Chapter 5

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Joseph was standing in front of you with a proud expression. "You humans really are interesting creatures." His hand reached out touching a lock of your hair. You staggered back with fearful eyes. You legs gave in as you fell unto your butt in a panic. You had just taken notice to the large mantis like creature standing behind him. 

"Oh, I'm glad you like my little pet, took me a while to perfect this one." he moved back stroking the side of the creature. Your throat tightened as your legs shook. "H-He killed them...right in front of he's going to kill me..." you couldn't stop the tears that streamed down your face at your faith. You needed to move but your body wouldn't obey. "You don't have to be so terrified, I'll keep you alive for a while. Once my experiment is done, I can't really promise anything though." 

He laughed out loud making your throat tighten. Every step he took closer the monster followed. "But, I wanna have a little fun first, you really cost me an arm and a leg last time we met, quite literally. I had to steal from another filthy alchemist, it was degrading." He swished his hand around. "Dai really pissed me off, so it's only logical I get even. " A wicked grin spread on his face, eyes darkening with malice.

"W-Who is Dai? I-Is he talking about my father.." 

You were horrified, you knew exactly what he meant. He was probably going to throw you around until he was satisfied with himself. You clenched your eyes shut awaiting the pain when the insect suddenly lounged for you.

"(Y/N)!!" your eyes flew open in shock at the voice yelling for you.

"K-Kimiko!!" you cried out. You watched in awe as her body collided harshly with the side of the insect. The large bug tumbled, shaken by the force she came hurtling at. It's body crashed to the ground, surprising Joseph and you.

She didn't even give it a chance before she was bolting over in your direction. Without a miss she grabbed your hand yanking you off the floor forcefully. "Like hell I'm gonna let you get killed by some punk ass kid, I want to do that myself!" you were stunned, almost falling on your face you regained your balance as she pulled you along hastily.

The both of you were sprinting off into the thickness of the forest's trees. You were still stunned by what had just happened. Kimiko had tackled that monster to the ground. All to save you. You honestly thought she hated you, and after what you had just found out, you doubted she'd want to be friends if she knew. You didn't make eye contact or speak, just huffed as she quickened her pace, glancing back to ensure Joseph wasn't following.

"S-She probably heard what he said...why did she still come and help me..."

"I-I don't care what you are (Y/N)." you looked up. "You're my friend, practically my sister. I-I'm sorry for what I said yesterday.." she was panting heavily as you finally stopped after a while of what felt like endless running. You weren't sure what to say.

" did you know I was here?" Kimiko's eyes lowered. "I can't really explain it but...I just got this bad feeling and I know you pass here a lot when your worried about stuff. I-I was actually trying to avoid you today." she admitted. You gave a small bitter laugh. 

"I understand." you replied tightly.

"I guess you must have seen something that day, that's why you ran off the way you did.." Kimiko didn't reply. You turned your back to her. "If we get out of don't have to hang out with me...I won't force you to do something like that.." you assured. Still no reply.

You turned holding out a hand for her to shake. With a half hearted smile you spoke.

"Let's shake on it then, I get it if you're scared of m-" a loud smack echoed throughout the forest. You stared in shock, head whipped to the side, a red imprint now present on your cheek.

Kimiko was huffing, her hand still held out front from the lash she delivered.

"You dumbass! you really think that's what I want!!" you were startled as she continued to shout at you. Stepping forward, her blue hair swished as she grabbed you by the collar pulling you forward, teeth clenched at you. "LIKE HELL I'M GOING TO LEAVE YOU AGAIN YOU IDIOT!!" YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME NO MATTER WHAT! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE PART FISH, YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!

Your mouth fell open gaping at her. Unconsciously, tears formed in your eyes at her heartfelt words. "Y-You mean that Kimiko..?" she scoffed shoving you back. "You really are stupid sometimes. " Kimiko sighed pulling you into a hug. "I'll protect you so don't worry." you grinned returning the hug happily as you cried into her shoulder, thick droplets soaking into her clothing.

When you recovered you smiled at her. "So what's the plan?" you inquired. Kimiko scratched her head dumbly.

"I honestly don't know, I'm just glad he hasn't found us yet."

"Well with all your shouting, I'm sure he isn't far behind." you pointed out. An irk mark pulsed on her head. "S-Shut up!!" She fired embarrassed taking off running, grabbing your wrist pulling you along. You followed this time with a small smile.

"I won't let him hurt you (Y/N). I promise."

From a distance.

"How foolish, guess I'll let them run around for a bit."  Joseph chucked to himself.

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now