Chapter 14

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"(Y/N)-SAN!!" Your eyes flew open as you coughed up a mouthful of water. 

You gasped,struggling to take in air. Lindel was leaning over you as your eyes trembled.

"Lindel-sama!!" You shot up wrapping your hands around his neck as you whimpered. Lindel held you closely with a relieved expression until you started to calm down. You pulled away with trembling lips.

"You should have told me you couldn't swim you idiot!!" he bonked you on the head making you pout. "I-I can swim!" you interjected. "J-Just not very well..." you added embarrassed.

He glared at you. "That was reckless, you could have died, then what!" you were shocked. Lindel only ever shouted at you when you acted carelessly. "I-I'm sorry. I know I can't swim, that's why I always stayed away. I had an accident when I was a kid. Back then, I use to see those things." Lindel's eyes turned serious. "Cartaphilus wasn't the only one that targeted me. I remembered a lot of stuff when he popped up. All the memories of when I was younger sorta just came crashing back." Your eyes lowered. "I was attacked by a monster, i-it pushed me into the water and I almost drowned. I've always been terrified of the water, and well now I finally know why."

Lindel sighed. "You really are a handful." you frowned. "I don't mean to be." you mumbled turning away from him. Lindel caught the look in your eyes as you pulled your knees to your chest. "I don't want to be a burden."

"I never said you were a burden." You were still facing forward, but your eyes moved to the side.

"I already told you, we're family. I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I guess I got a bit frightened when I saw that terrified look on your face. " You raised a little. "Now that I think about it... Lindel-sama looked really scared when I fell in." Your eyes took in his drenched clothing that was now clinging to his body. He had apparently shed his other layers. He was just wearing a pants and a thin white shirt. You could make out the muscles you weren't even aware he had. His body was surprisingly toned. You flushed when your eyes finally met his. His blond hair was wet, droplets running down from his hair to his neck. His golden locks looked like he had passed his hand through it, pushing it back. A couple strands were poking out, giving him a sensual look.

You just sat there staring at him.

"(Y/N)-san.." you flinched at how low his voiced suddenly dropped. Lindel seemed as awe struck as you were. Neither of you uttered a word. You jumped when you felt Lindel's fingers brush against your knuckles. You looked down, heart thumping as his hand encased you own, holding it gently. When your eyes reconnected, Lindel was directly in front of you. A soft sigh escaped you when his breath mingled with your own. If Lindel leaned in just a little bit more, you would-

"What are you guys doing?" you jumped back at the sudden voice. Lindel fell forward, face first.

"W-WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING!!!" you screeched. You didn't give him a chance to question you further. In a split second, you were bolting off in the direction of the cave. When Lindel raised, a bead of sweat ran down his head. He turned to the hatchling who was still standing there with curious eyes. Lindel let out a soft laugh. "I'm not sure when it happened...but it seems you've become more than just my apprentice." A wistful look crossed his face as he watched you run off.

Lindel's hand moved to his chest. His heart was still beating increasingly quick. "I guess I have no choice, she's my responsibility after all." Lindel smirked. He was going to enjoy teasing you.


You tried your hardest to play off what happened, trying to convince yourself that you misinterpreted the entire atmosphere. Yet..why did Lindel looked like he was about to lean in and.. You slapped your cheeks to banish the thought.

"He would never, he doesn't see me like that. He's my master and that's all!"

"(Y/N)-san!!" you jumped to your feet at Lindel's call. "Yes Lindel-sama!!" you raced over in the direction of his voice, which was inside the cave. When you caught sight of him, your mouth fell open. He wasn't wearing his usual robes. He was sporting a long sleeve sweater and a loose pair of what looked like jogger pants.

"W-What are you wearing!!!" you questioned pointing at his attire.

He smiled. "Do you like it? I usually don't buy many human clothing, but this looked rather nice. "

You flushed. It was weird seeing him out of his robes but...he looked really good in casual clothing.

"Y-You look good Lindel-sama.." you mumbled. He blinked. A grin stretched on his lips as he observed you. "She really likes this look.." Lindel concluded.

Your eyes wandered, trying not be obvious. "Stupid clothes!" you decided right there and then, you would burn them the minute you got your hands on it. You couldn't watch him flaunt around in that. It was good for your sanity. It felt like he was just teasing you, which made it that much harder to accept your feelings for him. 

"I should really just stop thinking about it...." Lindel noticed the sudden change in your expression.

"I'm going to check on the hatchlings." you muttered not meeting his eyes.

You walked off, eyes downcast. Just as you passed him, Lindel grabbed your hand, stopping you. "(Y/N)-san.." you turned to ask what he wanted. Without warning your body was tugged forward. You stumbled, letting out a surprised gasp. Lindel pulled you into a hug, arms wrapping securely around you.

You heart felt like it would leap right out of your chest. "Why are you suddenly acting so cold towards me?" Lindel soft voice fanned over your ear making your body tremble. You panicked when his hand parted your hair, nose pressing against your neck. His lips lightly grazed your skin.

Your eyes clenched shut as you shoved him off forcefully. You looked at his shocked expression. You couldn't tell if it was from your push or the soft golden hue that was no radiating off your body. You didn't stick around to find out. In seconds you were bolting off in the direction of the cave.

"Why is he...doing this.." your emotions were in chaos. You just knew you needed to get away.

Linel watched your panicked expression with regret. 


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