Chapter 19

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"(Y/N)-san, can you give me a hand?" you jumped from your spot in the grass racing over to the blond. "Y-Yes Lindel-sama!" Lindel smiled as you ran over to the trees, helping him with some of the wood he was carrying in his arms. You took four of the thick pieces he had. Balancing out the amount of weight he carried. The both of you were holding four pieces each.

"We have a lot of firewood, do we really need more?" Lindel chuckled. "This isn't just regular wood. When it burns the ambers release a chemical that helps the dragons rest. The hatchlings were having some difficulty, so I'm ensuring they are well rested. " you nodded, looking down at the wood in your arms. "There's still so much I really don't know about magic..." your eyes trailed over to Lindel. His posture was always so strong and confident, eyes focused.

After your confession, the both of you agreed to always be honest with your feelings. You couldn't be happier. You were thankful things hadn't changed to much. You thought it would be awkward but...everything felt so natural when you were with Lindel.

"I really love him..." you blushed at the thought, looking down at your feet. You still got embarrassed thinking about such things. You smiled inwardly.

"Ooof!" your face crashed into a sturdy back. You stepped back, rubbing your nose.

"Why'd you stop so suddenly?" you pouted. Lindel turned placing down the wood at the entrance at the cave. "I called your name twice, but you never responded. You seemed pretty occupied in your own thoughts." he smirked. You laughed nervously. "Y-Yeah, I guess I was a bit distracted." you placed down your wood.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked curiously. You flushed. "N-Nothing important!" you said flapping your hands around. Lindel took a step forward. "Were you thinking about me?..." he questioned softly. You stared into his eyes, heart hammering in your chest.

"Y-Yeah..." you admitted sheepishly. You looked away, unable to hold his stare. Lindel smiled.

"I'm glad...that I'm always on your mind (Y/N)-san. " your eyes flickered to his. The loving look in his eyes made your knees weak. "No one has ever...looked at me like makes me feel weird. But at the same time...It feels nice.." Lindel's arm reached up as he touched your cheek. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against your own. Your cheeks colored as you returned the soft kiss. When he pulled away, he wore a mischievous look, licking his lips.

"Although, you really should pay more attention." he teased. You puffed your cheeks childishly.

He laughed patting your head. "You make it to easy (Y/N)-san." he said.

"I-I bet I can make you just as flustered as me, it's not hard!!" you hollered. His eyebrows raised.

"Oh? You really think it will be that easy to sway me." you swallowed when Lindel moved closer. His hand brushed against your cheek, as he held your gaze. "S-Sure." you squeaked out.

Lindel's thumb traced a line from the side of your cheek, straight to your bottom lip. An uneven breath escaped you at the way his eyes studied your every move. His free hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you flushed against him. Lindel leaned forward pressing a soft open mouth kiss on your neck. Your hands tightened into his clothing, chest raising and falling a bit faster. "L-Lindel-sama..." you breathed.

His tongue moved lower, tracing your collarbone. Your eyes were clenched tightly shut, as you enjoyed the feel of his lips on your skin. When he pulled away from your shoulder, his eyes pinned you in place. His gaze looked hazed. You opened your mouth to speak. "Linde-" you squeaked when he pushed you to the ground. You back connected with the grass, thankful that you weren't on a harder surface. You eyebrows scrunched up in annoyance. "H-Hey, what's the big idea!" you fired. You were about to give him an earful until you caught the glimmer in his eyes. Your mouth fell open slightly as you blushed. He pinned your arms above your head.

Your lips quivered in anticipation. "I-I've never seen him like this..." Lindel leaned forward, connecting your lips. This time it felt a lot more hurried. His tongue slid passed your lips with ease. A soft groan rumbled from his throat as he continued to drive you crazy. Your hands were still pinned, his body keeping you in place. When his tongue touched your own, your hips bucked, a soft moan slipping out. Lindel grunted. "She's so submissive..." you had such a fiery personality. He expected you to at least fight a little from his tight hold. It seemed that whenever he touched you, you'd just let him have his way. The thought excited him.

All at once Lindel pulled back, looking down at you. His eyes scanned the breathless expression on your face, as you turned your head to the side. His hands were now on either sides of your head. You placed the back of your palm against your lips, trying to level your breathing. You were clearly embarrassed but, Lindel couldn't help but find your panting figure breathtaking.

"Seems my plan backfired.." he bit his lip, a bit disappointed with his lack of self control.

His plan was just to give you one deep kiss to get you a bit flustered. However, when he started he couldn't seem to stop himself.

"I'm sure you learned your lesson." Lindel stood, giving you a wink. You just laid there gaping at him in disbelief. "Oiiii! T-That's not fair! Y-You didn't prove anything!!!" you hollered. He just laughed walking off. You fumed.

Lindel was going to make his mission to embarrass you every chance he got. 

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