Chapter 3

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Your head was down as you walked. You'd taken a shortcut through a nearby forest. People rarely walked this way, which was ideal for your situation. You needed the silence so you could think properly.

"What do I say to her when I get there..she looked so scared the last time we spoke." you never wanted to see such an expression again. There was something more behind why she looked at you that way. On top of that, ever since yesterday you'd been feeling different. Something changed and you couldn't place it.

"Seems you're finally catching on." you flinched at the voice behind you. Your eyes locked with a familiar pair of blue orbs. "It's you...the kid from yesterday.." you mumbled. Your body tensed when his smiled widened. There was nothing friendly about the smile he directed at you.

The silver haired male just giggled. "It's rude you don't know my name. I'm Joseph. It's nice to officially meet you (Y/N)."

Your gaze hardened. "How do you know my name?" you challenged, standing your ground.

He feigned a sadness. "I'm truly hurt, don't you remember me (Y/N)." your eyes were shaking as you raked your brain for his face. You hadn't met him anywhere else other than yesterday, so why was he speaking as if he knew you. He grinned.

"I did say I would come back for you, didn't I little mage." you froze.

"Little mage..... where have I heard that befo-" your body jolted forward, head feeling as if it would split open as you fell to the ground. You gasped out in pain screaming as you clenched you head desperately. 

"G-GYAH!!!" you were now lying on the floor as tears flowed. You couldn't get a grip.

"IT HURTS! P-PLEASE STOP!!" you cried out writhing in pain on the floor.

He stood there laughing at you pained cries. "I'm not doing anything you silly child. However it seems really don't remember me. You're body has been rejecting the truth for a while now. It's funny, if not for your little outburst the other day I probably would have never found you."

You grunted, eyes blurred. You could barely make out his face now. "My body feels's on fire.." your hands raised slowly as you forced yourself to your feet. Your legs were quivering, fighting to focus your eyes. Joseph was cackling at your weakened looking state. "I must say, I expected something a little more intimidating from you mage. Even though your magic has been dormant for years I can feel it, flowing from your body like electricity." you gave him a weird look when he licked his lips. Your eyes moved to your trembling hands. 

You were startled to see sparks of blue flicking out of your palms. Your body was glowing a soft golden hue. You panicked. "W-What did you do to me!?!" He tsked, waving a finger in front his face.

"Come on, are you really still acting dumb. You're a mage silly child."

"N-No! That's impossible! M-Mages aren't real there just a....a fairytale." you reasoned.

"I bet that's what the officers thought when they found the bodies of your parents hmm." you gaped. "W-What are do you know about my..."

"I'll be back for you little mage.." your heart stopped as an onslaught of images played over right in front of you. Those blue eyes...


Joseph clapped excitedly. "So you do remember me, I'm honored. I do apologize for the mess I made last time, your parents were being so uncooperative. There's only so much entertainment humans can provide me before they get boring." you couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"We won't let you hurt her cartaphilus!" You froze at the memory of your father standing up against the silver haired male. Your eyes watched on as the scene played out right before your eyes.

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now