped up the expedition's members. They then packed up the bodies, all the cultural relics dug up, and all the equipment, and sent them to him.

Although perverse, it was still pretty amazing.

Now, one thing that had to be understood was why everything in the expedition was packed up and sent back as a whole.

They must have been in the middle of their exploration, so what happened? Were they killed? Was it too much trouble, so they shipped them back via express delivery?

It couldn't be so illogical.

This felt like a demonstration. Just like in martial arts movies where a master goes to kill a demon, but gets killed instead. The demon ties the broken master's corpse to a horse and lets the old horse find its way back. The others think it's a triumphant return, but when the horse sees his stable and starts running, the corpse can't stand the turbulence and falls down. Everyone collapses in pain.

It was the age old Hong Kong and Taiwanese movie plot, but it fit quite appropriately if someone didn't want these people to explore there. Maybe they killed the expedition team to send a threat?

But why send it to me? I didn't organize the team.

As Li Cu was struggling to think about the possible reason for all these changes to take place, he remembered what he learned from Yuchen: the other party must have a rationale and necessary reason for doing all of this. And if that's the case, then all the information should be there.

Li Cu couldn't understand the connection between all these mailed items, but he hadn't looked at them carefully either. He told himself not to worry and to take it slowly, and there would definitely be a breakthrough. If the other party was sure he couldn't solve these puzzles, then he wouldn't have sent them all to Li Cu.

Li Cu didn't stay in the warehouse. He walked all the way back, ready to take a taxi home. The most important thing was what had happened to Shen Qiong. She and her parents had been killed, and her parents had a long history with his parents. Li Cu stilled remembered his father's strange behavior recently and wondered if this incident was related to him.

Was it really an accident that he was embedded in this whole affair? He remembered the strange containers he had seen in the desert, which he had seen when he was very young. All the clues seemed to point to an inevitable possibility: he wasn't chosen by chance. This kind of selection must not be the so-called heavenly choice, but a man-made choice.

So if he had been chosen, then Huang Yan must have known his identity before he carved that thing on his back. But why? He knew very well that Li Cu was only a very ordinary high school student and didn't have enough value to be used.

Li Cu returned home and found that there was still no one in the house, and his dad hadn't returned yet. But the paper that was in the drawer before had been put on the table. Li Cu opened the drawer and found that all the drawings inside had been taken away, leaving only some red hundred-dollar bills.

He used to live like this before when his dad often went out to socialize. He couldn't take care of himself at the time, so he had to learn to fend for himself.

He suddenly felt a sense of insecurity. What if it wasn't his father who took the drawings? What if someone else came to the house just to show him that all his actions were being watched?

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