Chapter 25

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You looked up at all the relieved expressions that filled the room. Lindel was still by your side on the bed, clutching your hand. Merituuli, Chise and Ruth were smiling. Elias was just observing you.

"I-I guess I gave you all a scare huh." you laughed weakly. After a while, you hunched over on the bed coughing. Lindel placed a hand on you back with worry. "I-I'm fine." you mumbled when you regained your breath. When you settled back on the bed, you looked over at Elias.

"Is there something wrong?" you questioned. Although it was hard to decipher emotions on his face, you could tell there was something on his mind.

Elias stepped forward. "I'm relieved that you're okay, but there is something that is bothering me."

"What is it?"

"Why are you still alive." he asked blankly. You weren't even surprised by the question.

"E-Elias!" you smiled at the disapproving look Chise gave the mage.

"It's alright Chise, anyone would be curious about it." Lindel spoke. He was giving you a look as well.

"I'm also curious. W-we were positive that you were gone. There...wasn't a pulse." He said shakily. You held his hand tighter. "I-I'm not sure how to answer that question. When I woke up, I thought I was back here. In Dragon Aerie. And it looked just like it too. . But I was somewhere else. My parents and Kimiko were there..they were alright.." you explained. Lindel's eyes widened.

"How is that possible?" Lindel turned to Elias.

Elias had a hand on his chin in thought. "Were either of your parents mages?" You nodded.

"My father, (F/N). "

"I don't recognize that name, I've never heard of him. Is it possible he went by another name?" Elias quizzed. You blinked, trying to rake your brain.

"Ah! Cartaphilus. He called him Dai once. I was still a kid back then, so I didn't really understand. He kept saying that Dad use to be a powerful mage. "

"He was. " Lindel confirmed.

Elias nodded. "He was a wanderer. I heard tales throughout some of my travels. There was a lot of speculation that he was killed. After he disappeared without a trace a number of rumors spread."

"So he never died. He got married to a human and settled down." Lindel muttered.

"It seems you inherited his talents. That's quite remarkable. It also explains why Cartaphilus is so hung up on getting his hands on your magic. The fact that you were able to revive yourself is astonishing. However, I'd advised that you are careful from now on. These sort of circumstances usually come with consequences." 

You nodded. "But, did I really die?"

Lindel nodded. "Yes, you did. It seems you crossed over, yet you came back. I hate to ask this but..why did you return if you were finally with your family. Isn't that wanted?" The hand Lindel was holding you with was visibly shaking as he asked.

"I came back because... I love you Lindel-sama. " you confessed. He looked up in shock.

"You're right, I was finally with the people that meant everything to me. But somehow I felt empty...because you weren't there with me. I wanted- no I needed to be with you. I came back for you Lindel-sama."

Lindel's eyes were watering. Chise had a proud smile on her face. She took Elias's hand turning.

"We should get going. (Y/N)-chan needs her rest. " You gave Chise a grateful smile. You wanted to be with Lindel alone for now.

"But there is still so much that I need to-" Chise stepped behind him as she shoved him out. You laughed lightly. Before the two familiars could leave they looked over. Merituuli waddle over jumping on the bed. He leaned over pulling you into a tight hug. 

"I'm really happy you're okay (Y/N)-chan." you grinned at his words. Ruth moved closer ruffling your hair. "Don't do that again. He said. You nodded. They both gave smiles before turning to leave. "I'll let the hatchlings know you're all healed up!" Merituuli called. When it was just you and Lindel, you smiled.

"I'm really happy you all are alright. I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been to see me like that. " your hands reached up, stroking Lindel's cheek. His eyes searched yours.

"It must have been the worst for you." Lindel flinched. Before you knew what was happening , you were pinned to the bed. Lindel was hovering above you. 

"L-Lindel-sama!" his eyes were fierce. "I know that you're still weakened, but I can't help it." you jumped when you felt his hand on your thigh. You were wearing a loose pair of white robes, the material felt like it wasn't even there. All you could feel was the heat from Lindel's palm. His eyes shifted in your direction. You took in a shaky breath at the heat behind his gaze.

His lips moved to your neck. Your hands clutched unto his clothing in desperation. He placed kisses from your neck, going up. He stopped when he reached behind your ear. 

"You have to understand, I thought you were gone. You have to take responsibility for how I am now. I need to make sure you're here. That this all isn't just some cruel illusion my mind created." When he pulled back, you saw it. The calamity in his usually sure eyes.


Your hands released his clothing. Slowing, you reached up, placing your palms on either side of his face. You made sure he was looking right at you. "I'll take full responsibility Lindel-sama." you declared.

His eyes were glimmering as he stared at you warmly. "You idiot.." he muttered turning his head. You flushed, letting go of his face. "E-EH! Why are you calling me an idiot!" you demanded.

He snickered. "So naive." he thought. "You shouldn't be so willing, I'll definitely take advantage of you." you were puzzled now.

"Take advantage of me?" you asked quizzically. Lindel looked a bit dumbfounded. 

"Don't tell she really that oblivious?" You looked at him so innocently.

"(Y/N)-chan, what did you think we were about to just now?" you smiled with a small blush.

"Lindel-sama wanted lots of kisses and hugs. You said you needed to make sure I was here. Isn't that why you touched my thigh. It really scared me, but I understand." He wore a look of disbelief.

"All those other times, did she think I just wanted to hug her?" Lindel couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew you were young but still, didn't teenagers your age know about that kind of intimacy. His eyes scanned the happy look on your face.

"I guess this is going to be tougher than I thought." You gave him a weird look. "What's going to be tougher?" Lindel chuckled. "Nothing, don't worry about it. "

"I'll have to show you everything I know (Y/N)-chan. I am your teacher after all." Lindel smirked as he watched you.

This would be fun.

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