Chapter 64: Snake Swarm

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As the three of them entered the warehouse again, the hum of the freezer made them shudder. Of course, this was mainly because they knew what was inside.

Before the three men approached the freezer, Yang Hao handed each of them a cigarette and said, "First light a cigarette, we brothers have our own destinies."

When the three men lit up, Li Cu suddenly remembered something and brought his cigarette to bow in front of the freezer. He said: "Brothers and sisters, it wasn't my intention to put you in there. I meant no disrespect. You know I had no other choice, and I wasn't the one that packed you up like that. Can you show me your spirits to tell me what to do? If you can't, don't scare us. We'll finish in a little bit and give you a big funeral. I pray you'll have a good household in the next life even though Beijing's house prices are high. Rest in peace."

"Where did you learn that?" Su Wan asked.

"A friend of a friend."

The three of them smoked half of their cigarettes, but the pressure was too great to keep smoking. They put them out, rolled up their sleeves, and got ready to go.

As they went straight up to the freezer, Su Wan said, "It's time to manifest. If you don't, you won't have a chance."

Just as he finished speaking, the freezer suddenly clattered and shook.

They all immediately froze and looked at each other, before Su Wan said, "Oh, my God, it's really manifesting."

Yang Hao raised his hand and slapped Su Wan's face, "Shut the fuck up." Su Wan pointed to Li Cu and said, "He said it first!" But he didn't get to finish the sentence.

With a thud, the freezer suddenly turned over on its own, the lid popped open, and all the corpses rolled out. At the same time, a large pile of black, arm-thick things rolled out, which all turned out to be the snakes they'd seen before.

These things scattered when they landed, flowing around the three men's feet. The men reflexively retreated, but the snakes aggressively rushed at them as soon as they landed.

"Fuck! Fuck!" When Su Wan fell to the ground after cursing twice, the other two lifted him up and dragged him more than ten meters away. The snakes moved a little slowly, and weren't as fast as the one Li Cu had encountered before. It may be because the temperature in the freezer was very low, but they were still crawling towards the three of them at a fast speed.

The wet black hairs on the ground looked as if the hair was alive.

The three men ran back and retreated to the wall, kicking away all the hair that reached their feet. Yang Hao's leg looked like it would reach the sky as he kicked the snakes like a ball towards the roof beam. He called over to Su Wan, "There's a shovel behind you, grab it quickly!!"

Su Wan nodded, picked up the shovel leaning against the wall, and threw it to him.

Yang Hao obviously wanted Su Wan to give him a chance to catch his breath, but Su Wan unexpectedly threw the shovel over. It directly smacked Yang Hao on the head, causing him to fall into the pile of snakes. He was definitely worthy of being called a street thug, as he immediately used one hand to stand up again, shook all the snakes off, and then used the shovel to continue smacking the snakes to death. After that, he glared at Su Wan.

"Save me! Save me!" Su Wan shouted while kicking the snakes. Yang Hao swung the shovel, slammed Su Wan against the wall, and then came up to help him beat the snakes back.

Li Cu was relatively calm, after all, since he had already faced one of these snakes before. He had pulled the recliner off to one side and was using it as a shield to block the snakes in front. After Yang Hao saved Su Wan, he then went up to help Li Cu and beat all the snakes to death.

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