Chapter 13

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You let out a weary sigh as you fell back unto the grass. You puffed in annoyance. Staring up at the sky, your eyes were just watching the clouds fade by.

"Kimiko....I really wish you were here to help me. " Even though it was still hard for you to think about her, it was becoming easier. You hadn't dreamt about her, since the last time a few nights ago.

"(Y/N)-san~" you jerked when Lindel's face suddenly came into your view. He was in his regular white and red patterned robes, leaning over you with a smile. He had a soft look in his eyes, different from the usual cheeky grin he wore.

"S-Stop popping up like that it's creepy." you voiced annoyed.

"How cruel, is that anyway to treat your master." You grumbled, sitting up.

"Did you need something?" He stood fully. "Yes actually. Merituuli needs a playmate."

Your eyes turned to the male Selkie. His fair skin glimmered in the water as he splashed happily. You swallowed, when you realized the rosy cheeked selkie wad swimming around effortlessly in the river. An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach. You always avoided the water.

Large, seal-like eyes moved in your direction. "Come on!!" he called happily. You raised a hand smiling. "I'm sorry Meri-kun I can't." The selkie's eyes watered. "Why not?"

"I-I don't feel very well." Lindel watched you keenly. He's been with you long enough to read some of your expressions. You almost never turned down playing, you were always messing around with the dragon hatchlings or Merituuli. You preferred it, especially after a long day of learning spells.

"Do you just dislike the water? I've never seen you even get close." He stated. you jumped, waving off his statement. "O-Of course not!! I just don't feel like swimming!" you fired defensively. Merituuli just shrugged. "Your lost." he called just before he dived into the water.

You giggled rising to your feet. "I'm going to take a nap." you walked off waving at Lindel with your back turned.

Slitted orbs followed your petite figure as you moved into the cave.

"I wonder why she avoids the water.."


You yawned stretching your limbs. Opening your eyes you looked around your room. It was piled with multiple books and bottles. You stood slowly, gaze still a bit hazy from sleep.

"Lindel-sama I'm hungry~" you whined walking out the cave. You stopped at the opening when you noticed the fireflies that fluttered around, lighting up the area. "It's night already..was I asleep that long?" you just shrugged, as you continued looking for Lindel. Your eyes sparkled at the glowing insects that flew around making you smile.

"So beautiful..." you mumbled. You stopped when you reached by the silver dragon. It was lying down, curled up in a ball. It's head raised when it heard you. You grinned running over to it.

"Hey Dra-kun, where is Lindel?" It's head tilted over to Nevin's tree. "Ah, arigatou." you petted him moving over to Lindel. You stopped right before the large tree. You never met Nevin, so you didn't know what type of dragon he was. But from what Lindel and the hatchlings had told you, he was very wise. Lindel's sapphire hues were just admiring the tree, one hand pressed to the bark.

"It may seem silly, but whenever I needed a friend to talk to, or advice, Nevin was the one I came to." You listened to Lindel intently.

"That's right, he's known Nevin since he was just a hatchling. I've been selfishly fretting over my pain of losing Kimiko. I never even acknowledged his. Raising them and watching them die...that can't be easy." Your hands clenched at your side. You walked closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. His eyes turned on you slowly. "K-Kimiko-chan she...she was someone I could always talk to. I-I always felt safe with her." you looked down, hand unconsciously tightening. You grip got a little firm on Lindel's shoulder. He noticed the action remaining silent.

"E-Even though we weren't related...I-I loved her.." you mumbled. Your eyes welled up, tears trailing down your cheeks. "I never wanted to lose her....I couldn't protect her.." you sobbed. Lindel gave a tender smile, taking your hand as he pulled you into a hug. "She cared about you dearly. She would be proud that you're trying to live on, even without her." you held unto him tightly, unable to even reply.

"It much...Lindel-sama...everyone I care about eventually dies. My parents....Kimiko-chan.. If something happened to y-you.. or the hatchlings. W-What if Cartaphilus comes back and he-"

Dra-kun roared loudly startling you. Your eyes looked over into golden orbs.

Lindel smirked, as if he understood why the dragon had reacted so suddenly. "That's right. Together, there is no way he can beat us." Lindel turned back to your surprised expression.

"You don't have to worry anymore, we're family now (Y/N)-san."

"My family...." the words felt foreign to you. Lindel smiled, making you blush. Your hands moved to your chest in slight panic. "M-My heart is pounding but.... it can't be that I...."

You took unsteady steps back. You gasped when you lost your footing. Lindel flinched when he saw your body falling backwards. Out of your peripheral view you caught sight of the water below. Your eyes widened in fear as you reached out.

"LINDEL-SAMA!!" you cried out. The sound of your body hitting the water seemed to echo. The waves spread. Dra-kun raised on instinct but Lindel was faster. He didn't waste a second. He dived in right after you, when he saw the obvious terror in your orbs. "(Y/N)-SAN!!"

You struggled to breath, body thrashing as you tried to swim to the top. "S-Shit!!" Your body wouldn't obey you to move forward.

It was useless. Your body felt like it was getting heavier, as you slowly sunk to the bottom. You were crying under the water, hand still outstretched.

"Lindel-sama...." your eyelids were getting heavy, water filling your lungs. The last thing you saw was a blurry figure before your vision went dark.

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