Chapter 90: Cave

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In the villa's basement, after the Tibetan man had bathed, Fatty came out of the swimming pool and shaved alongside him in the dressing room.

The Tibetan man rubbed the skin around his tattooed hand with a special purple plaster after he was done shaving.

The tattooed skin on his hand was a completely different color compared to the surrounding skin, and there was a circle of scars around the tattoo. He obviously wanted to get rid of the scars.

When Fatty said a few words in broken Tibetan, the other man spoke Chinese with a strange accent: "You don't need to force yourself. Even if you do, I can't understand it."

Fatty laughed at himself and said, "How can it look so good since it's not your skin?"

"The wisdom of our ancestors." As the Tibetan man said this, he opened his pocket, took out the two fingers from inside, and compared them with his own, revealing a disappointed look. He began washing the fingers in the water, and when he was done, he took out a box and put them inside. There were already more than a dozen fingers lined up inside like cigars, all shrunken and dried. He sprinkled some brown powder on the two newest additions, and then closed the lid.

Fatty looked a little alarmed. "You're only interested in long fingers, right? Definitely not thick ones?"

The Tibetan man took Fatty's hand and looked it over, "If I cut it, my knife will cry."

"I didn't think your knife had a tender side." Fatty replied.

"No, my knife likes to be clean." The Tibetan put on his clothes, braided his long hair, and then left.

Fatty shrugged his shoulders and said, "All the people who can fight are weirdos."

Back upstairs, Xiuxiu had already tidied up the room, making it look as if no one had ever been there before. Fatty said, "Well, you didn't have to be so particular."

"Basic courtesy." Xiuxiu said. When Fatty kicked over the sofa that she had just tidied up, Xiuxiu angrily asked, "What are you doing?"

Fatty cut the sofa cushion with a knife, took out several rifles from inside, pulled the bolts back, and began loading them. "We're going to have a tough battle here so I think it's useless to tidy up. We'll have to redecorate."

He tossed the gun to Xiuxiu. "Come on, Uncle Fatty will teach you how to shoot."


Li Cu woke up slowly, coughing so violently that he spurted sand out of his nose.

He was no longer buried in the sand, which was strange. He touched his head and opened his eyes, finding that a lantern had been placed beside him. The light was very dim, and only an area of about three or four meters was illuminated.

He wanted to scream because his leg hurt so badly, but his recovered senses instantly prevented him from doing so after he saw the vines still entwined around him.

Except for the immediate area around him, thousands of intertwined Snake Cypress vines surrounded him.

He sat up and saw a man sitting in front of him, but to his surprise, he didn't know who this man was. It turned out that there was a complete stranger sitting opposite him.

The man was very young, dressed in a white jacket, and looking at him quietly.

Li Cu could see a huge hole in the ground behind the man's back, but he couldn't see how deep it was from that angle. The hole looked very rugged and seemed like it had been formed naturally.

Why didn't I suffocate? Where is this place? This guy saved me? Where are the others?

As he turned and touched his head, feeling like his mind was still fuzzy, he managed to ask, "Who are you? Where is this?"

The man opposite didn't answer him, but asked him a question: "Will you give me your equipment so we can both go in?"

Li Cu frowned, feeling puzzled, "What? What equipment? Where are my friends?"

When the man looked up, Li Cu found that he was exceptionally handsome, with a flawless white face. If it wasn't for his voice, Li Cu wouldn't have been able to tell whether he was a man or a woman. He continued, "Do you understand? As long as you give me your equipment, we can go in, into this hole."

In a flash, Li Cu felt that it wasn't only strange, but ridiculous too. He suddenly felt at ease, thinking that other people weren't very important anymore; rather, what the person in front of him was saying was quite amusing.

He asked the man, "Why are we going into this hole?"

The other party also laughed, as if Li Cu's question was silly. He laughed for a long time before he sighed and said, "Why are we going into that hole? Young man, inside this cave is all the wealth from Heishui City at that time, including gold, jewelry, and jade. Regardless of its historical value, we'll have enough to eat for a few lifetimes since the items are valuable enough as is."

Li Cu sat down and watched the man speak more and more happily.

The man looked at Li Cu and continued, "Did you know? This cave has all kinds of things that the human world doesn't have. It's a treasure trove of antiques which are useful for periodization. All the gold, silver, and jewelry before this generation are in this cave. And we don't know anything about them. Therefore, governments and historians all over the world will offer a high price for these relics, because they need them to complete their study of history. It'll be enough if we throw out one or two pieces, and we'll not have to worry about food or clothing ever again."

Upon hearing this, Li Cu's interest completely disappeared. It wasn't that he didn't love money— he actually liked it very much— but for him, such empty words, coupled with these huge assets, exceeded the value of what he could understand and control, and made him think that it was all illusory and unrealistic. Moreover, he didn't believe anyone who said such words, because he felt like they were just lame lines taken from a novel.

If there were only a few jewels in this cave, then he would still believe it, but the other party described it as such a vast amount of wealth that it seemed as if all the wealth in the world was a drop in the ocean in comparison. This kind of writing style seemed to be the standard for online novel descriptions. He thought that there would be many people in the world who would be puzzled by, and believe in, various legends without rationally analyzing them, but this was the first time he met one.

But he had a strong impulse to argue with this man about the matter. He also found it a little strange that he could think clearly about Su Wan and the others not being there with him, and wonder if they were dead or not. But he didn't feel any sadness, nor did he think it was important either. He just wanted to discuss the issue with this guy.

Li Cu asked him, "If what you said is true, did you really enter the cave to see it?"

Li Cu thought that he would surely wake up from this fantasy if he asked this question, because for him, it was the first time that anyone had arrived in this place, so no one could ever enter the cave. The result you would arrive at after making a determination based on various legends would therefore be nothing, and it was irresponsible for others to ask you for help based on empty legends. But Li Cu was wrong. He spoke to the man in a mocking tone, but before he had finished speaking, the other person nodded. He looked at Li Cu with a kind of experienced, contemptuous look and said, "Of course I went in."

Li Cu was stunned. If that was true, then the answer was beyond his expectations. Did he really go in? But after thinking about it, he felt it was unlikely that this man had been in, so he pointed to the cave and asked, "Have you really been down there?"

The man nodded and said, "Of course I have."

Li Cu continued: "If there's so much gold, silver, and jewelry in the cave like you said, and you've been in it, then why did you come back? As you said, shouldn't you be able to eat for hundreds of lifetimes? Why'd you come back to this place?"

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