Chapter 8

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When your eyes looked back at the silver haired male, they were now encircled by a bright ruby. Joseph stopped, watching you in interest. Your entire body was now glowing a golden hue. A shot of wind fired out from your direction. He grinned when the wind just whizzed pass his body. When the air calmed he raised both arms in a shrug. 

"Is that really all you have little mage." You stayed quiet.

"I'm a bit disappoint-" he words were interrupted by the sudden slices that were now visible on his mantis creation. His eyes looked in shock at the various areas that now had slits on the insect. Blood squirted out of the monster as it fell to the ground. A fake pout appeared on his face.

"Those materials cost a lot you know, you can't just go around trashing people's creations."

When you didn't react, Joseph titled his head. "My my, gone quiet have we." he took a step forward towards you, in a second you were standing before him. Joseph shuffled back in slight alarm at your appearance. He braced his hand in front of him to block but you were faster. Your hand grabbed him by the back on his neck slamming his face into the ground. He grunted at the impact. When he turned slightly, he saw the hate reflected in your eyes. They were hollow, he could barely make out pupils, just a faded red in its place. His shoulders shook before he belted out a loud laugh. 

"You pathetic little thing, your poor brain couldn't take it so you created a defense. These little knicks only make me more intrigued, I'll really enjoy breaking you down piece by pie-" a sudden scream echoed throughout the forest. You had released the back of his neck grabbing both of his arms. You didn't even flinch as you pulled his arms back at an unnatural angle.

He growled, your eyes still looked at him blankly, not a hint of emotion present. 

"What the hell is happening, why can't I break myself out from her.." Blue eyes drifted to the tug he felt at his feet. Branches were wrapping around both his legs, a green glow of light emitting from the ground. "She's binding me with magic." You pulled on his limbs again, this time digging your leg further into his back. A sickening crack was heard as Joseph cried out. He gritted his teeth trying to instill all the energy he had remaining to free himself.

"You dumb mage! When I'm free I'll inflict a world of pain on you." Joseph seethed voice growing louder." I'LL KILL EVERYONE YOU EVER LOV-"

"There is no one else." Joseph froze from the words you spoke in a monotone, eyes dead.

"You're going to die." you addressed calmly.

"You really are stupid if you think you will be the one to kill me child!" You raised your hand, as it set aflame. You moved to a kneeling position about to press your palm to his skull.

"That's enough (Y/N)." your body halted, turning to the voice that called your name. You looked back uninterested at the female standing behind.

The said woman looked over at the body of the blue haired girl who laid not to far away.

"I...apologize (Y/N), it appears I was too late.." the dark haired woman lamented.

"Don't interfere." You turned back to continue, only to be kicked backwards in the gut. You grunted stumbling back. Joseph rose to his legs shakily. His arms were still limp, hanging from his shoulders completely disjointed.

"I've lost once again it seems, the next time we meet I'll be ready." you were about to pitch forward after him just as the violet eyed woman grabbed your wrist. You tried to pull out of her grasp. but he had already disappeared.

Your face twisted as you snarled at her. You spun around as flames became present in your palm. You grabbed her by her throat slamming her into a tree. She didn't even flinch, body unaffected by the flames that enveloped your hand. Her eyes just gazed back at you as you tightened your hold on her neck. Your eyes were filled with rage.

"I understand that you are in pain, you cannot lock it away in hopes that it will fade (Y/N). " you didn't answer. You raised your other hand, fisting it tightly to deliver a blow to her face.

"Kimiko would be devastated to see you in such a state. Wouldn't she be sad (Y/N)?" Your body stopped in place. Hands trembling, you loosened the hold on the woman's neck.

The flames slowly faded from your palm as you staggered clenching your head.

All the painful events came rushing back right before your eyes. You screamed out falling to your knees with strangled cries. When the woman had stooped next to you, your eyes raised slowly. She smiled looking at your bright (E/C) pupils.

You stared in confusion at the woman before you. "Sensei..." you muttered. Her eyes lowered as she nodded. 

"Please forgive me (Y/N), I should have followed my instincts and warned you."

Those were the last words you heard right before your body gave in, falling against hers.


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