Chapter 10

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You had seen a lot since you entered the world of magic, but this...this was on a whole other level. Your eyes were glued to the dragon. It was huge, body a pale blue, scales littered all over it's body. It's wings looked were lowered to the ground but you could still tell that they were huge. 

Golden eyes stared at you as you walked closer. Lindel had jumped down from the dragon's back walking over to you. You moved closer reaching out to touch the beautiful creature. You half expected it to pull away but it leaned forward into your palm. Lindel looked fairly surprised. You just grinned when the dragon gave a low appreciative growl. Your smile widened as you hugged it around it's neck with a smile.

"So cute!!" you gushed rubbing your cheek against it's side. Lindel laughed at your excitement. A couple of the hatchlings ran out. Your smile widened. "You have babies too!!" you gushed. Lindel nodded.

"The older ones are rarely so friendly to outsiders though, you must be special." You finally turned to the male. Your eyes scanned him. You released the dragon who gave a small whine moving with you. You walked closer to him with trained eyes. He gave a nervous chuckle as you just kept staring, not uttering a word.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked curiously. Rahab just watched the interaction with a smirk.

You pulled on one of the loose strands he had tied in his hair. You finally spoke after a couple tugs.

"I expected someone cooler to be the caretaker of dragons." An irk mark appeared on his head.

"Rude little girl." he mumbled.

You smiled brightly. Lindel gazed at you a bit unsurley when he felt a small thump in his chest.

"That's strange..she just smiled but I..."  When he focused back on you, you were rolling on the grass with that dragon falling your lead, acting like a hugs cat. Lindel sweatdropped.

 "I must have imagined it."

Rahab just kept watching the scene play out. When she saw you distracted, she pulled Lindel at the side to talk.

"I need you to take care of her for me, she needs to be taught the basics. I think you'd be the best for the lessons she requires."

"Rahab-sama, You know how I feel about apprentices. The last one I mentored turned out to be a real pain." The dark haired women chuckled. "Elias has grown quite well actually. I heard he has a bride now, a sleigh beggy." Lindel nodded. "She's a very interesting one, humans in general always intrigue me." His eyes flicked in your direction unconsciously.

"She's lost a lot, I've been watching over her for years now. My hope was to try and seal her magic so she wouldn't have to go through this again. If I'm being honest, I'd much prefer if she was like Elias. He had no memories of his past life, I can't help with the pain she's in right now."

Lindel titled his head. "She looks awfully happy, maybe her pain has passed and you just didn't notice." Rahab shook her head. "One thing she's mastered is covering up how she feels. If you could see the wounds on her heart, the way you view physical scars, her body would be drowning in them." Violet eyes moved to you running form.

"I see.." Lindel was partially speechless. He would never be able to tell from the smile you wore as you ran around the dragon gleefully.

Letting out a long sigh he smiled. "Very well, I'll look after her. The dragons need someone to play with after all. They seem to have taken a liking to her anyway. " Rahab's face brightened.

"Thank you Lindel." Rahab turned catching your attention. You looked at her sadly. You knew she was leaving already, there was no way she could stay with your forever.

"I must get going young one." You petted the hatchling next to your hand softly on the head before moving over to Rahab. When you were standing directly in front of her your right hand were shaking lightly. You gripped your wrist to stop the shakes, trying your best to cover it at your side. Amethyst eyes caught the action, spectacle glinting in the sun.

"I have to assist others, the same way I did for you. Lindel will take good care of you."Your eyes watered as she moved forward pulling you into a hug.

"You will find your way (Y/N), I have faith that you'll become an amazing mage. " you clenched her robes, burying your face into her chest. She returned the gesture patting your back soothingly as your shoulders shook.

"Love will ignite in your heart again (Y/N), it will be your greatest strength." she whispered. Tears were running down your face as you pulled back to question her. You never received an answer. She gave you one last pat on the head before she turned. You watched as she seemed to be walking away in slow motion. Your hand reached out unconsciously. In a trail of mist she was gone.

"Be strong little mage." her voice echoed into the air.

"I will, Rahab-sama."

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