Chapter 81: Huge Vines

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"It's so fucking big." The three of them were silent for a long time, and just like Yang Hao said, the ribbon of green light practically filled their whole vision as they looked below the sand dunes. The scene was just like those designed by the 3Dmax movie theaters, beautiful and boundless. The light and fog closest to them seemed to be palpable, as if they could reach out and touch it.

There was no peculiar smell, and the phosphorescence was colorless and tasteless, presenting a kind of ionized appearance.

Wu Xie and the blind man were under this desert.

Such a large area was really amazing.

Are you really alive? Li Cu was a little skeptical. Can the average person really survive on this scale?

Yang Hao made a few gestures, "This building under the sand seems to have large gaps, like a large warehouse. Pear, do you see anything strange?"

Li Cu narrowed his eyes. In fact, with the light and shadows, it was very difficult to really analyze this building's appearance under the sand, but Li Cu still saw some clues.

All of the green light was winding around and forming a huge figure. It was a giant hand with seven fingers.

"Do you know the holographic embryo theory?" Li Cu asked.

When the other two shook their heads, Li Cu said, "If a tree has three branches, then the number of small branches on these three branches are also three. And the number of smaller branches on these three small branches will also be three. In the end, the number of veins on the tree's leaves will also be three. If you look at these seven bands of light, they represent the seven main vines of that plant, so the distribution of this plant's vines is very clear. Ordinary vines are distributed very naturally, but looking at the desert in front of us, these vines are distributed into right angles and squares, indicating that they were separated by the building's square and right-angled walls."

"So, the gaps in these bands of light are the relatively safe parts."

The "hand" found in the coffin's secret compartment also had seven fingers, and the state of this huge plant lurking under the sand was clear at a glance.

"These seven giant vines are the main stems, and their roots are directly in front of us. So let's go to the opposite side and see how big the plant is."

The three men walked around the haizi and found that there were very few vines in the southeast. It was probably safe as long as they could run five or six hundred meters, and Li Cu couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. He also remembered that this seemed to be the direction Black Glasses told him to leave in at that time. Sure enough, he had been prepared.

The pattern on his back was very similar to the seven main vines he saw. He thought of Wu Xie studying his back before, and asked himself, are there any clues on my back related to these seven vines?

He really didn't like where these clues were going.

When the three men returned, they saw that Liang Wan was already standing on the dune where they had been standing before.

Compared with the sexy attire just now, the sportswear Liang Wan had changed into made her look much purer. The contrast between the two states made the three men feel a little distracted, and as they approached, they saw Liang Wan holding a stack of printing paper and looking at the desert they had just seen.

"I printed out the plan that that guy who threw us into the river gave me." Liang Wan explained to them.

Li Cu saw the picture in Liang Wan's hand, and found that it was very similar to the building they were seeing now in the desert.

"Amazing!" Su Wan said, "Sister, where did you get this inside information?"

Liang Wan's attention was all on the floor plans. She looked at them, gathered the drawings together, and then pointed to the root of those seven fingers in the distance. "There's the entrance. In terms of design, there are thirty ventilation shafts, which are sand-proof and dust-proof. Water can be diverted through the wellhead. If you want to enter, this should be the best spot."

"Why are we going in?" Li Cu asked.

"I'm just saying." Liang Wan answered. Li Cu looked at her, made a funny face, and then gave an inviting gesture to the desert: "Then go by yourself. Do you want us to play the saxophone again to see you off?"

Liang Wan looked fearfully at the desert, but immediately calmed down and turned back to her tent.

Li Cu shook his head, and Su Wan gave him a thumbs-up. "It only took you a few hours to subdue the evil spirit. So awesome!" Li Cu smacked his hand and was just about to sit back by the fire when Yang Hao cried out again.

There's no end to this! Li Cu thought angrily. He looked over and saw that there was a light in the direction Liang Wan had just pointed out.

It wasn't the green band of light in the distance, but dim, yellow lantern light that appeared in the darkness. Li Cu took out his binoculars and looked at it, surprised to see that there was a man standing at the foot of the sand dune, holding a lantern in his hand. The sky lantern in the dark was like a low-grade star.

The lantern was flush with his face, and although Li Cu's binoculars weren't very powerful, he recognized the man's distinctive features.

The man was wearing sunglasses.

Li Cu put down his binoculars and thought that he was hallucinating. Did he miss him that bad or something? Why did he suddenly appear in this kind of hallucination? He raised his binoculars and looked again. He saw another person behind Black Glasses, doing the same thing. It was Wang Men.

As if it were intentional, the two men's faces were lit up by the lanterns, making them look strange and mysterious. They were motionless, as if they had turned to stone.

It's haunted. These people really died. Li Cu was extremely pale. Trembling, he asked Su Wan, "Do you have anything like a peach wood sword [1]?"

"No~" Su Wan's voice was shaking.

"You have a fucking saxophone, but you don't a peach wood sword? Do you have a brain or not?" Li Cu asked.

Su Wan said, "Is there a logical relationship between the two?"

"I'll show you logic. I'm telling you, we're screwed without peach wood swords, because this desert is haunted." Li Cu said. "Moreover, these ghosts had mental problems before their death."

"I know." Su Wan said.

Li Cu wondered how Su Wan could see the two ghosts without binoculars, but looking back, he saw that Su Wan and Yang Hao had retreated far way and were looking at the foot of the sand dune.

Li Cu looked down and saw a man standing under the dune. Wu Xie stood there silently in the dark, holding a lantern and looking at them. His face was pale, and he didn't look like a living person at all.

Li Cu's hands and feet were cold. He and Wu Xie stared at each other, but Wu Xie didn't do anything and just looked at him coldly.

"Piu [2]", Li Cu made an unexpected move, and knelt down.

Su Wan and Yang Hao watch all of this with pale faces, and immediately knelt down when they saw Li Cu make his strange move. Su Wan took a package of something from his bag and threw it to Li Cu, who found that it was a large pack of napkins.

He looked at Su Wan questioningly and wondered what he was supposed to do with them. Su Wan whispered, "They won't care. Just pretend it's paper money and burn it for him."



[1] Main weapon used for demon exorcism during Taoist exorcisms.

[2] It's a sound effect. Think of it like a cartoon kind of noise. It also appeared a couple of chapters ago when Liang Wan had her breakdown in the haizi.

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