Chapter 31

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"Did you go into town Lindel-sama?" When you woke you couldn't find him anywhere, and after finding the note by your bed you relaxed a little. He nodded, placing the items he bought down. It was a few bottles, probably meant for potions, and some clothes. 

"I came across this coat, it should fit you well." he handed you. You stared in awe. It looked quite similar to his brown one, except the color was a dark purple. 

"Ah! Arigatou!" you took it happily, trying it on. Lindel watched the content look on your face with a broad smile.

"Oh, there was some type of festival as well. I believe it's one that humans partake in annually?"

"Festival?" You couldn't think of any festival that would be going on now.

"Valentine's Day if I'm not mistaken." your eyes widened. "That's right!" With all that was going on it completely slipped your mind. "From what I've gathered, it's a day to show your loved ones how much you care for them." you blushed, he was wearing a mischievous smirk. When he took a step forward you were sure he was leaning in for a kiss. You closed your eyes puckering your lips. 

When you heard jingling, you popped an eye open. When you looked down, there was a small gold locket around your neck. You blinked in surprise. "I've enforced it with magic, this locket holds a bit of me, so you'll always carry me wherever you go. '' With hesitant fingers, you reached down, touching the cool metal. The minute your fingers made contact, a spark ran through your body. Your cheeks flushed. It was almost like you could feel him through the pendant. "It's beautiful..." you mutter. No one had ever given you such a gift. When you looked back, Lindel was just wearing a proud smile.

"It appears I was successful in surprising you." You nodded enthusiastically, and Lindel chuckled.

"I'm glad." you felt a bit bad now. He got you two presents, but you hadn't even gotten him anything. Albeit you'd completely forgotten about the holiday to begin with. Lindel noticed the look on your face, titling his head. 

"Is something the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a bit bad. Lindel-sama got me really good gifts, but I didn't get you one."

"There's no need for that. I already have all I need. I have you (Y/N)." you poked your fingers together bashfully, and Lindel's smile returned. 

"However, if you insist on getting me a gift, there are a few things I have in mind," he whispered. He picked you up, and you face heated at the suggestive wink he gave. You covered your face the entire way back to his room, and when he got there, he sat down, pulling you into his lap.

"L-Lindel-sama" you were so sure he was done teasing you.

"Hai (Y/N)-san?" he pressed a kiss to the side of your neck, and your hands gripped into his cloak. You shut your eyes, and Lindel grinned. He licked a spot at the base of your neck, and you jolted when he sank his teeth into your skin. You knew the bite would leave a mark. Lindel pulled back, watching the red bruise with pride. He gave it a brief lick. 

"Dragons are quite territorial (Y/N)-san, I want others to know what's mine." His tone was different, a bit deeper. It made you shiver, and his lips moved to another section of your neck, giving it the same attention. It was honestly a major turn on. He was trying to cover your skin with his marks. Those blue eyes, they never failed to drive you wild. You sighed when he pressed you softly to the bed, pushing the cloak off your shoulder. It flattened on the bed, and pretty soon he was lifting your shirt to expose your stomach. He never broke eye contact, pressing another kiss to your torso. Your brows knitted together, and you were trying to grasp at anything. Your hands sank into the sheets, and Lindel slowly worked his way up your body. He finally pulled the blouse open, and you blushed when his hand covered breast.

You let out a soft moan, Lindel smiled, encouraged by your little cries.

"So responsive.." he murmured into your skin.

"L-Lindel.." you were squirming under him, and he gave a squeeze, eliciting another desperate moan. Lindel dropped a kiss right at the center of your chest this time.

"I suppose it is quite cruel to be teasing you this way. Even if I can't make love to you yet, there are still ways for me to drive you crazy (Y/N). It is quite rewarding watching your adorably arousing expressions." you were panting, trying to look at him through your hazed view. His other hand was trailing down your body, you didn't have to look up to see where it was going. You squeezed your thighs together when he slipped his finger into your pants.

"Naughty girl, you shouldn't deny your master of what he wants most." You trembled in pleasure.

"Open your legs for me (Y/N)."

"N-No! I-If Lindel-sama is going to tease me then I-I'll make you suffer too!" He licked his lips, and you were shocked at the way his slits seem to glow behind his eyes. "Crap.." What had you gotten yourself into.

"Is that right, I guess I have no choice." You gasped when the chain around your neck started glowing. It shined, similar to the light that ignited in his eyes, and when you felt magic rush through your body, you cried out this time. It was completely different from before. You could feel an invisible force pulling your legs gently apart. You stared down stunned.

"That little present of yours was just as much a gift for me as it is for you (Y/N)."

"N-No fair!" He tricked you. Lindel tsked. "You were the one being disobedient to your master. I was just taking measures (Y/N)-san. This locket reacts not only to my desires, but also your own. It seems you're not as unwilling as you let on." You swallowed at his devilish grin. When he started to move towards your thighs, you could already feel yourself letting go. He took in a deep breath, letting out a low growl. 

"You always smell so heavenly.."

"L-Lindel p-please.." He loved it when you begged.

"Of course, I'd never leave my little apprentice all wound up. "

He really knew what to do to send you over the edge. 

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now