Chapter 107: Wu Xie's Ambition

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During the many long, sharp nights, Wu Xie looked out of the window in despair. Neither the moonlight nor the sound of rain outside the lonely room could give him any hope.

He felt that his life was nothing more than a circular city wall, and he was trapped inside. He knocked angrily against the inner wall, feeling that it was all in vain. He was angry because he wanted to see everything outside the city wall, but the stone blocked him from the seeing the clear truth outside.

As a result, he tried to climb out. When he used his hatred to climb up the wall and leaned his head out, he finally saw the true face of the world.

The most terrible thing was, it wasn't what he was expecting to see—wall after wall running along the outer edge, or a never-ending enclosure, or even a hellish landscape.

It was just nothing.

There wasn't an exacting truth, just a meaningless fog with endless and inextricable possibilities.

People shouldn't ask what they don't want to know.

He was drowning in despair and fear. Everything he was fighting against was so huge and invisible, it was impossible to explore. It was just like those physicists who used cutting-edge science to study the universe, and finally learned "it's impossible to understand such a thing."

It was like looking for a specific water molecule in the sea, but you only have one lifetime to do it.

He needed a god.

After the shocking despair, he often felt that he needed a god, or some kind of savior. He needed a divine power independent of the whole world to tell him an answer; a solid, strong, definite answer.

Everything originated from this idea. He was meditating and expecting this god to appear, but reason made him realize that it was hopeless and impossible.

This endless mass of fog was the great hidden god he was waiting for, but it wouldn't naturally disappear for the sake of a curious little boss.

But after thinking about it some more, Wu Xie suddenly realized a terrible method that might be the only way to clear the fog.

For their enslavers, this fog was always omnipresent, and the relationships they built upon stealing tribute and balancing everything were the foundation of this world. When it came to economics, they hoped that everything would be balanced, and there wouldn't be any changes.

It was only when the world started going out of control that the hidden controllers could really intervene.

Just like in the myths, the demons never directly attacked the kingdom of God. They first started by destroying the world, whether it was causing wars, plagues, massacres, floods...

He was now facing the same situation— this fog was controlling everything and interfering with too many things.

This fog hadn't had any opponents for a long time, and it was impossible to find its location.

If the shepherd can't be found, then you have to attack their sheep.

But who were their sheep?

We are. Wu Xie suddenly sneered and couldn't help humming the theme song of Pleasant Goat [1].

In the first step of Wu Xie's plan, he wanted to create a demon and have it attack him.

They all had their own weaknesses, and knew them very well, so the demon would surely win a big victory. Especially considering that no one was more efficient at destroying themselves than themselves.

The demon would make a fatal trap, and the sheep would use all their abilities to resist, but they'd eventually fall into an irredeemable situation and be led into the trap.

Unfortunately, the demon's trap was childish and ridiculous to the beholder in the fog, and could easily be destroyed.

But would they destroy it?

No, their goal was the demon, and all of that destruction was insignificant. What they truly wanted to destroy was the demon.

It was too easy to rebuild a world, especially when the lives of these lambs were just a redistribution of benefits to them.

Let the demon take this world. As long as it showed up, everything about it would be investigated immediately, and it would instantly be erased.

The killer in the fog would lurk in the trap, waiting for the demon to harvest the loot.

But the demon wouldn't appear.

Because it didn't exist.

Under the other party's watchful eyes, some absurd and ineffective schemes would take place, including more outlying issues and unexpected events. This was the first phase, which was enough to confuse the other side and make them think and respond.

Of course, this wasn't Wu Xie's aim.

The whole plan slowly spread and improved one link at a time, and Wu Xie suddenly realized that he seemed unable to fight back once he saw the enemy's figure. But in reality, many things had changed.

His grandparents and elders had made many efforts before. Their legendary, cruel, and enterprising spirits far exceeded his own, but all of their achievements only amounted to revealing each other's true character.

Two generations of effort, and all they saw was a shadow that they couldn't match using their methods.

But the current generation had its own advantages– they didn't have so many concerns or reservations.

So, how could they create a demon that would confuse everyone?

A real schemer could never have accomplices.

That night, he didn't get any sleep as he started the first step of this whole scheme. The West Lake was deserted and cold as he looked at the Baoshi Mountain opposite the embankment and began to calm down.

Sometimes he wanted to stop himself, while other times he wanted to force himself to keep going. Now he was standing on the ridge of a mountain road somewhere in Tibet. Stopping and withdrawing were completely impossible at this point. His plan was already so complicated that even he had to take ten minutes to sort it all out.

In such a short period of time, why hadn't there been any reservations in his heart?

Sure enough, if there were too many things held inside, the world would gradually become irrelevant to you.

Wang Meng was still worried about Liang Wan.

Wu Xie nodded to the Tibetan who greeted him, and then called Wang Meng to get back into the car.

The most dependable method in the world was that no matter whether he chose A or B, the results would align with his own interests.

Non-directional multiple choice questions were the most difficult.

"You still want to go in alone?" Wang Meng asked after starting the car.

Wu Xie nodded.

"But isn't the road blocked?" Wang Meng asked. "When we came out, the place no longer looked the same."

"It's only a difficult road ahead of me. Do you know what the situation is like for the others?" Wu Xie said: "This kind of challenge is nothing when faced with my determination."

Wu Xie's silent hatred suddenly surged up again, and a lot of scenes flashed through his mind. He had to take a deep breath and look out the window at the plateau.



[1] Chinese animated anime-influenced TV series called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". (I'm a little traumatized imagining Wu Xie humming this. Lol!)

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