Chapter 55: Dismembered Body

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They found a warehouse in a place in Daxing in the western suburbs and drove the truck in, unloading all the items with a thud.

Su Wan was, after all, a rich second-generation who was happy to be involved, but not ready to do any work. After only moving half the items, he was already too tired and calling for his mother. But upon seeing the impatient look in the courier's eyes, he had no other choice but to grit his teeth and, while swearing, unload everything. After handing over the money, the courier patted his ass and left, running faster than a rabbit.

Facing a huge warehouse of ten thousand square meters and twenty to thirty boxes of things piled in the center, Li Cu and Wu Wan hugged each other and cried. Neither of them knew what this cry represented— was it happiness, excitement, or sadness?

The two of them didn't know that they were too young to appreciate what real emotional catharsis was in the world. They only felt that they couldn't find a better way to express their feelings after having encountered such a thing besides crying. After his tears had dried, Su Wan asked, "Big bro, what should we do?"

Before he had finished speaking, Li Cu said, "Open them. Let's see what's inside. We have to put together a rough idea of the situation before we know what to do next."

The two men approached the front of the biggest box and saw water running out of the hole that had been formed when it was damaged earlier. Apparently the ice was melting.

Su Wan asked, "Do we need to buy gloves or something?"

Li Cu said: "Don't be so squeamish, I touched it earlier and it was ok. Let's hurry up and see what's inside."

With that, Li Cu used his house key as a knife and began to cut the box. After it was opened, they found a huge, transparent plastic coffin inside. But the side had been broken at some point, which explained why the hand had been exposed.

Su Wan took a deep breath and went to open the coffin lid, but Li Cu immediately grabbed him: "Wait a minute, we have to be prepared first."

Su Wan asked, "Why?"

Li Cu said: "Look at where– and how– this hand is stretched out. The body inside definitely isn't complete, otherwise the hand wouldn't be able to stretch out from this spot."

Su Wan frowned and looked at Li Cu for a moment before turning around and shouting at the sky a few times. Then he squatted on the ground and began to cry.

Li Cu didn't cry, but said to himself: it doesn't matter, this is my destiny. And since it's fate, I have to face it. Suck it up and face it head-on.

Li Cu was just about to open the coffin when a truck horn suddenly sounded at the door, followed by two express trucks driving in. Yang Hao, who had helped them take care of the corpse before, sat in the passenger's seat and shouted to him, "Hey man, you had a good harvest today. Here are two more trucks."

Thankfully, they didn't have to unload these two trucks themselves. After paying the money again, Li Cu and Su Wan could no longer cry, but began to laugh strangely as piles of boxes were unloaded from the truck.

Yang Hao lit a cigarette and asked, "What the hell's going on with you guys? Did you start a business or something? Let your Big Bro also get involved. What kind of goods are they? Let me have a look."

Li Cu smiled and said, "Rather than look, I'll give them all to you if you can unload them."

Yang Hao said: "Don't joke, or you'll regret it."

Li Cu said: "It's definitely not a joke. If you want, you can unload them all. I'll even give you thirty yuan for each one. If you take care of them all, I'll give you a thousand."

He looked at Li Cu and Su Wan, and then spat out: "You guys are crazy, what are you playing at?"

Looking at the pile of boxes on the ground, Yang Hao squatted down to put out his cigarette and kicked the closest box. With a thud, the lid cracked.

"Oh, it's still cold. There's not a living thing in there, right? Is it seafood? Come on, come on, I like to eat Red Spotted Grouper the most. Give me one." As he spoke, he opened the lid.

Li Cu was gloating a little when the guy suddenly screamed, tumbled to the ground, rolled, and then crawled back six or seven meters before he staggered up and said, "Woah, what the hell is this?"

Li Cu said, "I told you, we're not running a seafood business. Do you believe me now?"

The man looked at Li Cu and said, "Shit, you two aren't psychopaths are you?"

Li Cu shook his head and took a deep breath before he dared to look back at the coffin this guy had kicked over. With one glance, his knees went soft. His imagination was initially running wild, but based on what he could see, anything he imagined wouldn't even come close. The scene in front of him was indescribable.

Yes, they were body fragments, but what kind of fragments were they?

Let's imagine it: you face a box, knowing that there are a lot of fragments from a corpse inside. And when you open it, you find that it's exactly as you predicted. In this case, what else would surprise you?

When Li Cu looked into the box, he had already thought over countless horrifying scenes involving dismembered corpses. But when he saw the situation inside, he gasped and almost fell to the ground.

He saw a dismembered hand, under which sat a lot of other limbs wrapped in ice that also appeared to be dismembered hands. That basically meant that he was looking at a box full of hands.

Li Cu sat on the ground for four or five minutes with his mind completely blank.

Su Wan lifted him up, and the three of them went back to the box again and squatted down to check. They confirmed the situation inside again. Indeed, all the things wrapped in crushed ice were hands, and they all looked different. There were long and short ones, thick and thin ones, and ones that belonged to men and women, but the one common trait was that they were all right hands.

They looked at each other, and Li Cu finally said: "If it's like this, are these people trading in human organs?"

Su Wan said, "But these hands are almost rotten. They can't even be used for soup, let alone for transplants. Moreover, I've never even heard of anything like a hand transplant."

Li Cu said: "They're all right hands, so where's the rest of the body?"

Su Wan looked at the boxes behind him: "This is so messed up. If so many people were cut into pieces, and the perpetrators wanted to mix them up, then they wouldn't have packed them so neatly. All the right hands get packed together in one box and all the left hands in another... is the person who dismembered and repackaged the corpses OCD? Otherwise, they must have a reason for doing so."

Li Cu had a splitting headache and a strange feeling in his throat. He didn't know what this feeling meant until he got up, took a few steps back, and then started puking.

Su Wan rushed over to help him, but also started puking almost at the same time. After heaving a few more times, Su Wan managed to say to Li Cu, "Shouldn't we be panicking right now? Why are we puking so calmly?"

"I don't know." Li Cu could only grimace as he said to Su Wan, "If you've watched a lot of American dramas or cartoons, this is the kind of thing that can kill people."

Su Wan said, "Li Cu, we can't go on like this. I don't know if this is like those movies you've seen, but I think we were tricked. If this continues, what else will they send? They were dry before, but now they're wet. Will they send something worse later?"

Li Cu exhaled, spat out the dirt in his mouth, and said: "Someone told me that there's a reason these things were sent, and there's nothing they can do to help. We have to find out what this reason is."

He looked at the cardboard boxes in front of him and said to Su Wan, "Open them all. We need to know what's in them. Even if the insides are full of heads, feet, and butts, we have to put them all together.

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