Chapter 21

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"What are her symptoms?" Elias spoke. When your sickness showed no signs of getting better, Lindel decided it was best to get some outside help. He's used a lot of the remedies that he kept for the hatchlings, but nothing seemed to work. He knew it was far fetched, since they were dragons, but he never had the need for human medicine. 

"Her face is flushed and her breathing is shallow. I can barely detect her magic. It's like her body is being drained of its power. She's been this way for days. I thought I'd be able to help, but it's just getting worst. At this rate, I'm scared she won't make it another day."

Lindel stared through the water mirror with desperation in his eyes. Elias marveled at the expression. " Lindel, why are acting so panicked?" The blond caretaker looked stunned at the question. "What are you asking at a time like this!!" Lindel yell made Elias that more interested.

"You seem to be genuinely upset. Is it because (Y/N) is hurt?" Lindel wanted to scream at the clueless mage. But he stopped himself. He had to remember that emotions were not Elias's strong point. Letting out an even sigh, Lindel spoke.

"How would you feel if Chise was sick, and you couldn't help her." The question made Elias freeze for a second. Lindel gazed as Elias moved his hand to his chest. " There is an uneasy feeling forming in my chest, at the mere thought. " Lindel nodded. "You'd be devastated. You care for Chise. The reason I'm so frantic is because I'm in love with (Y/N). If anything were to happen to her, I don't know what I would do." Lindel confessed.

"In love.." Elias repeated wistfully. Elias didn't pursue that particular topic. "I think I know what she might have. Give me some time to make an antidote. I'll send it as soon as it's finished." A relieved smile graced Lindel's face. "Thank you Elias." The mage nodded as ripples filled the lake. His face disappearing.

Lindel stood, moving over towards the cave. Dra-kun was seated outside the cave when Lindel got closer, the dragon looked up with a questioning gaze. Lindel smiled, giving the dragon a reassuring pat. "Don't worry, right now I just need you to take care of the hatchlings, while I focus on (Y/N). She'll be up and about in no time. " The dragon gave a curt nod, as it stood to its full height. Moving to the younger dragons.

Lindel's worried eyes moved to inside the cave as he walked in. You were a couple feet away, laying on a bed, surrounded by books that were scattered on the ground. He kicked a couple of them to the side, moving over to your side. His eyes looked down at your weakened form. Your body was at the bare edge. Skin so pale you could probably pass for a deceased person. Lindel's heart clenched at the sight. He forced back any tears that threatened to spill. He couldn't cry, that would mean that he was admitting defeat. He wasn't going to give up on you, not for a second.

"We're going to help you, just stay strong (Y/N)." He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to your own. "Please don't give up fighting...I-I don't think I can live with you not being here to stress me out.." Lindel chuckled bitterly at his own joke.

"I love you (Y/N)..."

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