Chapter 29

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Steamy Scene Ahead. You've been warned!!

You swallowed. You'd done it now. Lindel had you right where he wanted you.

His hand slipped under your shirt and you trembled, slumping against him. 

"Isn't this what you wanted (Y/N). " you nodded, letting out a sigh as his cool fingers ran over your stomach. He walked backwards to his bed, sitting down slowly. You landed in his lap and Lindel growled. You had accidentally rubbed against his groin. You could feel something hard pressed to your butt.

"This is what you've been doing to me (Y/N).." your eyes closed and you whimpered.

"I-Is that.." he nodded, pressing a kiss to your neck. "Do you think you could handle that..handle me inside you.." he urged. You wiggled your hips slightly and he groaned hand tightening on your hips to stop your movements.

"C-Can I touch it..?" you tried to turn but Lindel stopped you. 

"N-No! You...this is about you not me.." his voice sounded strained. You were about to object but he was quick. His hand slipped past your hip, moving into your pants. You gasped, choking out a moan when his hand ended up in your underwear. He touched you, slow. Your entire body was shaking as his hand moved up and down. Just rubbing you. 

"L-L..indel.." your voice was shaky. His other hand ventured up your shirt and he spread your legs with his own to gain better access to your core.

You panted. "You're already this wet, are you sure you've never done this before." he inquired, pressing another kiss to your neck. You jerked when he suddenly inserted a finger in. The action made him moan, falling back on the bed, taking you with him. His fingers slipped out from there previous spot and you sighed at the loss of contact. Your positions were somewhat switched now. You shifted, now straddling Lindel. 

You looked down, watching the panicked look on his face. There was a visible bulge in his sleeping pants. You didn't wait for him to say anything. You leaned down pressing your lips to his. He gave a startled sound, because your lower region was pressed to his now. Your pants were still partially open. Lindel's hands reached up to push you away slightly. He seemed reluctant. When you pulled back he huffed. "W-We had a deal.." your brows knitted together and you grind your hips into his.

He moaned again, against his will and so did you. You loved the friction. "P-Please let's just.." you bit your lip, grinding into him again. He responded this time, bucking his hips into your own. You leaned down burying your face into his shoulder to keep yourself anchor. Lindel's hands moved to your back, sliding back under your shirt. You revelled in the feeling as the both of you moved in sync. He didn't resist this time. 

You knew you weren't the only one longing for this. He'd been restraining himself for so long. All that pent up desire was starting to show. When you turned your head you made eye contact. The slits in his blue eyes looked almost dangerous. The sight made you body quiver. 

"Too much clothes.." he ordered. You gave him a weird look, barely processing his words through the pleasure. He didn't repeat himself. All you saw his left hand touching your shirt. It seconds your clothing caught on fire. Blue flames consuming the material. It didn't even burn you, it tickled your skin. When you looked down you realized not just your shirt was gone but also your bra. You blushed heavily.

"Better." he states, one hand reached up, groping your now exposed chest. You let out a soft mewl and Lindel took the opportunity to thrust into you, Hard. You gasped and he pulled you down, smashing his lips against your own to bury your sounds. Lindel's kisses were a lot more frantic, demanding. Dominant. You shivered at the sensations that hit you at his eagerness.

"Rough.." you thought, recalling what he had said. He wasn't kidding. He wasn't even fully naked and you were already a mess. His touches were indeed rough, but you were loving it. Your body was responding to everything. His hand ventured lower, and your pants met the same faith as your shirt. You felt the tickling of his flames and in a matter of seconds you were completely bare. Your body trembled at the cool air that drifted over your exposed body. He didn't wait for anything. His lips trailed off, nibbling on your skin. Lindel stuck his finger in, thumb penetrating your core. You gasped at the foreign feeling. You were clutching unto his for dear life.

 "L-Lindel-sama!" You moaned. He didn't wait for you to adjust, he plunged another finger in, moving them inside you and you screamed out in pleasure. 

"That's right, isn't this what you wanted. You're already screaming and I'm not even inside you." His taunts made your stomach coil. He added another finger and you were pretty sure you'd stopped breathing. He teased you, thumb sliding over your nub. Your legs quivered.

When his fingers touched a certain spot your back arched and your eyes flew open. He smirked. 

"Right there." Your body writhed when he started pumping his fingers in and out of you mercilessly. Every time his fingers reentered you bucked. There was a knot gathering in your stomach. "L-Lindel-sama.." you begged. 

He knew. He gave a few more pumps and you were done for. You came with a yell, body spasming. Lindel drove out your orgasm, licking his lips at the wetness that dripped on his fingers. You were breathing heavily, eyes struggling to regain focus. When your body started to relax he pulled his fingers out slowly. You whined at the feeling. Lindel chuckled. He brought his hand up, lapping at your juices. You blushed at the scene. His eyes moved back to you when he was done licking his fingers clean.

"Ready for round two.." your eyes widened. He didn't wait for an answer, his face disappeared between your legs. "This is your punishment (Y/N), you'll never tease me again." a strangled sound flew out your lips when you felt his lips in your most sensitive area.

"S-Shit!!" you gasped out. He was right about one thing. You'd never tease him again. 

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