Chapter 23

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"(Y/N), it's time to wake up." you jolted upright, looking around frantically.

"Lindel-sama?" Your eyes darted from left to right, The trees, the river there was no doubt about it. You were definitely in Dragon Aerie. You sprung to your feet. Everything looked okay. Merituuli and the hatchlings were playing a little distance away. They all turned and smiled at you when they noticed you. You waved with a nervous smile as they turned back, continuing their game.

"Everything seems fine but..where is Lindel-sama?"

"We were wondering when you would come." your body went rigid at the voice behind you.

"I-It's not real, I-I'm dreaming." your legs were shaking as you kept your eyes directed forward.

"Come on stop playing, we've been waiting so long!" another voice whined.

You bit your lip, slowly turning around. Your throat felt dry as you watched the three figures before you.

"I-Impossible.." you muttered. "Mom...Dad..Kimiko-chan.." you sniffled, watching as they all wore bright smiles.

"When did you become such cry baby geez."

The blue haired girl laughed as she moved over to you, pulling you into a hug. She patted your head softly. "It's okay, you can let it all go." you looked up through you fogged vision as your parents stood on either sides of Kimiko, wrapping their arms around the both of you.

"It's good to see you (Y/N)."


"I still don't understand what's going on." It took you awhile to calm down, but Kimiko had managed to get you to settle. The four of you sat on a small incline, looking at the view of the beautiful scenary ahead. The last thing you remembered was feeling unbelievable weak. Now you were back in Dragon Aerie, and you felt better than ever. Both you parents were here and Kimiko.

"It must be a lot to take in, try not to think about it.' your father advised. Your mother was just staring at you with a warm smile.

"You got a lot bigger since the last time we saw you." your mother said as she ran her hand through your hair. "You've gotten so beautiful too." your eyes felt like they were about to well up again. "I'm sorry." you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. Your father smiled. "It's okay, we expected as much. " His eyes looked up at the sky. "Because of me, you experienced a lot of pain in your life. I should be the one apologizing. If I wasn't a mage. You wouldn't have been cursed with this burden."

Your mind flashed back to the memory of their deaths. You grimaced.

"Even I...left you (Y/N). I'm so sorry.." your eyes turned to Kimiko in disbelief. "W-What are you talking about! Y-you risked your life. You saved me Kimiko!" She looked down at her feet.

"I should have been stronger. You were already alone. I just made it worse for you." You shook your head, taking her hand.

" I was so grateful to have you in my life Kimiko. I-I never had siblings, but I hoped that if I ever got a sister, she'd be just like you." Kimiko's sapphire orbs were shaking. She laughed, turning her head. "Damn it, are you trying to make me cry." You grinned.

"I don't blame any of you for what happened. You all fought you hardest for my sake. If I'm being honest...all of you would still be alive if I was never born." Your mother's eyes widened.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!!" you were startled by her yell.

"I know I wasn't there to watch you. I-I couldn't see you become the brave person you are now. When you say means the sacrifice we made was all for nothing."

"I-I didn't mean it like that I just-"

"It doesn't matter. We don't regret what happened (Y/N). If it came down to it again, we'd choose to save you every single time. " your eyes wavered at Kimiko's words.

"The only thing regret we have, is not being able to watch you grow. Watch you fall in love." your father voiced.

"Love.." you looked on, searching for the blond hair caretaker. You sighed. 

"I...can't go back can I ?"

"Yes you can." your eyes widened at your mother's words. "We're here because it's our time. The battle is over for us (Y/N). Is it over for you?" you weren't sure how to reply.

Were you really ready to let go and leave everything else behind?

You were finally reunited with the people you were longing to see. Yet, you still felt like a part of you was missing. Lindel wasn't here. You thought you would feel whole again, if you could just be with your parents, with Kimiko..but you were wrong.

"I want Lindel-sama." Your father smiled at the longing in your eyes.

"We figured things would be like this, you don't have to feel guilty. " Your gaze dropped.

"I'm selfish. I have you all back, but I still want more." you muttered in shame. Kimiko gave a small laugh. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be beside the one you love. I'm actually relieved, you're not still fantasizing about that stupid anime character."

"ICHIGO WILL FOREVER BE MY BAE!! " you huffed. Kimiko sweatdropped. 

"S-Sorry." she apologized. You turned your nose away as you parents laughed.

"We're glad you fell in love with an actual person then." you mother chuckled as you flushed.


The atmosphere settled into a comfortable one as you pulled your knees to chest.

"Then, If I leave...I won't see them anymore. But if I stay, I'll never see Lindel."

Your mother gave you a sympathetic smile. "We can't tell you what to do (Y/N). Whether you stay or go, it all depends on you. Only you can determine when it's time to let go. " You wanted to stay, but your heart was aching like crazy. "Lindel must be feeling the same way I do. If I stay, he'll be I was.." you knew what you had to do. The decision wasn't easy, but you knew in your heart, it was the right one.

"I....I want to go back.." you lamented.

All three of them gave understanding smiles. "You don't have to look so sad. I kinda expected it. There is someone waiting for you after all. I'd be pretty pissed if you stayed here after you took so long to get a boyfriend." Kimiko joked. You giggled, standing slowly.

Your head turned to the river, you didn't know why but you felt like it was drawing you in.

"Is that where I'm supposed to go?" You looked back. Kimiko nodded along with your parents.

"The river is where your heart first learned to trust." you were confused, until you remembered that day when Lindel dove into the water after you.

"That was the first time that I realized it, how much he really meant to me. "

You took a step forward, moving to the river, until you stopped. Kimiko blinked.

"What's wron-" you turned around abruptly, running towards them at full speed. Your body crashed into the three of them as you all fell to the floor. Groans and grunts were heard below you.

"A-Are you trying to kill us again!!" Kimiko fumed. She froze when she felt your body trembling. You were hugging all of them, crying.

"I love you all s-so much." you sobbed out. Her eyes softened as she returned the hug. You mother and father did the same.

"We love you too (Y/N)." They said in unison. You smiled through you tears.

"I'll miss you." 

Ancient Magus Bride Fanfiction (Lindel) ❤Where stories live. Discover now