Chapter 26

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You were on your way to recovery. You're body felt a bit weak at times, but you were getting better. Lindel was overly protective, but you expected as much. He just wanted to make sure you were okay. It was a pretty calm day. 

The sky was blue, sun shining, wind blowing. Everything felt so calm. You sucked in a soft breath, just enjoying the atmosphere. Your eyes drifted, searching for the blond caretaker. You hadn't seen him all morning. You moved over to Dra-kun. Maybe he would know. When you stopped by the scaled beast you smiled. He raised his head, tilting it in question. "I'm fine I'm fine!" you advised when you saw the uncertain look in it's golden orbs. "I just wanted to know if you'd seen Lindel-sama." the dragon shook it's head.

"I know where he is!!" you turned when you heard Merituuli. The familiar came skipping over in your direction. You grinned. "Where is he?"

"He went over by the river lower down in the woods. Maybe just to gather some herbs."

You stood with a thoughtful look on your face. "I'm pretty sure the herbs aren't that far down though." Merituuli just looked at you. "Maybe you should check on him. He's been sort of strange since you got better. " The information shocked you. "W-What! But he seemed fine. How could I not notice!" you felt like an idiot. "I'm going. Thanks Merituuli!!" you took off in a sprint. Because of your haste, you failed to notice the mischevious look on the silkie's face.

You panted as you ran pass the trees. Avoiding rocks and roots, you wore a worried look. You jumped on a branch that was blocking your way, maneuvering over it. You grunted as you landing, rising to take off again. When you noticed the familiar trees, a sense of relief washed over you. When you could make out the river, your pace increased. You needed to know he was okay.

As soon as you reached the opening ahead you dashed out.

"LINDEL-SAMA ARE YOU OKAY!!!" you yelled. Your body seemed to shut down at the sight before you. Lindel turned when he heard your voice staring in shock.

"(Y-Y/N)..." you gaped. There was definitely nothing wrong with Lindel. He stood by the small waterfall that resided at the side of the river. Perfectly fine and perfectly naked. His blond hair was sticking to his skin, wet and matted and so very breathtaking. His body looked like it was glistening in the sun. You weren't even sure you were breathing anymore.

"Naked..." the word swirled around in your head. You knew you shouldn't have been staring, but your eyes wouldn't move. Lindel was speechless. He smirked. "How naughty of you. Were you trying to take a peak of your master while he was having a bath.

His words seemed to snap you out of your temporary haze. You took a sharp turn, keeping your eyes down.

"I-I had no idea you were bathing LIndel-sama!! M-Merituuli said you were acting strange so I raced over but you- y-you..." you couldn't finish the statement. Lindel shook his head.

"I'll have to scold him when I get back." Lindel watched as you stood in place. You were just standing there. He saw when your hands tightened, eyebrows raised in question.

"Maybe I should be thanking him instead. This may be just what was needed for her to view me as a man." Lindel pulled on his robes from the side, getting dressed. You looked pretty freaked so he was positive you probably never seen a male's body before. He didn't want to scare you off. His eyes kept watching the small movements you made as he got closer.

You gripped the bottom of your shirt. "W-Why do I feel so weird all of a sudden.." it felt like it was getting harder for you to breathe. You were positive your cheeks were completely red. You bit down on your lip when the image popped back into your head. "His skin looked so soft, I want to touch him....."

"(Y/N)?" you jumped when you heard his call. You gasped as he came into view. Your hands instinctively moved to your chest. Lindel looked at you in surprise. There was a new look in your eyes. One he hadn't seen before. The way you were looking at him now almost made him blush. You were letting out shallow breaths. Lindel's heart gave a heavy thump. "Is she..aroused.." Lindel barely believed what he was seeing. You just stood there staring at him with hooded eyes.

"Lindel-sama..." you're not sure whats going on but you find yourself walking forward. Lindel is just watching your movements. Without a second thought, you're pressed against him in a searing kiss. Lindel freezes for a second, then responds, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer. Your hands moved to the back of his head, gripping his hair a bit tight as you continue to kiss him urgently. Lindel takes an unsteady step back with a groan. 

"S-She's..." he grunts when you grind on him. "Where did this side come from.." He wants to pull away, because at the back of his mind he feels as though he's taking advantage of you. You were still pretty new to this and young. As long as Lindel had lived there were still things he didn't understand. His unconditional love for you was one of them. He didn't want to jeopardize what you both had because of his urges. "She initiated the kiss though..." Lindel shook his head pulling away with a soft gasp.

"W-we can't!" You looked at him through hazed eyes. "Lindel-sama.." you muttered. Lindel bit his lip at your needy tone. He held you by your shoulders, keeping you at a distance. "Listen to me...y-your're still very young. W-We have a lot of time to-" Lindel let out a startled yell when he saw a spark of your magic shot out. His back made contact with the ground softly. He looked to the side when he didn't feel the hard surface of the dirt under him. Instead, roses cushioned his body. He turned back staring at you in awe.

 Lindel made a move to get up, but his hands felt pinned to the ground. "I-is she using her magic on me..." Your eyes were still glazed. Lindel swallowed diverting his gaze as he tried to sound demanding. "(Y-Y/N) I order you to release me!!" A soft smile grazed your lips as you lowered unto the ground. One of your legs slipped between his as you pressed your body against his. Lindel pulled in a shaky breath. You finger tips brushed against his cheek, turning his head in your direction. Lindel's eyes were shaking as you stared at him lustfully. 

"I want you...Lindel-sama..." he stared at you wide eyed. Had he misjudged you this entire time, he always took you for this oblivious innocent girl. Maybe you just needed the right person to bring out this side of you. Lindel's eyes went dark. For a second nothing happened, before you knew what happening a light started to shine from his palms. You stared for a second confused. In a split second Lindel raised his hands, flipping you unto your back, switching your positions.

His hand clutched both your wrists at the side of your head. You were about to speak, but your breath got stuck in throat when you saw the look in his eyes. They were glowing. "I've been trying my best not to make to many advances on you,but you just keep pushing." He leaned next to your ear. "I'm not the type to be gentle when I make love (Y/N).." your heart gave a quick thump. Lindel's hand tightened against your wrist as he slipped his leg between your own, you shifted with a needy whimper when his knee brushed against your heat. "Are you sure you're ready for me to touch be inside you.." you bit your lip when he lips trailed from your ear to your neck. He pressed a soft kiss, before nibbling on your throat. The brushes of his teeth on your skin was driving you crazy. Lindel pulled back slowly just watching you for a second. Without a word, he released your hands. Lindel stood, looking down at you. You just laid there frazzled for a few seconds. "We should get back." he turned walking off.

You were just lying there.

"What just...happened..." 

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