Chapter 28

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Lindel's explanation made sense. But if what he was saying was true then he never...

"You've never done it with anyone?" you asked. Lindel's eyes widened. He looked to the side with a faint red dusting his cheeks. "I-I haven't." he clarified. "I'm sure if we were to do it, I'd have to be especially careful with you. Your scent, your magic is like a drug. It's why so many creatures are drawn to you. If we were to engage in any activity.." he paused. "I would have to be cautious because I might lose control and..hurt you.."

"Hurt me how?" you asked curiously. His cheeks darkened at the question. "Physically. I a little too rough." Your stomach did wild flips. "Rough.." you muttered. Lindel looked back, surprised at the longing look in your eyes. "What if it rough." Lindel looked shocked.

"Y-You.." he shook his head. "Listen to me, this is your urges talking. When this passes you'll understand-"

"I understand." you said firmly. " I want you, and since you won't give me what I want, I guess I'll just have to take what I want."

"T-Take!?!" you gave a firm nod standing up. You walked over to the cave with a determined look. You turned when you got to the exit. You pointed at him. "You better watch out Lindel-sama. I'm coming at you with all I got!" you declared. With that you left. Lindel sat on the bed in disbelief. "Did she just.." Lindel's hand moved to the right side of his face as he blushed.

"This girl.."


"Lindel-sama!" you cooed. Lindel flinched turning around quickly. Since your declaration he was on guard. You could jump him anytime. He was feeding the dragons and you smiled. You stood behind. "Whatcha doing?" you asked. He cleared his throat. "They were hungry." he answered evenly. You leaned over his shoulder. "I know someone else who's hungry." you whispered, blowing on his ear. The tips of his ears turned red and he stood up straight.

"I-I need to go clear out the cave!" he shouted, taking off in a sprint. The hatchlings looked on in confusion. You just smiled waving. "Lindel-sama and I are playing a game. They perked up.

"A game!! Yay! Can we play?" you shook your head. "I'm sorry it's a big kids game." They sulked.

"But (Y/N)-chan.." they whined. "Maybe next time." you laughed. The two hatchlings giggled running off. Your eyes moved back over to where Lindel ran off to.

"Can't run from me forever~"


It went on like that for weeks. You just kept teasing him, you were surprised. Lindel had the willpower of well...a dragon. Not once had he given in. You tried everything you could too. Sly kisses at the back of his neck. Gentle encouraging touches whenever you could get close enough. Every type of sexual advance you could think of yet he was still firm. He never touched you, not once. It was getting a bit frustrating. You needed to up your game. You decide you'd just have to wait until he fell asleep. You let the day play out, following his commands. He kept giving you weary looks, in which you returned with an innocent smile. He sweatdropped. "She's up to something. " He made a mental note to keep a distance just to be safe.

The day was winding down and Lindel gave a tired sigh. Between fending off your attacks and taking care of Dragon Aerie, he was completely spent. He knew it wouldn't be safe to just leave his room open, unguarded. He summoned a spell, blowing a blue dust from his palm unto the door. He smiled, satisfied. "That should do it." He stretched, getting ready for bed.


"She really is a handful." Lindel's thoughts trailed off as he started to undress. When he heard the door open he smiled. Expecting his silkie to walk in. "Merituuli I need you to-" he froze right in the middle of taking off his shirt. He had already shed his coat, hands hovering over the button. He flushed when he saw you standing at the entrance of his room. "(Y-Y/N)!!" you smirked. "You really think you could keep me out with that spell Lindel. " That small warding on his door was just so to make sure you wouldn't sneak in and take advantage of him when he slept. You approached slowly and Lindel swallowed.

"That being said I put up a little warding of my own. Just to make sure we aren't disturbed."

His hands dropped and he gave you a serious look. "Listen (Y/N). This has to stop." You folded your arms. "I agree. And it will. " Lindel gave a grateful look. "Thank you. "

"As soon as you give me what I want." you added. Lindel glared and you just grinned.

"I don't understand you Lindel-sama. From what I heard guys love to do this stuff, so why do you keep running?" Lindel shook his head. "I keep reminding you that I'm not a human. I've lived thousands of years. In the eyes of human law, you are a minor.Therefore I would be taking advantage of you. " he stated with a triumphant smile. "You aren't if I want you to take advantage of me." Lindel's shoulders slumped. "Y-You need to stop saying things like that."

"Why?" you walked closer, invading his personal space. "I want you to touch me Lindel-sama!" you insisted. Lindel's eyes moved over your form. You weren't going to stop until you got what you wanted, and he couldn't keep running. It would just drive you more.

"Very well." your eyes opened wide. "R-Really!?" He nodded. "However, we are not going to..make love." your smile dropped. "W-What!!" he held his hands up. "You want me to touch you so I will. I'll pleasure you (Y/N). I stand by what I said before. You are young and I refused to push you into something you may regret later. So I will pleasure you, and if...if you still wish to mate with me when you turn twenty, then I will not object. These are my terms. " You pouted.

"B-But what about you, I-I don't want to be the only one who is..who gets to.."you shuffled your feet looking down with a blush. "All that chasing and she's embarrassed now." Lindel chuckled under his breath. "Trust me, giving you your first orgasm will be more than enough for me." your cheeks darkened as you fidgeted. "Or are you having second thoughts. " he teased.

"I-I'm not!" you defended. "F-Fine! It's a deal. But when I turn twenty if you back out I'm going to tie you down m-myself." Lindel smirked. "Please do." he flirted. You gulped.

"O-Okay." you said. "Okay." he repeated.

You stood there just looking at your hands. "Are you going to make the first move, or would you like me to." he whispered, stepping close. You had to admit, the thought of his hands finally on your body was both exciting and terrifying. "M-Maybe we should do this tomorrow. I-I'm not wearing very appealing underwear a-and I wouldn't want to spoil the mood." you gave a nervous laugh turning to run off. You needed to mentally prepare yourself first. You took one step and Lindel was behind you in an instant. He wrapped a hand around waist. You stiffened.

"Oh no, you've been taunting me for weeks. There's no way I'm letting you escape." he breathed against your ear. "You're going to pay for all those weeks of torture.."

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