Chapter 1

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This was your usual routine. You knew you needed the sleep, you had been having a hard time at school because you weren't as focused. If your friends asked you'd lie and say it was a crush keeping you up, or the manga you insisted on reading on a daily basis. You were a well liked person at school, always cheerful, smiling endlessly. Even though that was the case you rarely connected with anyone. You'd never really been the same, not since your parents died.

Nightmares of their death often plagued your mind, it was a wonder you ever got any sleep.

"I need to get ready." with that thought you ventured into your bathroom. Slowly stripping out of your clothes you stepped into the bath. A long sigh escaped your lips when the warm water touched your skin, muscles shifting as you breathed out evenly.


You stepped out of your apartment locking the door. Bag on your shoulder you shoved your keys into your pocket skirt with trudging on your way to school.

Entering the gates you were greeted by a number of other students who smiled and waved as you passed. You returned it with a wide grin waving happily. Upon entering your school building you were tackled by one of your friends. 

"Geez (Y/N), why are you always reaching here at the edge of time." as if on cue the bell rung making you laugh. "Sorry Kimi-chan." you grinned tugging her hand along as you raced to your classroom. Kimiko was one of your closest friends, almost like your sister. Even though she wasn't aware of your constant nightmares, she was one of the few people you trusted with your life. She had radiant blue hair and a petite frame, probably no taller than about five feet. She was always looking out for you, no matter what you knew she'd always have your back.

The both of you skidded to a stop standing in front of the door as Kimiko swung it open as the both of you stepped in. A number of your classmates turned around giggling.

"(Y/N)-chan overslept again." one of the girls said between chuckles. Kimiko sighed heavily as you laughed scratching your head awkwardly. "I can't help it, I reached a really long chapter and they gave Ichigo another costume. My body couldn't handle the overload." you said with heartfilled eyes. Kimiko thumped you on the head. "I keep telling you stop watching those things so late it'll rot your brain!" you pouted. "But he's so cute, I can't help it." you muttered sulking. A couple of the guys laughed at your little display. "You need to stop watching that trash and get a real boyfriend." one of them declared. You turned your head with folded arms.

"Real boys are annoying and uncool, no one can beat Ichigo!" you fired back.

"There's really no hope for you (Y/N)-chan." Kimiko said defeatedly. You wrapped your arms around her neck from behind with a wide grin. "That's okay I don't mind being single, I have you after all." She gazed at you for a few seconds with a blush before facing forward.

"Whatever, you just like the fact that I give you my bentos sometimes." she said embarrassed. You laughed nodding. "I really like your bentos." you shouted mouth watering. Kimiko flinched trying to shove you when some of your drool trailed down your mouth.

"A-Alright just keep your spit to yourself!!" you hugged her tighter as the onlookers smiled at the scene you were making. The sound of the teacher entering made you stop as you all scurried to take seats.

"Since we're all settled now, today's class we'll be doing something interesting. " your ears perked up as you bounced in your seat excitedly. Kimiko glared in your direction tossing an eraser in your direction from across her seat. It hit you smacked in the forehead making you wail softly. "Kimi-chan you meanie.." you mumbled rubbing your head. She smiled turning back to the teacher.

"What's the topic today sensei?" Your teacher smiled as she pulled out a chalk.

"We're doing mages today!" she spoke excitedly. Your smile broaden as you cheered.

"Alright finally something fun!!" you burst gaining giggles from your peers. Your teacher smiled.

"It took a bit of convincing on my part, this topic isn't really on our syllabus but I've always been fascinated with the idea of magic. This isn't a mandatory class so your not required to take notes. Just enjoy." Cheers echoed throughout the class.

"Magic.." you thought intrigued, gazing back at the glimmer that swam behind your dark skinned teacher's violet eyes.

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now